前言一、所需环境二、实现思路2.1. 定义了LeNet网络模型结构,并训练了20次2.2 以txt格式导出训练结果(模型的各个层权重偏置等参数)2.3 (可选)以pth格式导出训练结果,以方便后期调试2.4 C++ CUDA要做的事 三、C++ CUDA具体实现3.1 新建.cu文件并填好框架3.2 C++实现各网络层3.0 CUDA 编程 核心思路3.1 卷积层Conv13.2 激活函数ReLu13.2 池化层MaxPool13.3 卷积层Conv23.4 激活函数ReLu23.5 池化层MaxPool23.6 全连接层fc13.7 激活函数ReLu33.8 全连接层fc23.9 激活函数ReLu43.10 全连接层fc33.11 输出结果3.12 后续改进 四、源码4.1 CUDA最终源码 总结
本篇文章将介绍如何以MNIST数据集为例,从零开始用C++ CUDA搭建出LeNet神经网络的推理代码过程。注意,本篇教程只是推理的部分,训练部分先用已有的Python代码。
推理代码所需环境:C++、对应版本的CUDA。(如果有VS 编译器的话,可以直接在安装CUDA的时候,勾选VS依赖包,从而能直接在VS编译器上新建CUDA项目 )
如果已经有CUDA环境了但之前没有勾选Visual Studio Integration,可以参考这篇文章。如果嫌配置麻烦也可以卸载CUDA再重新安装。
要用C++ CUDA实现LeNet的推理过程(即前向传播),我们需要先知道LeNet的神经网络架构是怎么样的。本篇文章所用的LeNet 训练代码如下:
#Train_LeNet.py'''Package Version------------------------ ----------certifi 2023.7.22charset-normalizer 3.2.0cmake 3.12.4idna 3.4Jinja2 3.1.2lit 16.0.6MarkupSafe 2.1.3mpmath 1.3.0networkx 3.1numpy 1.26.0nvidia-cublas-cu11 11.7.101nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 11.7.99nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 11.7.99nvidia-cudnn-cu11 2.14.3nvidia-nvtx-cu11 11.7.91Pillow 10.0.1pip 23.2.1requests 2.31.0setuptools 68.0.0sympy 1.12torch 2.0.1torchaudio 2.0.2torchvision 0.15.2triton 2.0.0typing_extensions 4.7.1urllib3 2.0.4wheel 0.38.4'''import torchimport torchvisionimport torchvision.transforms as transformsimport torch.nn as nnimport torch.optim as optimimport numpy as npimport torch.nn.functional as Fimport os# 定义LeNet模型class LeNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(LeNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 5) self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 4 * 4, 120) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10) def forward(self, x): x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x))) x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x))) x = x.view(-1, 16 * 4 * 4) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.fc3(x) return xscript_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # 获取脚本所在的目录# 数据预处理transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])# 加载数据集trainset = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(os.path.join(script_dir, '../../data'), download=True, train=True, transform=transform)testset = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(os.path.join(script_dir, '../../data'), download=True, train=False, transform=transform)trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False)# 创建模型model = LeNet()model = model.to('cuda')# 定义损失函数和优化器criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.002, momentum=0.9)# 训练模型for epoch in range(20): print('epoch ', epoch) for inputs, labels in trainloader: inputs, labels = inputs.to('cuda'), labels.to('cuda') optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step()# 测试模型的准确率correct = 0total = 0with torch.no_grad(): for data in testloader: images, labels = data images, labels = images.to('cuda'), labels.to('cuda') outputs = model(images) _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1) total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()print(correct / total)# 以txt的方式导出模型参数,也可以自定义导出模型参数的文件格式,这里使用了最简单的方法。for name, param in model.named_parameters(): np.savetxt(os.path.join(script_dir, f'./{name}.txt'), param.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten())#将该模型保存起来,以方便python代码对该模型进行读取调试torch.save(model, "./model/modeltrain.pth")
2.1. 定义了LeNet网络模型结构,并训练了20次
2.2 以txt格式导出训练结果(模型的各个层权重偏置等参数)
这些txt文件就代表了LeNet训练后的模型结果,如果你们不想训练可以直接下载 提取码:4DEF
2.3 (可选)以pth格式导出训练结果,以方便后期调试
我们不仅要用C++ CUDA实现LeNet的推理,还用Python的PyTorch实现一遍LeNet推理过程。
由于Python实现LeNet推理十分简单,即在原先训练代码上修改几行函数即可实现,不可能有出错情况,故我们可以将Python实现的LeNet推理结果作为参考答案,利用PyTorch提供的hook方法来打印LeNet模型每个层的输出结果,并将自己C++ CUDA每一层的输出进行逐层比较,从而得知自己用CUDA实现的LeNet推理代码是否有问题。
这里本文也提供LeNet的 python推理代码:
#Inference_LeNet.pyimport torchimport torchvisionimport torchvision.transforms as transformsimport torch.nn as nnimport torch.optim as optimimport numpy as npimport torch.nn.functional as Fimport osimport structclass LeNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(LeNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 5) self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 4 * 4, 120) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10) def forward(self, x): x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x))) x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x))) x = x.view(-1, 16 * 4 * 4) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.fc3(x) return xscript_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # 获取脚本所在的目录# 数据预处理transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])# 加载数据集trainset = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(os.path.join(script_dir, './data'), download=False, train=True, transform=transform)testset = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(os.path.join(script_dir, './data'), download=False, train=False, transform=transform)trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)#输出conv1层结果def conv1_hook1(model,input,output): print("conv1 ", output[0,0,:,:])#输出conv1第1个通道结果 print("conv1 ", output[0, 5, :, :])#输出conv1第5个通道结果 print("relu: ",F.relu(output[0,0,:,:]))def conv2_hook1(model,input,output): print("relu2: ", F.relu(output[0, 0, :, :])) print("cov2: ",output[0,0,:,:])def relu_hook1(model, input, output): print("relu ", output[0, 5, :, :]) # [0, 0, 0, :]def maxpool_hook1(model, input, output): try: print("max pool ", output[0, 0, :, :]) # [0, 0, 0, :] except: returndef fc1_hook1(model, input, output): print("fc1 ", output) # [0, 0, 0, :] print("fc1 ", F.relu(output)) # [0, 0, 0, :] #print("conv1 ",output[0,2,0:10,0:10])#想查看哪层网络输出结果,就取消注释掉哪一层#model.conv1.register_forward_hook(conv1_hook1) #输出conv1结果#model.pool.register_forward_hook(maxpool_hook1)#model.relu.register_forward_hook(maxpool_hook1)#model.conv2.register_forward_hook(conv2_hook1)#model.fc2.register_forward_hook(fc1_hook1)model = torch.load("./model/modeltrain.pth")model.eval()model = model.to('cuda')model.conv1.register_forward_hook(conv1_hook1)data = iter(testloader)#print(data)sum = 0for i in range(10000): image,label = next(data) image = image.to('cuda') output = model(image) #print(output) pre = 0 for i in range(10): if output[0][i] > output[0][pre]: pre = i if pre == label: sum+=1#算准确率print(sum/10000)
2.4 C++ CUDA要做的事
我们要做的,就是用C++ CUDA实现这四个网络层,并为每个层开辟数组以存储txt中的模型各个层参数,并将这些参数从Host移动到Device内存中(即从CPU端移动到显卡端)。再编写运行在Device上的CUDA函数,让CUDA函数能并行调用Device内存中的参数进行卷积等运算,从而提高推理速度,实现CPU串行推理所做不到的事。
三、C++ CUDA具体实现
3.1 新建.cu文件并填好框架
