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C++详解1 内存分区模型1.1 程序运行前1.2 程序运行后1.3 new操作符 2 引用2.1 引用的基本使用2.2 引用注意事项2.3 引用做函数参数2.4 引用做函数返回值2.5 引用的本质2.6 常量引用 3 函数提高3.1 函数默认参数3.2 函数占位参数3.3 函数重载3.3.1 函数重载概述3.3.2 函数重载注意事项 4 类和对象4.1 封装4.1.1 封装的意义4.1.2 struct和class区别4.1.3 成员属性设置为私有 4.2 对象的初始化和清理4.2.1 构造函数和析构函数4.2.2 构造函数的分类及调用4.2.3 拷贝构造函数调用时机4.2.4 构造函数调用规则4.2.5 深拷贝与浅拷贝4.2.6 初始化列表4.2.7 类对象作为类成员4.2.8 静态成员 4.3 C++对象模型和this指针4.3.1 成员变量和成员函数分开存储4.3.2 this指针概念4.3.3 空指针访问成员函数4.3.4 const修饰成员函数4.3.5 GradeBook类 4.4 友元4.4.1 全局函数做友元4.4.2 类做友元4.4.3 成员函数做友元4.4.4 Date类作为person类的友元 4.5 运算符重载4.5.1 加号运算符重载4.5.2 左移运算符重载4.5.3 递增运算符重载4.5.4 赋值运算符重载4.5.5 关系运算符重载4.5.6 函数调用运算符重载4.5.7 重载+, - ,*, /, >>,<<运算符 4.6 继承4.6.1 继承的基本语法4.6.2 继承方式4.6.3 继承中的对象模型4.6.4 继承中构造和析构顺序4.6.5 继承同名成员处理方式4.6.6 继承同名静态成员处理方式4.6.7 多继承语法4.6.8 菱形继承 4.7 多态4.7.1 多态的基本介绍4.7.2 纯虚函数和抽象类4.7.3 虚析构和纯虚析构4.7.4 多态案例一-计算器类4.7.5 多态案例二-制作饮品4.7.6 多态案例三-电脑组装4.7.7 继承与多态案例 5 文件操作5.1文本文件5.1.1写文件5.1.2读文件 5.2 二进制文件5.2.1 写文件5.2.2 读文件

1 内存分区模型


代码区:存放函数体的二进制代码,由操作系统进行管理的。全局区:存放全局变量和静态变量以及常量。栈区:由编译器自动分配释放, 存放函数的参数值,局部变量等。堆区:由程序员分配和释放,若程序员不释放,程序结束时由操作系统回收。


​ 不同区域存放的数据,赋予不同的生命周期, 给我们更大的灵活编程。

1.1 程序运行前

​ 在程序编译后,生成了exe可执行程序,未执行该程序前分为两个区域。


存放 CPU 执行的机器指令。





全局区还包含了常量区, 字符串常量和其他常量也存放在此。



#include <iostream>#include <cstdint> // 为了使用 uintptr_tusing namespace std;// 全局变量int g_a = 10;int g_b = 10;// 全局常量const int c_g_a = 10;const int c_g_b = 10;int main(){    // 局部变量    int a = 10;    int b = 10;    // 打印地址    cout << "局部变量a地址为: " << (void*)&a << endl;    cout << "局部变量b地址为: " << (void*)&b << endl;    cout << "全局变量g_a地址为: " << (void*)&g_a << endl;    cout << "全局变量g_b地址为: " << (void*)&g_b << endl;    // 静态变量    static int s_a = 10;    static int s_b = 10;    cout << "静态变量s_a地址为: " << (void*)&s_a << endl;    cout << "静态变量s_b地址为: " << (void*)&s_b << endl;    cout << "字符串常量\"hello world\"地址为: " << (void*)"hello world" << endl;    cout << "字符串常量\"hello world1\"地址为: " << (void*)"hello world1" << endl;    cout << "全局常量c_g_a地址为: " << (void*)&c_g_a << endl;    cout << "全局常量c_g_b地址为: " << (void*)&c_g_b << endl;    const int c_l_a = 10;    const int c_l_b = 10;    cout << "局部常量c_l_a地址为: " << (void*)&c_l_a << endl;    cout << "局部常量c_l_b地址为: " << (void*)&c_l_b << endl;    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

局部变量a地址为: 0x61fe1c局部变量b地址为: 0x61fe18全局变量g_a地址为: 0x403010全局变量g_b地址为: 0x403014静态变量s_a地址为: 0x403018静态变量s_b地址为: 0x40301c字符串常量"hello world"地址为: 0x4040a9字符串常量"hello world1"地址为: 0x4040da全局常量c_g_a地址为: 0x404004全局常量c_g_b地址为: 0x404008局部常量c_l_a地址为: 0x61fe14局部常量c_l_b地址为: 0x61fe10Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

​ 总结:

C++中在程序运行前分为全局区和代码区。代码区特点是共享和只读。全局区中存放全局变量、静态变量、常量。常量区中存放 const修饰的全局常量 和 字符串常量。

1.2 程序运行后


由编译器自动分配释放, 存放函数的参数值,局部变量等。



#include <iostream>using namespace std;int * func(){int a = 10;return &a;}int main(){int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;cout << *p << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

1010Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.010 sPress any key to continue.





#include <iostream>using namespace std;int* func(){int* a = new int(10);return a;}int main(){int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;cout << *p << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

1010Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.043 sPress any key to continue.




1.3 new操作符

​ C++中利用new操作符在堆区开辟数据。

​ 堆区开辟的数据,由程序员手动开辟,手动释放,释放利用操作符 delete

​ 语法: new 数据类型

​ 利用new创建的数据,会返回该数据对应的类型的指针。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;int* func(){int* a = new int(10);return a;}int main(){int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;cout << *p << endl;//利用delete释放堆区数据delete p;//cout << *p << endl; //报错,释放的空间不可访问return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

1010Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.010 sPress any key to continue.


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//堆区开辟数组int main(){int* arr = new int[10];for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){arr[i] = i + 100;}for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){cout << arr[i] << endl;}//释放数组 delete 后加 []delete[] arr;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

100101102103104105106107108109Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

2 引用

2.1 引用的基本使用

作用: 给变量起别名

语法:数据类型 &别名 = 原名


#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int a = 10;int &b = a;cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;b = 100;cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

a = 10b = 10a = 100b = 100Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

2.2 引用注意事项



#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int a = 10;int b = 20;//int &c; //错误,引用必须初始化int &c = a; //一旦初始化后,就不可以更改c = b; //这是赋值操作,不是更改引用cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;cout << "c = " << c << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

a = 20b = 20c = 20Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.026 sPress any key to continue.

