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22 人参与  2024年04月11日 08:01  分类 : 《休闲阅读》  评论


实现:例如像这样,只展示厦门的地图,隐藏其他地方,点击区域,在单独展示区,点击返回回到总览。 在这里插入图片描述





npm i @amap/amap-jsapi-loader --save




      window._AMapSecurityConfig = {        securityJsCode: "你的密钥",      };

主要使用的api: 行政区查询服务(AMap.DistrictSearch)



<template>  <div class="home_div">    <div class="map-title">      <h3>JSAPI Vue3地图组件示例</h3>      <div v-if="back" id="back" @click="showAllMap" style="cursor: pointer;">返回</div>    </div>    <div id="container"></div>  </div></template><script lang="ts">import AMapLoader from "@amap/amap-jsapi-loader";import { shallowRef } from "@vue/reactivity";import { ref } from "vue";export default {  name: "mapComtaint",  setup() {    const map = shallowRef(null) as any;    const AMap = shallowRef(null) as any;    const back = ref(false);    const polygons = shallowRef([]) as any; // 区描边、遮罩    const district = shallowRef(null) as any;    const polygon = shallowRef(null) as any; // 市描边、遮罩    return {      map,      AMap,      back,      polygons,      district,      polygon,    };  },  create() {},  methods: {    /*      返回区域对应颜色    adcode:厦门市        350200            厦门市市辖区350201            思明区        350203            海沧区        350205            湖里区        350206            集美区        350211            同安区        350212            翔安区        350213            */    getColorByAdcode(adcode: string) {      let colors = {        "350200": "#111111",        "350201": "#456aed",        "350203": "428cced",        "350205": "#a456e1",        "350206": "#123fee",        "350211": "#666eee",        "350212": "#963qde",        "350213": "#784eda",      } as any;      return colors[adcode];    },    // 初始化遮罩    initArea(city: string, isChildDraw: boolean = false) {      let that = this;      this.district.search(city, function (status: string, result: any) {        // 外多边形坐标数组和内多边形坐标数组        var outer = [          new that.AMap.LngLat(-360, 90, true),          new that.AMap.LngLat(-360, -90, true),          new that.AMap.LngLat(360, -90, true),          new that.AMap.LngLat(360, 90, true),        ];        console.log(result);        // 绘制遮罩        var holes = result.districtList[0].boundaries;        var pathArray = [outer];        pathArray.push.apply(pathArray, holes);        that.polygon = new that.AMap.Polygon({          pathL: pathArray,          strokeColor: "#00eeff",          strokeWeight: 1,          fillColor: "#020933",          fillOpacity: 1,        });        that.polygon.setPath(pathArray);        that.map.add(that.polygon);        // 判断是否要绘制子区域        if (isChildDraw) {            // 将搜索层级设置为 区、县          that.district.setLevel("district");          for (let i = 0; i < result.districtList[0].districtList.length; i++) {            that.areaPolyline(result.districtList[0].districtList[i].adcode);          }        }      });    },    // 显示总览    showAllMap() {      this.back = false;      if (this.polygon) {        // 清除遮罩        this.map.remove(this.polygon);      }      this.initArea("厦门市", true);      this.map.setCenter([118.113994, 24.614998]);      this.map.setZoom(11);    },    // 绘制区域描边    areaPolyline(adcode: string) {      let that = this;      if (this.polygons.length) {        this.map.remove(this.polygons);        this.polygons = [];      }      this.district.search(adcode, function (status: string, result: any) {        console.log("区", result);        //   绘制区域描边        let bounds = result.districtList[0].boundaries;        for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) {          const color = that.getColorByAdcode(result.districtList[0].adcode);          const polygon = new that.AMap.Polygon({            path: bounds[i],            strokeColor: "#784eda",            strokeWeight: 4,            fillColor: "#784eda",            fillOpacity: 0,          });          // 添加监听事件          polygon.on("mouseover", () => {            if (!that.back) {              polygon.setOptions({                fillOpacity: 0.7,              });            }          });          // 添加点击事件          polygon.on("click", () => {            // 判断是否为市级            if (!that.back) {                // 显示返回按钮              that.back = true;              that.map.setZoom(12);              // 修改中心位置为区级中心              that.map.setCenter([                result.districtList[0].center.lng,                result.districtList[0].center.lat,              ]);            //   绘画              that.initArea(result.districtList[0].adcode, false);            }          });          polygon.on("mouseout", () => {            polygon.setOptions({              fillOpacity: 0,            });          });          that.polygons.push(polygon);        }        that.map.add(that.polygons);      });    },    ininMap() {      let that = this;      // 这个配置很重要,必须设置,否则你的 行政服务搜索api无法使用生成回调      window._AMapSecurityConfig = {        securityJsCode: "密钥",      };      AMapLoader.load({        key: "你的key", //设置您的key        version: "2.0",        plugins: [          "AMap.ToolBar",          "AMap.Driving",          "AMap.Polygon",          "AMap.DistrictSearch",          "AMap.Object3DLayer",          "AMap.Object3D",          "AMap.Polyline",        ],        AMapUI: {          version: "1.1",          plugins: [],        },        Loca: {          version: "2.0.0",        },      })        .then((AMap) => {          that.AMap = AMap;          that.map = new AMap.Map("container", {            viewMode: "3D",            zoom: 11,            zooms: [10, 20],            center: [118.113994, 24.614998],          });          that.district = new AMap.DistrictSearch({            subdistrict: 3, //获取边界返回下级行政区            extensions: "all", //返回行政区边界坐标组等具体信息            level: "city", //查询行政级别为 市          });          that.initArea("厦门市", true);        })        .catch((e) => {          console.log(e);        });    },  },  mounted() {    //DOM初始化完成进行地图初始化    this.ininMap();  },};</script><style scope>.home_div {  height: 100%;  width: 100%;  padding: 0px;  margin: 0px;  position: relative;}#container {  height: 100vh;  width: 100%;  padding: 0px;  margin: 0px;}.map-title {  position: absolute;  z-index: 1;  width: 100%;  height: 50px;  background-color: rgba(27, 25, 27, 0.884);  display: flex;  justify-content: space-around;  align-items: center;}h3 {  z-index: 2;  color: white;}</style>




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