//Inference_LeNet.cu#include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <chrono>#include <iomanip>#include <string>#include <stdlib.h>#include "cuda_runtime.h"#include "device_launch_parameters.h"#ifndef __CUDACC__ #define __CUDACC__#endif//#include <device_functions.h>//定义宏函数wbCheck,该函数用于检查Device内存是否分配成功,以避免写过多代码#define wbCheck(stmt) do { \ cudaError_t err = stmt; \ if (err != cudaSuccess) { \ printf( "\n\nFailed to run stmt %d ", __LINE__); \ printf( "Got CUDA error ... %s \n\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); \ return -1; \ } \ } while(0)// 读取MNIST数据集图片,该数据集需自行从网上下载,或直接运行上面的LeNet python训练程序自动下载std::vector<std::vector<float>> read_mnist_images(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary); if (!file) { std::cout << "Cannot open file!" << std::endl; return {}; } int magic_number = 0, num_images = 0, num_rows = 0, num_cols = 0; file.read((char*)&magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); file.read((char*)&num_images, sizeof(num_images)); file.read((char*)&num_rows, sizeof(num_rows)); file.read((char*)&num_cols, sizeof(num_cols)); // Reverse Integers (MNIST data is in big endian format) magic_number = ((magic_number & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((magic_number & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((magic_number & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((magic_number & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_images = ((num_images & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_images & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_images & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_images & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_rows = ((num_rows & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_rows & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_rows & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_rows & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_cols = ((num_cols & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_cols & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_cols & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_cols & 0x000000ff) << 24); int image_size = num_rows * num_cols; std::vector<std::vector<float>> images(num_images, std::vector<float>(image_size)); for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < image_size; ++j) { unsigned char pixel = 0; file.read((char*)&pixel, sizeof(pixel)); images[i][j] = static_cast<float>(pixel) / 255.0f; } } return images;}// loading MNIST Labelsstd::vector<int> read_mnist_labels(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary); if (!file) { std::cout << "Cannot open file!" << std::endl; return {}; } int magic_number = 0, num_items = 0; file.read((char*)&magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); file.read((char*)&num_items, sizeof(num_items)); // Reverse Integers (MNIST data is in big endian format) magic_number = ((magic_number & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((magic_number & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((magic_number & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((magic_number & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_items = ((num_items & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_items & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_items & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_items & 0x000000ff) << 24); std::vector<int> labels(num_items); for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) { unsigned char label = 0; file.read((char*)&label, sizeof(label)); labels[i] = static_cast<int>(label); } return labels;}// 负责从txt文件中读取参数std::vector<float> read_param(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path); std::vector<float> params; float param; while (file >> param) { params.push_back(param); } return params;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string dir = argv[1]; //dir from args // cout << dir; //printf("%s", dir.c_str()); auto images = read_mnist_images(dir + "/../../data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"); //input height = input width = 28 // loading label auto labels = read_mnist_labels(dir + "/../../data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"); // loading param from .txt auto conv1_weight = read_param(dir + "/conv1.weight.txt"); auto conv1_bias = read_param(dir + "/conv1.bias.txt"); auto conv2_weight = read_param(dir + "/conv2.weight.txt"); auto conv2_bias = read_param(dir + "/conv2.bias.txt"); auto fc1_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc1.weight.txt"); auto fc1_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc1.bias.txt"); auto fc2_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc2.weight.txt"); auto fc2_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc2.bias.txt"); auto fc3_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc3.weight.txt"); auto fc3_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc3.bias.txt"); int correct_nums = 0, predict_label;// images.size() int index = 0,k=0; auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理 } // CUDA 同步 cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // calculate time auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> diff = end - start; // print result std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << diff.count() << ":"<<float(correct_nums)/float(images.size()) return 0;}
3.2 C++实现各网络层
既然框架和基本函数已经有了,那我们就专注于如何用C++ CUDA实现各个网络层即可:
3.0 CUDA 编程 核心思路
//伪代码dim3 blocksperGrid(6);//设置并行块数为6dim3 threadsperBlock(24, 24); //每个并行块中有(24x24)个线程处理函数 << < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (balabalabala);
每个并行块负责处理一张图片,且每个线程块都有自己的一个ID号,即blockIdx,故每个线程块可以用blockIdx * 0 到 blockIdx * 24 * 24 来获取自己负责的那张图像数据,在本例子中,blockIdx取值为0~5。
每个并行块都可以看成一个24x24的二维矩阵,矩阵里的每个元素即为一个线程,每个线程都有自己的一个二维标识的ID号,即(threadIdx.x,threadIdx.y),利用blockIdx * 24 * 24 + threadIdx.x * 24 + threadIdx.y 则可以获取自己负责处理的像素下标,在本例子中,threadIdx.x和y取值为0~23。
//伪代码//每个线程都会调用一次线程函数__ global ___ 线程函数(float* input_image, float* output_image){input_pixel_index = blockIdx * 24 * 24 + threadIdx.x * 24 + threadIdx.y;input_pixel_value = input_image[input_pixel_index];//输出值 = 原像素值+1output_pixel_value = input_pixel_value + 1;//假设输出的数据也是存在一维的6x24x24矩阵中output_pixel_index = blockIdx * 24 * 24 + threadIdx.x * 24 + threadIdx.y;//存到输出矩阵中 output_image[output_pixel_index] = output_pixel_value ;}int main(){dim3 blocksperGrid(6);//设置并行块数为6,必须要用dim3设置dim3 threadsperBlock(24, 24); //每个并行块中有(24x24)个线程线程函数<< < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (balabalabala);}//自此,我们就能让每个并行线程根据自己的下标找到自己所负责的待处理像素。
3.1 卷积层Conv1
由LeNet模型定义可知,我们从MNIST中读取一张图片后,需要输入到第一个卷积层nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 5)
卷积层1 | 数据 |
输入channels | 1 通道 |
输出channels | 6 通道 |
核大小 | 5*5 |
核数量 | 6 (有几个输出通道就有几个核) |
权重参数(weight)数量 | 25*6 (有6个核,每个核是5*5的矩阵,每个矩阵元素代表一个weight) |