2.3 引用做函数参数

作用: 函数传参时,可以利用引用的技术让形参修饰实参。

优点: 可以简化指针修改实参。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//1. 值传递void mySwap01(int a, int b) {int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;}//2. 地址传递void mySwap02(int* a, int* b) {int temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;}//3. 引用传递void mySwap03(int& a, int& b) {int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;mySwap01(a, b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;mySwap02(&a, &b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;mySwap03(a, b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

a:10 b:20a:20 b:10a:10 b:20Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.039 sPress any key to continue.



2.4 引用做函数返回值

​ 作用:引用是可以作为函数的返回值存在的。

​ 注意:不要返回局部变量引用。

​ 用法:函数调用作为左值。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//返回局部变量引用int& test01(){int a = 10; //局部变量return a;}//返回静态变量引用int& test02(){static int a = 20; // 静态变量,存放在全局区,全局区上的数据在程序结束后系统释放return a;}int main(){//不能返回局部变量的引用//int& ref1 = test01();//cout << "ref1 = " << ref1 << endl; // 程序崩溃//如果函数做左值,那么必须返回引用int& ref2 = test02();cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;test02() = 1000; // 如果函数的返回值是引用,这个函数调用可以作为左值。cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

ref2 = 20ref2 = 20ref2 = 1000ref2 = 1000Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.038 sPress any key to continue.

2.5 引用的本质

​ 本质:引用的本质在c++内部实现是一个指针常量。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//发现是引用,转换为 int* const ref = &a;void func(int& ref){ref = 100; // ref是引用,转换为*ref = 100}int main(){int a = 10;    //自动转换为 int* const ref = &a; 指针常量是指针指向不可改,也说明为什么引用不可更改int& ref = a;ref = 20; //内部发现ref是引用,自动帮我们转换为: *ref = 20;cout << "a:" << a << endl;cout << "ref:" << ref << endl;func(a);return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

a:20ref:20Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.034 sPress any key to continue.



2.6 常量引用

作用: 常量引用主要用来修饰形参,防止误操作。

​ 在函数形参列表中,可以加const修饰形参,防止形参改变实参。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//引用使用的场景,通常用来修饰形参void showValue(const int& v){//v += 10;cout << v << endl;}int main(){//int& ref = 10;  引用本身需要一个合法的内存空间,因此这行错误//加入const就可以了,编译器优化代码,int temp = 10; const int& ref = temp;const int& ref = 10;//ref = 100;  //加入const后不可以修改变量cout << ref << endl;//函数中利用常量引用防止误操作修改实参int a = 10;showValue(a);return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

1010Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.010 sPress any key to continue.

3 函数提高

3.1 函数默认参数

​ 在C++中,函数的形参列表中的形参是可以有默认值的。

​ 语法: 返回值类型 函数名 (参数= 默认值){}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;int func(int a, int b = 10, int c = 10){return a + b + c;}//1. 如果某个位置参数有默认值,那么从这个位置往后,从左向右,必须都要有默认值//2. 如果函数声明有默认值,函数实现的时候就不能有默认参数int func2(int a = 10, int b = 10);int func2(int a, int b){return a + b;}int main(){cout << "ret = " << func(20, 20) << endl;cout << "ret = " << func(100) << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

ret = 50ret = 120Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

3.2 函数占位参数

​ C++中函数的形参列表里可以有占位参数,用来做占位,调用函数时必须填补该位置。

语法: 返回值类型 函数名 (数据类型){}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//函数占位参数 ,占位参数也可以有默认参数void func(int a, int){cout << "this is func" << endl;}int main(){func(10,10); //占位参数必须填补return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

this is funcProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.009 sPress any key to continue.

3.3 函数重载

3.3.1 函数重载概述

作用: 函数名可以相同,提高复用性。


同一个作用域下。函数名称相同。函数参数类型不同 或者 个数不同 或者 顺序不同。

注意: 函数的返回值不可以作为函数重载的条件。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;//函数重载需要函数都在同一个作用域下void func(){cout << "func 的调用!" << endl;}void func(int a){cout << "func (int a) 的调用!" << endl;}void func(double a){cout << "func (double a)的调用!" << endl;}void func(int a ,double b){cout << "func (int a ,double b) 的调用!" << endl;}void func(double a ,int b){cout << "func (double a ,int b)的调用!" << endl;}//函数返回值不可以作为函数重载条件//int func(double a, int b)//{//cout << "func (double a ,int b)的调用!" << endl;//}int main(){func();func(10);func(3.14);func(10,3.14);func(3.14 , 10);return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

func 的调用!func (int a) 的调用!func (double a)的调用!func (int a ,double b) 的调用!func (double a ,int b)的调用!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.037 sPress any key to continue.
3.3.2 函数重载注意事项



#include <iostream>using namespace std;//函数重载注意事项//1、引用作为重载条件void func(int &a){cout << "func (int &a) 调用 " << endl;}void func(const int &a){cout << "func (const int &a) 调用 " << endl;}//2、函数重载碰到函数默认参数void func2(int a, int b = 10){cout << "func2(int a, int b = 10) 调用" << endl;}void func2(int a){cout << "func2(int a) 调用" << endl;}int main(){int a = 10;func(a); //调用无constfunc(10);//调用有const//func2(10); //碰到默认参数产生歧义,需要避免return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

func (int &a) 调用func (const int &a) 调用Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.006 sPress any key to continue.

4 类和对象

​ C++面向对象的三大特性为:封装、继承、多态

​ C++认为万事万物都皆为对象,对象上有其属性和行为





4.1 封装

4.1.1 封装的意义

​ 封装是C++面向对象三大特性之一

语法: class 类名{ 访问权限: 属性 / 行为 };





public 公共权限protected 保护权限private 私有权限

例4.1.1.1 设计一个圆类,求圆的周长。

#include <iostream>using namespace std;//圆周率const double PI = 3.14;//1、封装的意义//将属性和行为作为一个整体,用来表现生活中的事物//封装一个圆类,求圆的周长//class代表设计一个类,后面跟着的是类名class Circle{public:  //访问权限  公共的权限//属性int m_r;//半径//行为//获取到圆的周长double calculateZC(){//2 * pi  * r//获取圆的周长return  2 * PI * m_r;}};int main(){//通过圆类,创建圆的对象// c1就是一个具体的圆Circle c1;c1.m_r = 10; //给圆对象的半径 进行赋值操作//2 * pi * 10 = = 62.8cout << "圆的周长为: " << c1.calculateZC() << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

圆的周长为: 62.8Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.008 sPress any key to continue.