偏置参数(bias)数量 | 6 (有几个核就有几个偏置) |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1 int input_height = 28;//MNIST数据集单张图像大小 长=宽=28 int kernel_height = 5; int output_height = input_height - kernel_height + 1; //用卷积层公式得到输出的高度 int input_channels = 1, output_channels = 6, kernel_channel = 1, kernel_nums = 6; float* device_InputImage;//开辟一个显卡上的内存空间,用于存储输入的图像数据 float* device_OutputImage;//开辟一个显卡上的内存空间,用于存储输出的图像数据 float* device_kernel_weight;//开辟一个显卡上的内存空间,用于存储卷积层的核的 150 个权重参数 float* device_kernel_bias;//开辟一个显卡上的内存空间,用于存储卷积层的核的 6 个偏置参数//用cudaMalloc函数给显卡分配所需内存大小,并用wbCheck检查是否分配成功wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_InputImage, &images[t][0], images[t].size() * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));//读入MNIST数据集第t张图片 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_InputImage, input_height * input_height * input_channels * sizeof(float)));//28x28x1 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_OutputImage, output_height * output_height * output_channels * sizeof(float)));//24x24x6 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_kernel_weight, kernel_height * kernel_height * kernel_channel * kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//5x5x6=150 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_kernel_bias, kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//6//分配完内存后,将txt中的权重值和bias值存储到分配好的空间上。 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_kernel_weight, &conv1_weight[0], kernel_height * kernel_height * kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_kernel_bias, &conv1_bias[0], kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); //分配完内存后,设定你要并行的数量 dim3 threadsperBlock(output_height, output_height); //(24,24) dim3 blocksperGrid(6);//总共6个输出通道,故要开辟6x24x24个并行线程(6个并行块,每个块中有24x24个并行线程) //调用并行函数Convlotuion1,该函数会以6x(24x24)个线程进行运算 Convolution1 << < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (device_InputImage, device_OutputImage, device_kernel_weight, device_kernel_bias, input_height, output_height, kernel_height); }
的一维矩阵,每个并行块可以用自己的块Id来获取自己通道对应的核参数: blockId * 0 至 blockId * 5 * 5。
的输出图像时,每个线程可以根据自己所属的并行块Id以及线程Id来得到要保存的地址下标:blockIdx.x * 24 * 24 + threadIdx.x * 24 + threadIdx.y
blockIdx.x * 24 * 24 代表前面已经存入了多少通道的24 x 24的图像数据,按顺序接下来的位置才是自己这个通道所要存储的。
threadIdx.x * 24 + threadIdx.y则表示自己这个线程负责的像素下标。两者加起来才是实际要在6x24x24
// 给定二维矩阵中的行和列下标,计算出一维矩阵对应下标的元素。#define OFFSET(row, col, ld) ((row) * (ld) + (col))//global是指该函数是用于CUDA并行函数__global__ void Convolution1(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* kernel_weights, float* kernel_bias, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height){ int input_image_index;//要处理的输入像素对应下标 int kernel_index;//当前运行到哪个核的哪个下标 float value = 0; //由于我们的线程数目设置的是(24,24),故不可能超过边界,这里的if可加可不加。如果设置成(32,32)则需要加 if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { //进行卷积操作,至于什么blockIdx和threadIdx说白了就是地址换算,看着复杂而已 for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = OFFSET(threadIdx.x+i, threadIdx.y+j, input_height); kernel_index = blockIdx.x * kernel_height * kernel_height + OFFSET(i, j, kernel_height); value += input_image[input_image_index] * kernel_weights[kernel_index]; } //将卷积结果存入到输出图像的对应位置中 output_image[blockIdx.x * output_height* output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y] = value + kernel_bias[blockIdx.x];//确保线程都执行完毕 __syncthreads(); }}
3.2 激活函数ReLu1
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//.....//Relu int relu_input_height = output_height; //relu input height = conv1 output height int relu_output_height = relu_input_height; int relu_input_channels = output_channels; //relu input channels = conv1 output channels float* device_relu_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_Output_image, relu_input_height * relu_input_height * relu_input_channels * sizeof(float))); ReLu << < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (device_OutputImage, device_relu_Output_image, relu_input_height, relu_output_height); }
__global__ void ReLu(float* input_image, float* output_image,int input_height,int output_height) { if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { int input_index = blockIdx.x * input_height * input_height + threadIdx.x * input_height + threadIdx.y; if (input_image[input_index] <= 0) output_image[input_index] = 0; else output_image[input_index] = input_image[input_index]; __syncthreads(); }}
3.2 池化层MaxPool1
从ReLu出来后,数据进入到nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
中。nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
MaxPool1 | 数据 |
输入channels | 6 通道 |
输出channels | 6 通道 |
输入图像大小 | 24*24 |
输出图像大小 | 12*12 |
核大小 | 2*2 |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//.....//Max Pool1 int pool1_input_height = relu_output_height; int pool1_output_height = 12; int stride = 2, pool1_kernel_height = 2; int pool1_channels = 6; float* device_pool1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_pool1_Output_image, pool1_output_height * pool1_output_height * pool1_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 pool1_threadsperBlock(12, 12);//threadsperBlockMaxPool1 << <blocksperGrid, pool1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_Output_image, device_pool1_Output_image, pool1_input_height, pool1_output_height, pool1_kernel_height, stride, pool1_channels); }
//找出周围最大值__global__ void MaxPool1(float* input_image, float* output_image, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height, int stride,int channel) { int input_image_index; int kernel_index; float value = 0; if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = blockIdx.x*input_height*input_height+ OFFSET(threadIdx.x*stride + i, threadIdx.y*stride + j, input_height); if (input_image[input_image_index] >= value)//如果当前值更大 { value = input_image[input_image_index]; } } output_image[blockIdx.x * output_height * output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y] = value; __syncthreads(); }}
3.3 卷积层Conv2
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//.....//Conv2 int conv2_input_height = pool1_output_height;//12 int conv2_kernel_height = 5; int conv2_output_height = conv2_input_height - conv2_kernel_height + 1;//8 int conv2_input_channels = 6, conv2_output_channels = 16, conv2_kernel_channel = 6, conv2_kernel_nums = 16; float* device_conv2__OutputImage; float* device_conv2__kernel_weight; float* device_conv2__kernel_bias; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__OutputImage, conv2_output_height * conv2_output_height * conv2_output_channels * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__kernel_weight, conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_channel * conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//5*5*6*15 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__kernel_bias, conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//16 //读取权重和偏置 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_conv2__kernel_weight, &conv2_weight[0], conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_channel * conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_conv2__kernel_bias, &conv2_bias[0], conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 conv2_threadsperBlock(conv2_output_height, conv2_output_height); //(8,8) dim3 conv2_blocksperGrid(16); Convolution2 << < conv2_blocksperGrid, conv2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_pool1_Output_image, device_conv2__OutputImage, device_conv2__kernel_weight, device_conv2__kernel_bias , conv2_input_height, conv2_output_height, conv2_kernel_height, conv2_input_channels); }
__global__ void Convolution2(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* kernel_weights, float* kernel_bias, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height,int input_channel){ int input_image_index; int kernel_index; if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { int output_index = blockIdx.x * output_height * output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y; float value = 0; //进行卷积操作 for (int z = 0; z < input_channel; z++) { for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = z * input_height * input_height + OFFSET(threadIdx.x + i, threadIdx.y + j, input_height); kernel_index = (blockIdx.x) * (input_channel) * kernel_height * kernel_height + z * kernel_height * kernel_height + OFFSET(i, j, kernel_height); value += input_image[input_image_index] * kernel_weights[kernel_index]; } } } output_image[output_index] = value + kernel_bias[blockIdx.x]; } }
3.4 激活函数ReLu2
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//.....//ReLu2int relu2_input_channels = conv2_output_channels;//16 int relu2_input_height = conv2_output_height;//8 int relu2_output_height = relu2_input_height;//8 float* device_relu2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu2_Output_image, relu2_output_height * relu2_output_height * relu2_input_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu2_threadsperBlock(conv2_output_height, conv2_output_height); //(8,8) dim3 relu2_blocksperGrid(16); ReLu << <relu2_blocksperGrid, relu2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_conv2__OutputImage, device_relu2_Output_image, relu2_input_height, relu2_output_height); }
3.5 池化层MaxPool2
MaxPool1 | 数据 |
输入channels | 16 通道 |
输出channels | 16 通道 |
输入图像大小 | 8*8 |
输出图像大小 | 4*4 |
核大小 | 2*2 |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//.....//Max pool2 int pool2_input_height = relu2_output_height; int pool2_output_height = 4;//(pool2_input_height - 1)/2+1 ; int pool2_stride = 2, pool2_kernel_height = 2; int pool2_channels = relu2_input_channels;//16 float* device_pool2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_pool2_Output_image, pool2_output_height* pool2_output_height* pool2_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 pool2_threadsperBlock(pool2_output_height, pool2_output_height);//4 dim3 pool2_blocksperGrid(16);MaxPool1 << <pool2_blocksperGrid, pool2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu2_Output_image, device_pool2_Output_image, pool2_input_height, pool2_output_height, pool2_kernel_height, pool2_stride, pool2_channels); }
3.6 全连接层fc1
全连接层fc1 | 数据 |
输入channels | 16 通道 |
输出channels | 16 通道 |
输入图像大小 | 4*4 |
输出图像大小 | 1*120 |
核大小 | 16*4*4 = 256 |
核数量 | 120 |
权重参数(weight)数量 | 256*120 = 30720 |
偏置参数(bias)数量 | 120 (有几个核就有几个偏置) |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//Max pool2//.....//fc1 int fc1_input_channels = pool2_channels;//16 int fc1_input_height = pool2_output_height; //4 int fc1_output_height = 120; float* device_fc1__kernel_weight; float* device_fc1__kernel_bias; float* device_fc1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1__kernel_weight, fc1_input_height* fc1_input_height* fc1_input_channels* fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//4*4*16*120 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1__kernel_bias, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1_Output_image, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc1__kernel_weight, &fc1_weight[0], fc1_input_height* fc1_input_height* fc1_input_channels* fc1_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc1__kernel_bias, &fc1_bias[0], fc1_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc1_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc1_blocksperGrid(fc1_output_height);//(120)Fc1_naive << <fc1_blocksperGrid, fc1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_pool2_Output_image, device_fc1_Output_image, device_fc1__kernel_weight, device_fc1__kernel_bias, fc1_input_height, fc1_input_channels); }
__global__ void Fc1_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; //计算一次核操作,即对应元素相乘再相加 for (int i = 0; i < 16 * 4 * 4; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x*16*4*4 + i]; } //最后再加上一次bias output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}
3.7 激活函数ReLu3
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//Max pool2//fc1//.....//relu fc1int relu_fc1_input_channels = 1;//1 int relu_fc1_input_height = fc1_output_height;//120 int relu_fc1_output_height = relu_fc1_input_height;//120 float* device_relu_fc1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_fc1_Output_image, relu_fc1_output_height * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu_fc1_threadsperBlock(1); //(8,8) dim3 relu_fc1_blocksperGrid(relu_fc1_output_height);ReLu_fc1 << <relu_fc1_blocksperGrid, relu_fc1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_fc1_Output_image, device_relu_fc1_Output_image); }
__global__ void ReLu_fc1(float* input_image, float* output_image) { if (input_image[blockIdx.x] <= 0) output_image[blockIdx.x] = 0; else output_image[blockIdx.x] = input_image[blockIdx.x];}
3.8 全连接层fc2
全连接层fc2 | 数据 |
输入channels | 1 通道 |
输出channels | 1 通道 |
输入图像大小 | 1*120 |
输出图像大小 | 1*84 |
核大小 | 120 |
核数量 | 84 |
权重参数(weight)数量 | 10080 |
偏置参数(bias)数量 | 84 (有几个核就有几个偏置) |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//Max pool2//fc1//relu fc1//.....//fc2int fc2_input_channels = 1; int fc2_input_height = relu_fc1_output_height; //120 int fc2_output_height = 84; float* device_fc2__kernel_weight; float* device_fc2__kernel_bias; float* device_fc2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2__kernel_weight, fc2_input_height* fc2_input_channels* fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120*84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2__kernel_bias, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2_Output_image, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc2__kernel_weight, &fc2_weight[0], fc2_input_height* fc2_input_channels* fc2_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc2__kernel_bias, &fc2_bias[0], fc2_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc2_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc2_blocksperGrid(fc2_output_height);//(84)Fc2_naive << <fc2_blocksperGrid, fc2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_fc1_Output_image, device_fc2_Output_image, device_fc2__kernel_weight, device_fc2__kernel_bias, fc2_input_height, fc2_input_channels); }
__global__ void Fc2_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x * 120 + i]; } output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}
3.9 激活函数ReLu4