例4.1.1.2 设计一个学生类,属性有姓名和学号,可以给姓名和学号赋值,可以显示学生的姓名和学号。

#include <iostream>using namespace std;//学生类class Student{public:void setName(string name){m_name = name;}void setID(int id){m_id = id;}void showStudent(){cout << "name:" << m_name << '\n' << "ID:" << m_id << endl;}public:string m_name;int m_id;};int main(){Student stu;stu.setName("小杜");stu.setID(10086);stu.showStudent();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

name:小杜ID:10086Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.009 sPress any key to continue.


#include <iostream>using namespace std;// 三种权限// 公共权限  public     类内可以访问  类外可以访问// 保护权限  protected  类内可以访问  类外不可以访问// 私有权限  private    类内可以访问  类外不可以访问class Person{public:string m_Name; // 姓名  公共权限    void func(){m_Name = "张三";m_Car = "拖拉机";m_Password = 123456;}protected:string m_Car; // 汽车  保护权限private:int m_Password; // 银行卡密码  私有权限};int main(){Person p;p.m_Name = "李四";//p.m_Car = "奔驰";  //保护权限类外访问不到//p.m_Password = 123; //私有权限类外访问不到return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.010 sPress any key to continue.
4.1.2 struct和class区别

​ 在C++中 struct和class唯一的区别就在于 默认的访问权限不同


struct 默认权限为公共class 默认权限为私有


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class C1{int  m_A; //默认是私有权限};struct C2{int m_A;  //默认是公共权限};int main(){//C1 c1;//c1.m_A = 10; //错误,访问权限是私有C2 c2;c2.m_A = 10; //正确,访问权限是公共return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.010 sPress any key to continue.
4.1.3 成员属性设置为私有




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public://姓名设置可读可写void setName(string name){m_Name = name;}string getName(){return m_Name;}//获取年龄int getAge(){return m_Age;}//设置年龄void setAge(int age){if (age < 0 || age > 150)        {cout << "你个老妖精!" << endl;return;}m_Age = age;}//情人设置为只写void setLover(string lover){m_Lover = lover;}private:string m_Name; //可读可写  姓名int m_Age; //只读  年龄string m_Lover; //只写  情人};int main(){Person p;//姓名设置p.setName("张三");cout << "姓名: " << p.getName() << endl;//年龄设置p.setAge(50);cout << "年龄: " << p.getAge() << endl;//情人设置p.setLover("苍井");//cout << "情人: " << p.m_Lover << endl;  //只写属性,不可以读取return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

姓名: 张三年龄: 50Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

4.2 对象的初始化和清理

生活中我们买的电子产品都基本会有出厂设置,在某一天我们不用时候也会删除一些自己信息数据保证安全。C++中的面向对象来源于生活,每个对象也都会有初始设置以及 对象销毁前的清理数据的设置。
4.2.1 构造函数和析构函数

​ 对象的初始化和清理也是两个非常重要的安全问题



​ c++利用了构造函数析构函数解决上述问题,这两个函数将会被编译器自动调用,完成对象初始化和清理工作。

​ 对象的初始化和清理工作是编译器强制要我们做的事情,因此如果我们不提供构造和析构,编译器会提供





析构函数语法: ~类名(){}

析构函数,没有返回值也不写void函数名称与类名相同,在名称前加上符号 ~析构函数不可以有参数,因此不可以发生重载程序在对象销毁前会自动调用析构,无须手动调用,而且只会调用一次


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public://构造函数Person(){cout << "Person的构造函数调用" << endl;}//析构函数~Person(){cout << "Person的析构函数调用" << endl;}};void test01(){Person p;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Person的构造函数调用Person的析构函数调用Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.012 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.2 构造函数的分类及调用

​ 两种分类方式:

按参数分为: 有参构造和无参构造

按类型分为: 普通构造和拷贝构造

​ 三种调用方式:





#include <iostream>using namespace std;//1、构造函数分类// 按照参数分类分为 有参和无参构造   无参又称为默认构造函数// 按照类型分类分为 普通构造和拷贝构造class Person{public://无参(默认)构造函数Person(){cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;}//有参构造函数Person(int a){age = a;cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;}//拷贝构造函数Person(const Person& p){age = p.age;cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;}//析构函数~Person(){cout << "析构函数!" << endl;}public:int age;};//2、构造函数的调用//调用无参构造函数void test01(){Person p; //调用无参构造函数}//调用有参的构造函数void test02(){//2.1  括号法,常用Person p1(10);//注意1:调用无参构造函数不能加括号,如果加了编译器认为这是一个函数声明//Person p2();//2.2 显式法Person p2 = Person(10);Person p3 = Person(p2);//Person(10)单独写就是匿名对象  当前行结束之后,马上析构//2.3 隐式转换法Person p4 = 10; // Person p4 = Person(10);Person p5 = p4; // Person p5 = Person(p4);//注意2:不能利用 拷贝构造函数 初始化匿名对象 编译器认为是对象声明//Person p5(p4);}int main(){test01();//test02();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

无参构造函数!析构函数!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.015 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.3 拷贝构造函数调用时机

​ C++中拷贝构造函数调用时机通常有三种情况



#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person()    {cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;mAge = 0;}Person(int age){cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;mAge = age;}Person(const Person& p){cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;mAge = p.mAge;}//析构函数在释放内存之前调用~Person(){cout << "析构函数!" << endl;}public:int mAge;};//1. 使用一个已经创建完毕的对象来初始化一个新对象void test01(){Person man(100); //p对象已经创建完毕Person newman(man); //调用拷贝构造函数Person newman2 = man; //拷贝构造//Person newman3;//newman3 = man; //不是调用拷贝构造函数,赋值操作}//2. 值传递的方式给函数参数传值//相当于Person p1 = p;void doWork(Person p1) {}void test02() {Person p; //无参构造函数doWork(p);}//3. 以值方式返回局部对象Person doWork2(){Person p1;cout << (int *)&p1 << endl;return p1;}void test03(){Person p = doWork2();cout << (int *)&p << endl;}int main(){//test01();//test02();test03();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

无参构造函数!0x61fddc0x61fddc析构函数!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.014 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.4 构造函数调用规则