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//Max pool2//fc1//relu fc1//fc2//.....//relu fc2int relu_fc2_input_channels = 1;//1 int relu_fc2_input_height = fc2_output_height;//84 int relu_fc2_output_height = relu_fc2_input_height;//84 float* device_relu_fc2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_fc2_Output_image, relu_fc2_output_height * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu_fc2_threadsperBlock(1); //(1) dim3 relu_fc2_blocksperGrid(relu_fc2_output_height);//84ReLu_fc1 << <relu_fc2_blocksperGrid, relu_fc2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_fc2_Output_image, device_relu_fc2_Output_image); }
3.10 全连接层fc3
全连接层fc3 | 数据 |
输入channels | 1 通道 |
输出channels | 1 通道 |
输入图像大小 | 1*84 |
输出图像大小 | 1*10 |
核大小 | 84 |
核数量 | 10 |
权重参数(weight)数量 | 84*1*10 = 840 |
偏置参数(bias)数量 | 10 (输出图像大小) |
for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) {//TODO:在这里实现逐张图片推理//Conv1//ReLu1//Max Pool1//Conv2//ReLu2//Max pool2//fc1//relu fc1//fc2//relu fc2//.....//fc3int fc3_input_channels = 1; int fc3_input_height = relu_fc2_output_height; //84 int fc3_output_height = 10; float* host_fc3_Output_image; host_fc3_Output_image = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * fc3_output_height); float* device_fc3__kernel_weight; float* device_fc3__kernel_bias; float* device_fc3_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3__kernel_weight, fc3_input_height* fc3_input_channels* fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120*84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3__kernel_bias, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3_Output_image, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc3__kernel_weight, &fc3_weight[0], fc3_input_height* fc3_input_channels* fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc3__kernel_bias, &fc3_bias[0], fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc3_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc3_blocksperGrid(fc3_output_height);//(84)Fc3_naive << <fc3_blocksperGrid, fc3_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_fc2_Output_image, device_fc3_Output_image, device_fc3__kernel_weight, device_fc3__kernel_bias, fc3_input_height, fc3_input_channels);//将输出结果拷贝回Host内存cudaMemcpy(host_fc3_Output_image, device_fc3_Output_image, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); }
__global__ void Fc3_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 84; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x * 84 + i]; } output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}
3.11 输出结果
在逐张图片推理过程中,需要每次都将上一次开辟出来的空间数据清零,不然会导致逐张图片推理后误差越来越大。每次调用完global函数后,应当检查函数是否执行正常(用wbCheck(cudaGetLastError())等函数)。各个网络层的输入/输出尺寸大小等变量其实应该在for循环代码块外定义,以免重复定义浪费时间。在一切结束后记得调用cudaFree()释放内存。3.12 后续改进
动态并行方法,即开辟1万个线程,每个线程又并行处理处理一张图片,从而避免for循环串行带来的时间开销。使用tiling技术,利用好共享内存,减少重复计算量。了解CUDA bank冲突机制,对内存读写过程进行改善。四、源码
4.1 CUDA最终源码
#include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <chrono>#include <iomanip>#include <string>#include <stdlib.h>#include "cuda_runtime.h"#include "device_launch_parameters.h"#ifndef __CUDACC__ #define __CUDACC__#endif//#include <device_functions.h>#define wbCheck(stmt) do { \ cudaError_t err = stmt; \ if (err != cudaSuccess) { \ printf( "\n\nFailed to run stmt %d ", __LINE__); \ printf( "Got CUDA error ... %s \n\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); \ return -1; \ } \ } while(0)// loading MNIST imagesstd::vector<std::vector<float>> read_mnist_images(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary); if (!file) { std::cout << "Cannot open file!" << std::endl; return {}; } int magic_number = 0, num_images = 0, num_rows = 0, num_cols = 0; file.read((char*)&magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); file.read((char*)&num_images, sizeof(num_images)); file.read((char*)&num_rows, sizeof(num_rows)); file.read((char*)&num_cols, sizeof(num_cols)); // Reverse Integers (MNIST data is in big endian format) magic_number = ((magic_number & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((magic_number & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((magic_number & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((magic_number & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_images = ((num_images & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_images & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_images & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_images & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_rows = ((num_rows & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_rows & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_rows & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_rows & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_cols = ((num_cols & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_cols & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_cols & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_cols & 0x000000ff) << 24); int image_size = num_rows * num_cols; std::vector<std::vector<float>> images(num_images, std::vector<float>(image_size)); for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < image_size; ++j) { unsigned char pixel = 0; file.read((char*)&pixel, sizeof(pixel)); images[i][j] = static_cast<float>(pixel) / 255.0f; } } return images;}// loading MNIST Labelsstd::vector<int> read_mnist_labels(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary); if (!file) { std::cout << "Cannot open file!" << std::endl; return {}; } int magic_number = 0, num_items = 0; file.read((char*)&magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); file.read((char*)&num_items, sizeof(num_items)); // Reverse Integers (MNIST data is in big endian format) magic_number = ((magic_number & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((magic_number & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((magic_number & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((magic_number & 0x000000ff) << 24); num_items = ((num_items & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((num_items & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((num_items & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((num_items & 0x000000ff) << 24); std::vector<int> labels(num_items); for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) { unsigned char label = 0; file.read((char*)&label, sizeof(label)); labels[i] = static_cast<int>(label); } return labels;}//读取参数std::vector<float> read_param(const std::string & path) { std::ifstream file(path); std::vector<float> params; float param; while (file >> param) { params.push_back(param); } return params;}//用于打印输出,记得要先将Device内存中数据拷贝回Host才能打印void printVector(float* a){ printf("\nprintconv1 : \n"); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { std::cout << a[0 * 24 * 24 + i * 24 + j] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl;}#define BLOCK_SIZE 32// 24 * 24#define OFFSET(row, col, ld) ((row) * (ld) + (col))__global__ void Convolution1(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* kernel_weights, float* kernel_bias, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height){ //printf("in\n\n"); int input_image_index; int kernel_index; float value = 0; if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = OFFSET(threadIdx.x+i, threadIdx.y+j, input_height); kernel_index = blockIdx.x * kernel_height * kernel_height + OFFSET(i, j, kernel_height); value += input_image[input_image_index] * kernel_weights[kernel_index]; } output_image[blockIdx.x * output_height* output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y] = value + kernel_bias[blockIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); }}__global__ void ReLu(float* input_image, float* output_image,int input_height,int output_height) { if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { int input_index = blockIdx.x * input_height * input_height + threadIdx.x * input_height + threadIdx.y; if (input_image[input_index] <= 0) output_image[input_index] = 0; else output_image[input_index] = input_image[input_index]; __syncthreads(); }}__global__ void MaxPool1(float* input_image, float* output_image, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height, int stride,int channel) { int input_image_index; int kernel_index; float value = 0; if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = blockIdx.x*input_height*input_height+ OFFSET(threadIdx.x*stride + i, threadIdx.y*stride + j, input_height); if (input_image[input_image_index] >= value) { value = input_image[input_image_index]; } } output_image[blockIdx.x * output_height * output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y] = value; __syncthreads(); }}__global__ void Convolution2(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* kernel_weights, float* kernel_bias, int input_height, int output_height, int kernel_height,int input_channel){ int input_image_index; int kernel_index; if (threadIdx.y < output_height && threadIdx.x < output_height) { int output_index = blockIdx.x * output_height * output_height + threadIdx.x * output_height + threadIdx.y; float value = 0; for (int z = 0; z < input_channel; z++) { for (int i = 0; i < kernel_height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kernel_height; j++) { input_image_index = z * input_height * input_height + OFFSET(threadIdx.x + i, threadIdx.y + j, input_height); kernel_index = (blockIdx.x) * (input_channel) * kernel_height * kernel_height + z * kernel_height * kernel_height + OFFSET(i, j, kernel_height); value += input_image[input_image_index] * kernel_weights[kernel_index]; } } } output_image[output_index] = value + kernel_bias[blockIdx.x]; } }__global__ void Fc1(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias,int input_height,int input_channel) { int ouput_index = blockIdx.x; float value = 0; int input_index = 0; int fc1_weights_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input_height; i++) { //4*4 for (int j = 0; j < input_height; j++) { //1*16*4*4 fc1_weights_index = blockIdx.x * (input_channel) * input_height * input_height + threadIdx.x * input_height * input_height + OFFSET(i, j, input_height); input_index = threadIdx.x * input_height * input_height + OFFSET(i, j, input_height); value += input_image[input_index] * fc1_weights[fc1_weights_index]; } } output_image[blockIdx.x] = output_image[blockIdx.x]+ value; __syncthreads();}__global__ void Fc1_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16 * 4 * 4; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x*16*4*4 + i]; } output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}__global__ void ReLu_fc1(float* input_image, float* output_image) { if (input_image[blockIdx.x] <= 0) output_image[blockIdx.x] = 0; else output_image[blockIdx.x] = input_image[blockIdx.x];}__global__ void Fc2_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x * 120 + i]; } output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}__global__ void Fc3_naive(float* input_image, float* output_image, float* fc1_weights, float* fc1_bias, int input_height, int input_channel) { int input_index = 0; int fc1_w_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 84; i++) { output_image[blockIdx.x] += input_image[i] * fc1_weights[blockIdx.x * 84 + i]; } output_image[blockIdx.x] += fc1_bias[blockIdx.x];}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string dir = argv[1]; //dir from args // cout << dir; //printf("%s", dir.c_str()); auto images = read_mnist_images(dir + "/../../data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"); //input height = input width = 28 // loading label auto labels = read_mnist_labels(dir + "/../../data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"); // loading param from .txt auto conv1_weight = read_param(dir + "/conv1.weight.txt"); auto conv1_bias = read_param(dir + "/conv1.bias.txt"); auto conv2_weight = read_param(dir + "/conv2.weight.txt"); auto conv2_bias = read_param(dir + "/conv2.bias.txt"); auto fc1_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc1.weight.txt"); auto fc1_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc1.bias.txt"); auto fc2_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc2.weight.txt"); auto fc2_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc2.bias.txt"); auto fc3_weight = read_param(dir + "/fc3.weight.txt"); auto fc3_bias = read_param(dir + "/fc3.bias.txt"); //Conv1 int input_height = 28; int kernel_height = 5; int output_height = input_height - kernel_height + 1; int input_channels = 1, output_channels = 6, kernel_channel = 1, kernel_nums = 6; float* device_InputImage; float* device_OutputImage; float* device_kernel_weight; float* device_kernel_bias; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_InputImage, input_height * input_height * input_channels * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_OutputImage, output_height * output_height * output_channels * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_kernel_weight, kernel_height * kernel_height * kernel_channel * kernel_nums * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_kernel_bias, kernel_nums * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_kernel_weight, &conv1_weight[0], kernel_height * kernel_height * kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_kernel_bias, &conv1_bias[0], kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 threadsperBlock(output_height, output_height); //(24,24) dim3 blocksperGrid(6); //Relu int relu_input_height = output_height; //relu input height = conv1 output height int relu_output_height = relu_input_height; int relu_input_channels = output_channels; //relu input channels = conv1 output channels float* device_relu_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_Output_image, relu_input_height * relu_input_height * relu_input_channels * sizeof(float))); //Max Pool1 int pool1_input_height = relu_output_height; int pool1_output_height = 12; int stride = 2, pool1_kernel_height = 2; int pool1_channels = 6; float* device_pool1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_pool1_Output_image, pool1_output_height * pool1_output_height * pool1_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 pool1_threadsperBlock(12, 12);//threadsperBlock //Conv2 