​ 默认情况下,c++编译器至少给一个类添加3个函数




​ 构造函数调用规则如下:




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public://无参(默认)构造函数Person(){cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;}//有参构造函数Person(int a)    {age = a;cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;}//拷贝构造函数Person(const Person& p){age = p.age;cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;}//析构函数~Person(){cout << "析构函数!" << endl;}public:int age;};void test01(){Person p1(18);//如果不写拷贝构造,编译器会自动添加拷贝构造,并且做浅拷贝操作Person p2(p1);cout << "p2的年龄为:" << p2.age << endl;}void test02(){//如果用户提供有参构造,编译器不会提供默认构造,会提供拷贝构造Person p1; //此时如果用户自己没有提供默认构造,会出错Person p2(10); //用户提供的有参Person p3(p2); //此时如果用户没有提供拷贝构造,编译器会提供//如果用户提供拷贝构造,编译器不会提供其他构造函数Person p4; //此时如果用户自己没有提供默认构造,会出错Person p5(10); //此时如果用户自己没有提供有参,会出错Person p6(p5); //用户自己提供拷贝构造}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

有参构造函数!拷贝构造函数!p2的年龄为:18析构函数!析构函数!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.038 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.5 深拷贝与浅拷贝




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public://无参(默认)构造函数Person(){cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;}//有参构造函数Person(int age ,int height){cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;m_age = age;m_height = new int(height);}//拷贝构造函数Person(const Person& p){cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;//如果不利用深拷贝在堆区创建新内存,会导致浅拷贝带来的重复释放堆区问题m_age = p.m_age;m_height = new int(*p.m_height);}//析构函数~Person(){cout << "析构函数!" << endl;if (m_height != NULL){delete m_height;}}public:int m_age;int* m_height;};void test01(){Person p1(18, 180);Person p2(p1);cout << "p1的年龄:" << p1.m_age << " 身高:" << *p1.m_height << endl;cout << "p2的年龄:" << p2.m_age << " 身高:" << *p2.m_height << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

有参构造函数!拷贝构造函数!p1的年龄:18 身高:180p2的年龄:18 身高:180析构函数!析构函数!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.031 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.6 初始化列表



语法:构造函数():属性1(值1),属性2(值2)... {}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:传统方式初始化//Person(int a, int b, int c)//{//m_A = a;//m_B = b;//m_C = c;//}//初始化列表方式初始化Person(int a, int b, int c) :m_A(a), m_B(b), m_C(c) {}void PrintPerson(){cout << "mA:" << m_A << endl;cout << "mB:" << m_B << endl;cout << "mC:" << m_C << endl;}private:int m_A;int m_B;int m_C;};int main(){Person p(1, 2, 3);p.PrintPerson();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

mA:1mB:2mC:3Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.036 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.7 类对象作为类成员

​ C++类中的成员可以是另一个类的对象,我们称该成员为 对象成员。


class A {}class B{    A a;}

​ B类中有对象A作为成员,A为对象成员。

​ 那么当创建B对象时,A与B的构造和析构的顺序是谁先谁后?


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Phone{public:Phone(string name){m_PhoneName = name;cout << "Phone构造" << endl;}~Phone(){cout << "Phone析构" << endl;}string m_PhoneName;};class Person{public://初始化列表可以告诉编译器调用哪一个构造函数Person(string name, string pName) :m_Name(name), m_Phone(pName){cout << "Person构造" << endl;}~Person(){cout << "Person析构" << endl;}void playGame(){cout << m_Name << " 使用" << m_Phone.m_PhoneName << " 牌手机! " << endl;}string m_Name;Phone m_Phone;};void test01(){//当类中成员是其他类对象时,我们称该成员为 对象成员//构造的顺序是 :先调用对象成员的构造,再调用本类构造//析构顺序与构造相反Person p("张三" , "苹果X");p.playGame();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Phone构造Person构造张三 使用苹果X 牌手机!Person析构Phone析构Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.009 sPress any key to continue.
4.2.8 静态成员

​ 静态成员就是在成员变量和成员函数前加上关键字static,称为静态成员。

​ 静态成员分为:

静态成员变量 所有对象共享同一份数据在编译阶段分配内存类内声明,类外初始化 静态成员函数 所有对象共享同一个函数静态成员函数只能访问静态成员变量


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:static int m_A; //静态成员变量//静态成员变量特点://1 在编译阶段分配内存//2 类内声明,类外初始化//3 所有对象共享同一份数据private:static int m_B; //静态成员变量也是有访问权限的};int Person::m_A = 10;int Person::m_B = 10;void test01(){//静态成员变量两种访问方式//1、通过对象Person p1;p1.m_A = 100;cout << "p1.m_A = " << p1.m_A << endl;Person p2;p2.m_A = 200;cout << "p1.m_A = " << p1.m_A << endl; //共享同一份数据cout << "p2.m_A = " << p2.m_A << endl;//2、通过类名cout << "m_A = " << Person::m_A << endl;//cout << "m_B = " << Person::m_B << endl; //私有权限访问不到}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

p1.m_A = 100p1.m_A = 200p2.m_A = 200m_A = 200Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.009 sPress any key to continue.

4.2.9 GradeBook 类

​ 题目如下:

​ 上机实验一,参考上课范例,完成 GradeBook 类(class)设计。将类定义(class definition)写在 GradeBook.h 中。 将成员函数(member function)写在 GradeBook.cpp 中。编程一个主程序(main)创建两个 GradeBook 对象,测试类的所有成员函数。


-courseName: string //at most 25 characters-studentCount : int //number of student-grade: double[] //double array to hold student grades+setCourseName(name:string)+setStudentCount(id : int)+getCourseName():string+getStudentCount():int+print() //to display information of GradeBook object


​ 上机实验一
​ 编程设计者 王小明 221040700101
​ 请输入课程名称:Object Oriented Programming
​ 请输入学生人数: 120
​ 利用 getCourseName 以及 getStudentCount 显示第一个对象的信息:
​ 课程名称:Object Oriented Programming
​ 学生人数: 120
​ 请输入课程名称:Linear Algebra
​ 请输入学生人数: 125
​ 利用 print 显示第二个对象的信息:
​ 课程名称:Linear Algebra
​ 学生人数: 125

​ 解答如下:

​ main.cpp

#include <iostream>#include "Person.h"using namespace std;int main(){    Person myPerson;    // Person myPerson("S.M.Wang", 070145, "莲花路200号");    cout << "请输入姓名:" ;    string name;    cin >> name;    cout << "请输入ID:" ;    int id;    cin >> id;    cout << "请输入住址:" ;    string address;    cin >> address;    myPerson.setName(name);    myPerson.setID(id);    myPerson.setAddress(address);    myPerson.print();    return 0;}

​ Person.h

#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:    Person();    Person(string name, int id, string address);    ~Person();    void setPerson(string name, int id, string address);    void setName(string name);    void setID(int id);    void setAddress(string address);    string getName();    int getID();    string getAddress();    void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Name;    int ID;    string Address;};

​ Person.cpp

#include "Person.h"using namespace std;Person::Person(){    Name = "S.M.Wang";    ID = 070145;    Address = "莲花路200号";}Person::Person(string name, int id, string address){    setPerson(name, id, address);}Person::~Person(){    cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Person::setPerson(string name, int id, string address){    Name = name;    ID = id;    Address = address;}void Person::setName(string name){    Name = name;}void Person::setID(int id){    ID = id;}void Person::setAddress(string address){    Address = address;}string Person::getName(){    return Name;}int Person::getID(){    return ID;}string Person::getAddress(){    return Address;}void Person::print(){    cout << "姓名:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "住址:" << getAddress() << endl;}

​ 结果如下:

请输入姓名:王小明请输入ID:22104070请输入住址:莲花路200号姓名:王小明ID:22104070住址:莲花路200号object Destructor is calledProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 15.911 sPress any key to continue.

4.3 C++对象模型和this指针

4.3.1 成员变量和成员函数分开存储




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person(){mA = 0;}//非静态成员变量占对象空间int mA;//静态成员变量不占对象空间static int mB;//函数也不占对象空间,所有函数共享一个函数实例void func(){cout << "mA:" << this->mA << endl;}//静态成员函数也不占对象空间static void sfunc(){}};int main(){cout << sizeof(Person) << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

4Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.013 sPress any key to continue.
4.3.2 this指针概念

​ c++通过提供特殊的对象指针,this指针,解决区分对象调用自己的问题。this指针指向被调用的成员函数所属的对象

​ 指针是隐含每一个非静态成员函数内的一种指针。

​ this指针不需要定义,直接使用即可。

​ this指针的用途:

当形参和成员变量同名时,可用this指针来区分。在类的非静态成员函数中返回对象本身,可使用return *this。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person(int age){//1、当形参和成员变量同名时,可用this指针来区分this->age = age;}Person& PersonAddPerson(Person p){this->age += p.age;//返回对象本身return *this;}int age;};void test01(){Person p1(10);cout << "p1.age = " << p1.age << endl;Person p2(10);p2.PersonAddPerson(p1).PersonAddPerson(p1).PersonAddPerson(p1);cout << "p2.age = " << p2.age << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

p1.age = 10p2.age = 40Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.026 sPress any key to continue.
4.3.3 空指针访问成员函数




#include <iostream>using namespace std;//空指针访问成员函数class Person{public:void ShowClassName(){cout << "我是Person类!" << endl;}void ShowPerson(){if (this == NULL)        {return;}cout << mAge << endl;}public:int mAge;};void test01(){Person * p = NULL;p->ShowClassName(); //空指针,可以调用成员函数p->ShowPerson();  //但是如果成员函数中用到了this指针,就不可以了}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

我是Person类!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.003 sPress any key to continue.
4.3.4 const修饰成员函数






#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person(){m_A = 0;m_B = 0;}//this指针的本质是一个指针常量,指针的指向不可修改//如果想让指针指向的值也不可以修改,需要声明常函数void ShowPerson() const{//const Type* const pointer;//this = NULL; //不能修改指针的指向 Person* const this;//this->mA = 100; //但是this指针指向的对象的数据是可以修改的//const修饰成员函数,表示指针指向的内存空间的数据不能修改,除了mutable修饰的变量this->m_B = 100;}void MyFunc() const{//mA = 10000;}public:int m_A;mutable int m_B; //可修改 可变的};//const修饰对象  常对象void test01(){const Person person; //常量对象cout << person.m_A << endl;//person.mA = 100; //常对象不能修改成员变量的值,但是可以访问person.m_B = 100; //但是常对象可以修改mutable修饰成员变量//常对象访问成员函数person.MyFunc(); //常对象不能调用const的函数}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

0Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.008 sPress any key to continue.
4.3.5 GradeBook类

​ 题目如下:

​ 上机实验一,参考上课范例,完成 GradeBook 类(class)设计。

​ 将类定义(class definition)写在 GradeBook.h 中。 将成员函数(member function)写在 GradeBook.cpp 中。编程一个主程序(main)创建两个 GradeBook 对象,测试类的所有成员函数。


-courseName: string //at most 25 characters-studentCount : int //number of student-grade: double[] //double array to hold student grades+setCourseName(name:string)+setStudentCount(id : int)+getCourseName():string+getStudentCount():int+print() //to display information of GradeBook object

​ 程序接口示范

​ 编程设计者 王小明 221040700101
​ 请输入课程名称:Object Oriented Programming
​ 请输入学生人数: 120
​ 利用 getCourseName 以及 getStudentCount 显示第一个对象的信息:
​ 课程名称:Object Oriented Programming
​ 学生人数: 120
​ 请输入课程名称:Linear Algebra
​ 请输入学生人数: 125
​ 利用 print 显示第二个对象的信息:
​ 课程名称:Linear Algebra
​ 学生人数: 125

​ 解答如下:

​ main.cpp

#include <iostream>#include "Person.h"using namespace std;int main(){    Person myPerson;    // Person myPerson("S.M.Wang", 070145, "莲花路200号");    cout << "请输入姓名:" ;    string name;    cin >> name;    cout << "请输入ID:" ;    int id;    cin >> id;    cout << "请输入住址:" ;    string address;    cin >> address;    myPerson.setName(name);    myPerson.setID(id);    myPerson.setAddress(address);    myPerson.print();    return 0;}


#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Person{public:    Person();    Person(string name, int id, string address);    ~Person();     void setPerson(string name, int id, string address);    void setName(string name);    void setID(int id);    void setAddress(string address);     string getName();    int getID();    string getAddress();     void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Name;    int ID;    string Address;};


#include "Person.h" using namespace std; Person::Person(){    Name = "S.M.Wang";    ID = 070145;    Address = "莲花路200号";} Person::Person(string name, int id, string address){    setPerson(name, id, address);} Person::~Person(){    cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}  void Person::setPerson(string name, int id, string address){    Name = name;    ID = id;    Address = address;}  void Person::setName(string name){    Name = name;} void Person::setID(int id){    ID = id;} void Person::setAddress(string address){    Address = address;} string Person::getName(){    return Name;} int Person::getID(){    return ID;} string Person::getAddress(){    return Address;} void Person::print(){    cout << "姓名:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "住址:" << getAddress() << endl;}


请输入姓名:S.M.Wang请输入ID:070145请输入住址:莲花路200号姓名:S.M.WangID:70145住址:莲花路200号object Destructor is calledProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 27.263 sPress any key to continue.