int conv2_input_height = pool1_output_height;//12 int conv2_kernel_height = 5; int conv2_output_height = conv2_input_height - conv2_kernel_height + 1;//8 int conv2_input_channels = 6, conv2_output_channels = 16, conv2_kernel_channel = 6, conv2_kernel_nums = 16; float* device_conv2__OutputImage; float* device_conv2__kernel_weight; float* device_conv2__kernel_bias; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__OutputImage, conv2_output_height * conv2_output_height * conv2_output_channels * sizeof(float))); wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__kernel_weight, conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_channel * conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//5*5*6*15 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_conv2__kernel_bias, conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float)));//16 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_conv2__kernel_weight, &conv2_weight[0], conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_height * conv2_kernel_channel * conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_conv2__kernel_bias, &conv2_bias[0], conv2_kernel_nums * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 conv2_threadsperBlock(conv2_output_height, conv2_output_height); //(8,8) dim3 conv2_blocksperGrid(16); //ReLu2 int relu2_input_channels = conv2_output_channels;//16 int relu2_input_height = conv2_output_height;//8 int relu2_output_height = relu2_input_height;//8 float* device_relu2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu2_Output_image, relu2_output_height * relu2_output_height * relu2_input_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu2_threadsperBlock(conv2_output_height, conv2_output_height); //(8,8) dim3 relu2_blocksperGrid(16); //Max pool2 int pool2_input_height = relu2_output_height; int pool2_output_height = 4;//(pool2_input_height - 1)/2+1 ; int pool2_stride = 2, pool2_kernel_height = 2; int pool2_channels = relu2_input_channels;//16 float* device_pool2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_pool2_Output_image, pool2_output_height* pool2_output_height* pool2_channels * sizeof(float))); dim3 pool2_threadsperBlock(pool2_output_height, pool2_output_height);//4 dim3 pool2_blocksperGrid(16); //fc1 int fc1_input_channels = pool2_channels;//16 int fc1_input_height = pool2_output_height; //4 int fc1_output_height = 120; float* device_fc1__kernel_weight; float* device_fc1__kernel_bias; float* device_fc1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1__kernel_weight, fc1_input_height* fc1_input_height* fc1_input_channels* fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//4*4*16*120 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1__kernel_bias, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc1_Output_image, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc1__kernel_weight, &fc1_weight[0], fc1_input_height* fc1_input_height* fc1_input_channels* fc1_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc1__kernel_bias, &fc1_bias[0], fc1_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc1_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc1_blocksperGrid(fc1_output_height);//(120) //relu fc1 int relu_fc1_input_channels = 1;//1 int relu_fc1_input_height = fc1_output_height;//120 int relu_fc1_output_height = relu_fc1_input_height;//120 float* device_relu_fc1_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_fc1_Output_image, relu_fc1_output_height * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu_fc1_threadsperBlock(1); //(8,8) dim3 relu_fc1_blocksperGrid(relu_fc1_output_height); //fc2 int fc2_input_channels = 1; int fc2_input_height = relu_fc1_output_height; //120 int fc2_output_height = 84; float* device_fc2__kernel_weight; float* device_fc2__kernel_bias; float* device_fc2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2__kernel_weight, fc2_input_height* fc2_input_channels* fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120*84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2__kernel_bias, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc2_Output_image, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc2__kernel_weight, &fc2_weight[0], fc2_input_height* fc2_input_channels* fc2_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc2__kernel_bias, &fc2_bias[0], fc2_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc2_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc2_blocksperGrid(fc2_output_height);//(84) //Relu fc2 int relu_fc2_input_channels = 1;//1 int relu_fc2_input_height = fc2_output_height;//84 int relu_fc2_output_height = relu_fc2_input_height;//84 float* device_relu_fc2_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_relu_fc2_Output_image, relu_fc2_output_height * sizeof(float))); dim3 relu_fc2_threadsperBlock(1); //(1) dim3 relu_fc2_blocksperGrid(relu_fc2_output_height);//84 //fc3 int fc3_input_channels = 1; int fc3_input_height = relu_fc2_output_height; //84 int fc3_output_height = 10; float* host_fc3_Output_image; host_fc3_Output_image = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * fc3_output_height); float* device_fc3__kernel_weight; float* device_fc3__kernel_bias; float* device_fc3_Output_image; wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3__kernel_weight, fc3_input_height* fc3_input_channels* fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//120*84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3__kernel_bias, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_fc3_Output_image, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)));//84 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc3__kernel_weight, &fc3_weight[0], fc3_input_height* fc3_input_channels* fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_fc3__kernel_bias, &fc3_bias[0], fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); dim3 fc3_threadsperBlock(1);//(16) dim3 fc3_blocksperGrid(fc3_output_height);//(84) int correct_nums = 0, predict_label;// images.size() int index = 0,k=0; auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (int t = 0; t < images.size(); t++) { //Host to Device //Conv1 wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(device_InputImage, &images[t][0], images[t].size() * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));// images[0].size()*sizeof(float) Convolution1 << < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (device_InputImage, device_OutputImage, device_kernel_weight, device_kernel_bias, input_height, output_height, kernel_height); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //ReLu1 ReLu << < blocksperGrid, threadsperBlock >> > (device_OutputImage, device_relu_Output_image, relu_input_height, relu_output_height); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //Max Pool 1 MaxPool1 << <blocksperGrid, pool1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_Output_image, device_pool1_Output_image, pool1_input_height, pool1_output_height, pool1_kernel_height, stride, pool1_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //Conv2 