4.4 友元

​ 生活中你的家有客厅(Public),有你的卧室(Private)。

​ 客厅所有来的客人都可以进去,但是你的卧室是私有的,也就是说只有你能进去。

​ 但是呢,你也可以允许你的好闺蜜好基友进去。

​ 在程序里,有些私有属性 也想让类外特殊的一些函数或者类进行访问,就需要用到友元的技术。

​ 友元的目的就是让一个函数或者类 访问另一个类中私有成员。

​ 友元的关键字为 friend

​ 友元的三种实现

4.4.1 全局函数做友元


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Building{//告诉编译器 goodGay全局函数 是 Building类的好朋友,可以访问类中的私有内容friend void goodGay(Building * building);public:Building(){this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";}public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅private:string m_BedRoom; //卧室};void goodGay(Building * building){cout << "好基友正在访问: " << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问: " << building->m_BedRoom << endl;}void test01(){Building b;goodGay(&b);}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

好基友正在访问: 客厅好基友正在访问: 卧室Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.032 sPress any key to continue.
4.4.2 类做友元


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Building;class goodGay{public:goodGay();void visit();private:Building *building;};class Building{//告诉编译器 goodGay类是Building类的好朋友,可以访问到Building类中私有内容friend class goodGay;public:Building();public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅private:string m_BedRoom;//卧室};Building::Building(){this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";}goodGay::goodGay(){building = new Building;}void goodGay::visit(){cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;}void test01(){goodGay gg;gg.visit();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

好基友正在访问客厅好基友正在访问卧室Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.009 sPress any key to continue.
4.4.3 成员函数做友元


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Building;class goodGay{public:goodGay();void visit(); //只让visit函数作为Building的好朋友,可以发访问Building中私有内容void visit2();private:Building *building;};class Building{//告诉编译器  goodGay类中的visit成员函数 是Building好朋友,可以访问私有内容friend void goodGay::visit();public:Building();public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅private:string m_BedRoom;//卧室};Building::Building(){this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";}goodGay::goodGay(){building = new Building;}void goodGay::visit(){cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;}void goodGay::visit2(){cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;//cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;}void test01(){goodGay  gg;gg.visit();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

好基友正在访问客厅好基友正在访问卧室Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.013 sPress any key to continue.
4.4.4 Date类作为person类的友元

​ 题目如下:

​ 上机实验三,沿用上机实验二的Person类,设计一个Date类,并在Person中增加Date的对象Birthday(has a)。将类定义(class definition)写在 Person.h 及 Date.h 中。 将成员函数(member function)写在 person.cpp 及 Date.cpp中。
​ 编程一個主程式(main) 在主程序中建构两个 Person 对象,一个用全预设值,另一个给定所有的参数。 测试所有的功能,打印(print())对象的内容。

<<constructor>>+Date(y : int = 0, m : int = 0,d : int = 0)<<destructor>>+~Date()+setYear(y : int) : void+setMonth(m : int) : void+setDay(d : int) : void+getYear() : int+getMonth() : int+getDay() : int+print() : void-Year : int-Month : int-Day : int


-Name : string-ID : int-Address : string-Birthday: Date<<constructor>> +Person(name : string = “”, id : int =0, address : string = “”, Date = Date())<<desctructor>> +~Person()+setName(name : string)+getName() : string+setID(id : int)+getID() : int+setAddress(address : string)+getAddress() : string+setBirthday(d : Date)+getBirthday() : Date+print() : void

​ 解答如下:

​ main.cpp

#include <iostream>#include "Person.h"using namespace std;int main(){    Person myPerson;    // Person myPerson("S.M.Wang", 070145, "莲花路200号");    cout << "请输入姓名:" ;    string name;    cin >> name;    cout << "请输入ID:" ;    int id;    cin >> id;    cout << "请输入住址:" ;    string address;    cin >> address;    Date myDate;    cout << "请输入生日年:" ;    int year;    cin >> year;    cout << "请输入生日月:" ;    int month;    cin >> month;    cout << "请输入生日天:" ;    int day;    cin >> day;    myPerson.setName(name);    myPerson.setID(id);    myPerson.setAddress(address);    myDate.setYear(year);    myDate.setMonth(month);    myDate.setDay(day);    myPerson.setBirthday(myDate); // 调用的形参为类    myPerson.print();    return 0;}

​ Person.h

#include <iostream>#include "Date.h"using namespace std;class Person{public:    Person();    Person(string name, int id, string address);    ~Person();    void setPerson(string name, int id, string address);    void setName(string name);    void setID(int id);    void setAddress(string address);    void setBirthday(Date d);    string getName();    int getID();    string getAddress();    Date getBirthday();    void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Name;    int ID;    string Address;    Date Birthday;};

​ Date.h

#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Date{    friend class Person;public:    Date();    Date(int y, int m, int d);    ~Date();    void setYear(int y);    void setMonth(int m);    void setDay(int d);    int getYear();    int getMonth();    int getDay();    void print();private:    int Year;    int Month;    int Day;};

​ Person.cpp

#include "Person.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Person::Person(){    Name = "S.M.Wang";    ID = 070145;    Address = "莲花路200号";}Person::Person(string name, int id, string address){    setPerson(name, id, address);}Person::~Person(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Person::setPerson(string name, int id, string address){    Name = name;    ID = id;    Address = address;}void Person::setName(string name){    Name = name;}void Person::setID(int id){    ID = id;}void Person::setAddress(string address){    Address = address;}string Person::getName(){    return Name;}int Person::getID(){    return ID;}string Person::getAddress(){    return Address;}void Person::setBirthday(Date d) // 调用的形参是类{    Birthday = d;}Date Person::getBirthday() // 返回的是类{    return Birthday;}void Person::print(){    cout << "Name:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "Address:" << getAddress() << endl;        cout << "Birthday:" << getBirthday().getYear(); // getBirthday()返回的是类,再调用类中的子函数满足cout的返回值。    cout << " " << getBirthday().getMonth();    cout << " " << getBirthday().getDay() << endl;}

​ Date.cpp

#include "Date.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Date::Date(){    Year = 0;    Month = 0;    Day = 0;}Date::Date(int year, int month, int day){    setYear(year);    setMonth(month);    setDay(day);}Date::~Date(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Date::setYear(int year){    Year = year;}void Date::setMonth(int month){    Month = month;}void Date::setDay(int day){    Day = day;}int Date::getYear(){    return Year;}int Date::getMonth(){    return Month;}int Date::getDay(){    return Day;}void Date::print(){    cout << "Year :" << getYear() << endl;    cout << "Month :" << getMonth() << endl;    cout << "Day :" << getDay() << endl;}

​ 结果如下:

请输入姓名:S.M.Wang请输入ID:070145请输入住址:莲花路200号请输入生日年:2000请输入生日月:1请输入生日天:1Name:S.M.WangID:70145Address:莲花路200号Birthday:2000 1 1Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 49.737 sPress any key to continue.

4.5 运算符重载

​ 运算符重载概念:对已有的运算符重新进行定义,赋予其另一种功能,以适应不同的数据类型。

4.5.1 加号运算符重载

​ 作用:实现两个自定义数据类型相加的运算。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person() {};Person(int a, int b){this->m_A = a;this->m_B = b;}//成员函数实现 + 号运算符重载Person operator+(const Person& p) {Person temp;temp.m_A = this->m_A + p.m_A;temp.m_B = this->m_B + p.m_B;return temp;}public:int m_A;int m_B;};//全局函数实现 + 号运算符重载//Person operator+(const Person& p1, const Person& p2) //{//Person temp(0, 0);//temp.m_A = p1.m_A + p2.m_A;//temp.m_B = p1.m_B + p2.m_B;//return temp;//}//运算符重载 可以发生函数重载 Person operator+(const Person& p2, int val)  {Person temp;temp.m_A = p2.m_A + val;temp.m_B = p2.m_B + val;return temp;}void test() {Person p1(10, 10);Person p2(20, 20);//成员函数方式Person p3 = p2 + p1;  //相当于 p2.operaor+(p1)cout << "mA:" << p3.m_A << " mB:" << p3.m_B << endl;Person p4 = p3 + 10; //相当于 operator+(p3,10)cout << "mA:" << p4.m_A << " mB:" << p4.m_B << endl;}int main() {test();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

mA:30 mB:30mA:40 mB:40Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.179 sPress any key to continue.



4.5.2 左移运算符重载

​ 作用:重载左移运算符配合友元可以实现输出自定义数据类型。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p);public:Person(int a, int b){this->m_A = a;this->m_B = b;}//成员函数 实现不了  p << cout 不是我们想要的效果//void operator<<(Person& p)//{////}private:int m_A;int m_B;};//全局函数实现左移重载//ostream对象只能有一个ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p){out << "a:" << p.m_A << " b:" << p.m_B;return out;}void test(){Person p1(10, 20);cout << p1 << '\n' << "hello world" << endl; //链式编程}int main(){test();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

a:10 b:20hello worldProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.007 sPress any key to continue.
4.5.3 递增运算符重载




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class MyInteger{friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint);public:MyInteger(){m_Num = 0;}//前置++MyInteger& operator++(){//先++m_Num++;//再返回return *this;}//后置++MyInteger operator++(int){//先返回MyInteger temp = *this; //记录当前本身的值,然后让本身的值加1,但是返回的是以前的值,达到先返回后++;m_Num++;return temp;}private:int m_Num;};ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint){out << myint.m_Num;return out;}//前置++ 先++ 再返回void test01(){MyInteger myInt;cout << ++myInt << endl;cout << myInt << endl;}//后置++ 先返回 再++void test02(){MyInteger myInt;cout << myInt++ << endl;cout << myInt << endl;}int main(){test01();test02();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

1101Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.007 sPress any key to continue.
4.5.4 赋值运算符重载

​ c++编译器至少给一个类添加4个函数

默认构造函数(无参,函数体为空)默认析构函数(无参,函数体为空)默认拷贝构造函数,对属性进行值拷贝赋值运算符 operator=, 对属性进行值拷贝

​ 如果类中有属性指向堆区,做赋值操作时也会出现深浅拷贝问题。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person(int age){//将年龄数据开辟到堆区m_Age = new int(age);}//重载赋值运算符Person& operator=(Person &p){if (m_Age != NULL){delete m_Age;m_Age = NULL;}//编译器提供的代码是浅拷贝//m_Age = p.m_Age;//提供深拷贝 解决浅拷贝的问题m_Age = new int(*p.m_Age);//返回自身return *this;}~Person(){if (m_Age != NULL){delete m_Age;m_Age = NULL;}}//年龄的指针int *m_Age;};void test01(){Person p1(18);Person p2(20);Person p3(30);p3 = p2 = p1; //赋值操作cout << "p1的年龄为:" << *p1.m_Age << endl;cout << "p2的年龄为:" << *p2.m_Age << endl;cout << "p3的年龄为:" << *p3.m_Age << endl;}int main(){test01();//int a = 10;//int b = 20;//int c = 30;//c = b = a;//cout << "a = " << a << endl;//cout << "b = " << b << endl;//cout << "c = " << c << endl;return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

p1的年龄为:18p2的年龄为:18p3的年龄为:18Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.109 sPress any key to continue.
4.5.5 关系运算符重载

作用: 重载关系运算符,可以让两个自定义类型对象进行对比操作。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Person{public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;};bool operator==(Person & p){if (this->m_Name == p.m_Name && this->m_Age == p.m_Age){return true;}else{return false;}}bool operator!=(Person & p){if (this->m_Name == p.m_Name && this->m_Age == p.m_Age){return false;}else{return true;}}string m_Name;int m_Age;};void test01(){//int a = 0;//int b = 0;Person a("孙悟空", 18);Person b("孙悟空", 20);if (a == b){cout << "a和b相等" << endl;}else{cout << "a和b不相等" << endl;}/*if (a != b){cout << "a和b不相等" << endl;}else{cout << "a和b相等" << endl;}*/}int main(){test01();return 0;}


a和b不相等Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.060 sPress any key to continue.
4.5.6 函数调用运算符重载