Convolution2 << < conv2_blocksperGrid, conv2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_pool1_Output_image, device_conv2__OutputImage, device_conv2__kernel_weight, device_conv2__kernel_bias , conv2_input_height, conv2_output_height, conv2_kernel_height, conv2_input_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //ReLu2 ReLu << <relu2_blocksperGrid, relu2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_conv2__OutputImage, device_relu2_Output_image, relu2_input_height, relu2_output_height); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //Max Pool 2 MaxPool1 << <pool2_blocksperGrid, pool2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu2_Output_image, device_pool2_Output_image, pool2_input_height, pool2_output_height, pool2_kernel_height, pool2_stride, pool2_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //fc1 Fc1_naive << <fc1_blocksperGrid, fc1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_pool2_Output_image, device_fc1_Output_image, device_fc1__kernel_weight, device_fc1__kernel_bias, fc1_input_height, fc1_input_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //relu(fc1) ReLu_fc1 << <relu_fc1_blocksperGrid, relu_fc1_threadsperBlock >> > (device_fc1_Output_image, device_relu_fc1_Output_image); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //fc2 Fc2_naive << <fc2_blocksperGrid, fc2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_fc1_Output_image, device_fc2_Output_image, device_fc2__kernel_weight, device_fc2__kernel_bias, fc2_input_height, fc2_input_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //relu(fc2) ReLu_fc1 << <relu_fc2_blocksperGrid, relu_fc2_threadsperBlock >> > (device_fc2_Output_image, device_relu_fc2_Output_image); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //fc3 Fc3_naive << <fc3_blocksperGrid, fc3_threadsperBlock >> > (device_relu_fc2_Output_image, device_fc3_Output_image, device_fc3__kernel_weight, device_fc3__kernel_bias, fc3_input_height, fc3_input_channels); //wbCheck(cudaGetLastError()); //wbCheck(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); //wbCheck(cudaMemcpy(host_fc3_Output_image, device_fc3_Output_image, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); cudaMemcpy(host_fc3_Output_image, device_fc3_Output_image, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); index = 0; for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) { if (host_fc3_Output_image[k] > host_fc3_Output_image[index]) { index = k; } } if (index == labels[t]) correct_nums++; //Conv1 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_InputImage, 0, input_height * input_height * input_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_InputImage, 0, input_height * input_height * input_channels * sizeof(float)); //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_OutputImage, 0, output_height * output_height * output_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_OutputImage, 0, output_height * output_height * output_channels * sizeof(float)); //ReLu1 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_relu_Output_image, 0, relu_input_height * relu_input_height * relu_input_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_relu_Output_image, 0, relu_input_height * relu_input_height * relu_input_channels * sizeof(float)); //Max Pool 1 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_pool1_Output_image, 0, pool1_output_height * pool1_output_height * pool1_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_pool1_Output_image, 0, pool1_output_height * pool1_output_height * pool1_channels * sizeof(float)); //Conv2 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_conv2__OutputImage, 0, conv2_output_height * conv2_output_height * conv2_output_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_conv2__OutputImage, 0, conv2_output_height* conv2_output_height* conv2_output_channels * sizeof(float)); //Relu2 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_relu2_Output_image, 0,relu2_output_height * relu2_output_height * relu2_input_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_relu2_Output_image, 0, relu2_output_height * relu2_output_height * relu2_input_channels * sizeof(float)); //Max Pool2 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_pool2_Output_image, 0, pool2_output_height * pool2_output_height * pool2_channels * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_pool2_Output_image, 0, pool2_output_height * pool2_output_height * pool2_channels * sizeof(float)); //fc1 device_fc1_Output_image //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_fc1_Output_image, 0, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_fc1_Output_image, 0, fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)); //Relu fc1 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_relu_fc1_Output_image, 0, relu_fc1_output_height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_relu_fc1_Output_image, 0, relu_fc1_output_height * sizeof(float)); //fc2 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_fc2_Output_image, 0, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_fc2_Output_image, 0, fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)); //Relu fc2 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_relu_fc2_Output_image, 0, relu_fc2_output_height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_relu_fc2_Output_image, 0, relu_fc2_output_height * sizeof(float)); //fc3 //wbCheck(cudaMemset(device_fc3_Output_image, 0, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(device_fc3_Output_image, 0, fc3_output_height * sizeof(float)); } // CUDA Sync cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // calculate time auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> diff = end - start; // print result std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << diff.count() << ":"<<float(correct_nums)/float(images.size()); //cudaFree(dev_image); //Conv1 cudaFree(device_InputImage); cudaFree(device_OutputImage); cudaFree(device_kernel_weight); cudaFree(device_kernel_bias); //Relu cudaFree(device_relu_Output_image); //Pool1 cudaFree(device_pool1_Output_image); //Conv2 cudaFree(device_conv2__OutputImage); cudaFree(device_conv2__kernel_weight); cudaFree(device_conv2__kernel_bias); //Relu2 cudaFree(device_relu2_Output_image); //Pool2 cudaFree(device_pool2_Output_image); //fc1 cudaFree(device_fc1__kernel_weight); cudaFree(device_fc1__kernel_bias); cudaFree(device_fc1_Output_image); //Relu fc1 cudaFree(device_relu_fc1_Output_image); //fc2 cudaFree(device_fc2__kernel_weight); cudaFree(device_fc2__kernel_bias); cudaFree(device_fc2_Output_image); //Relu fc2 cudaFree(device_relu_fc2_Output_image); //fc3 cudaFree(device_fc3__kernel_weight); cudaFree(device_fc3__kernel_bias); cudaFree(device_fc3_Output_image); return 0;}
以上便是如何用C++ CUDA手搓一个简单的神经网络,本人也是初学者,鉴于网上相关资料较少才粗略写下这篇教程,很多地方写的不够优雅,如有问题欢迎指出。