函数调用运算符 () 也可以重载。由于重载后使用的方式非常像函数的调用,因此称为仿函数。仿函数没有固定写法,非常灵活。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class MyPrint{public:void operator()(string text){cout << text << endl;}};void test01(){//重载的()操作符 也称为仿函数MyPrint myFunc;myFunc("hello world");}class MyAdd{public:int operator()(int v1, int v2){return v1 + v2;}};void test02(){MyAdd add;int ret = add(10, 10);cout << "ret = " << ret << endl;//匿名对象调用cout << "MyAdd()(100,100) = " << MyAdd()(100, 100) << endl;}int main(){test01();test02();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

hello worldret = 20MyAdd()(100,100) = 200Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.052 sPress any key to continue.
4.5.7 重载+, - ,*, /, >>,<<运算符

​ 题目如下:

​ 上机实验四设计一个 Complex 类,并在 Complex 中重载+, - ,*, /, >>以及<<等运算符。

建构数个 Complex 物件,测试对象的所有成员函数(member functions)。建构数个 Complex 物件的指针(pointer),以指针测试物件的所有成员函数(member functions)。


-Real : double-Imaginary : double<<constructor>> +Complex(real : double = 0.0,imaginary : double = 0.0)<<desctructor>> +~Complex()+setReal(real : double)+getReal() : double+setImaginary(imaginary : double)+getImaginary() : double+operator+(c: Complex) : Complex &+operator-(c: Complex) : Complex &+operator*(c: Complex) : Complex &+operator/(c: Complex) : Complex &<<friend>>+operator>>(input : istream&, c :&Complex) : istream&<<friend>>+operator<<(output : ostream&, c :Complex) : ostream&

​ 解答如下:

​ main.cpp

#include <iostream>#include "Complex.h"using namespace std;int main(){    Complex c1(3.0, 4.0);    Complex c2(4.0, 5.0);    Complex c3;    Complex c4;    Complex c5;    Complex c6;    c3 = c1 + c2;    c4 = c1 - c2;    c5 = c1 * c2;    c6 = c1 / c2;    cout << "c1 = " << c1 << endl;    cout << "c2 = " << c2 << endl;    cout << "c1 + c2 = " << c3 << endl;    cout << "c1 - c2 = " << c4 << endl;    cout << "c1 * c2 = " << c5 << endl;    cout << "c1 / c2 = " << c6 << endl;    Complex *ptr1;    Complex *ptr2;    Complex *ptr3;    Complex *ptr4;    Complex *ptr5;    Complex *ptr6;    ptr1 = new Complex(7.0, 8.0);    ptr2 = new Complex(6.0, 5.0);    ptr3 = new Complex();    ptr4 = new Complex();    ptr5 = new Complex();    ptr6 = new Complex();    *ptr3 = *ptr1 + *ptr2;    *ptr4 = *ptr1 - *ptr2;    *ptr5 = *ptr1 * *ptr2;    *ptr6 = *ptr1 / *ptr2;    cout << "*ptr1 = " << *ptr1 << endl;    cout << "*ptr2 = " << *ptr2 << endl;    cout << "*ptr1 + *ptr2 = " << *ptr3 << endl;    cout << "*ptr1 - *ptr2 = " << *ptr4 << endl;    cout << "*ptr1 * *ptr2 = " << *ptr5 << endl;    cout << "*ptr1 / *ptr2 = " << *ptr6 << endl;    delete ptr3;    delete ptr4;    delete ptr5;    delete ptr6;    return 0;}

​ Complex.h

#ifndef COMPLEX_H#define COMPLEX_H#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Complex{public:    Complex();    Complex(double real, double imaginary); // default constructor    ~Complex();    void setReal(double real);    void setImaginary(double imaginary);    double getReal();    double getImaginary();    Complex operator+(const Complex& c); // 重载    Complex operator-(const Complex& c); //    Complex operator*(const Complex& c); //    Complex operator/(const Complex& c); //    friend istream& operator>>(istream& input, Complex& a);    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, Complex& a);    void print(); // in real + i imaginaryprivate:    double Real;    double Imaginary;};#endif // COMPLEX_H

​ Complex.cpp

#include "Complex.h"using namespace std;Complex::Complex(){    Real = 0.0;    Imaginary = 0.0;}Complex::Complex(double real, double imaginary){    setReal(real);    setImaginary(imaginary);}Complex::~Complex(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Complex::setReal(double real){    Real = real;}void Complex::setImaginary(double imaginary){    Imaginary = imaginary;}double Complex::getReal(){    return Real;}double Complex::getImaginary(){    return Imaginary;}Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& c){    return Complex(getReal() + c.Real, getImaginary() + c.Imaginary);}Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex& c){    return Complex(getReal() - c.Real, getImaginary() - c.Imaginary);}Complex Complex::operator*(const Complex& c){    return Complex(getReal() * c.Real - getImaginary() * c.Imaginary, getReal() * c.Imaginary + getImaginary() * c.Real);}Complex Complex::operator/(const Complex& c){    double denominator = c.Real * c.Real + c.Imaginary * c.Imaginary;    double a = getReal() * c.Real + getImaginary() * c.Imaginary;    double b = getImaginary() * c.Real - getReal() * c.Imaginary;    return Complex(a / denominator, b / denominator);}// 重载输入运算符istream& operator>>(istream& input, Complex& c){    input >> c.Real >> c.Imaginary;    return input;}// 重载输出运算符ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, Complex& c){    output << c.getReal() << "+" << c.getImaginary() << "i";    return output;}void Complex::print(){    cout << "Real is " << getReal() << endl;    cout << "Imaginary is " << getImaginary() << endl;    cout << endl;}

​ 结果如下:

c1 = 3+4ic2 = 4+5ic1 + c2 = 7+9ic1 - c2 = -1+-1ic1 * c2 = -8+31ic1 / c2 = 0.780488+0.0243902i*ptr1 = 7+8i*ptr2 = 6+5i*ptr1 + *ptr2 = 13+13i*ptr1 - *ptr2 = 1+3i*ptr1 * *ptr2 = 2+83i*ptr1 / *ptr2 = 1.34426+0.213115iProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.070 sPress any key to continue.

4.6 继承


​ 我们发现,定义这些类时,下级别的成员除了拥有上一级的共性,还有自己的特性。

​ 这个时候我们就可以考虑利用继承的技术,减少重复代码。

4.6.1 继承的基本语法

class 子类 : 继承方式 父类{    ...}

​ 继承的好处

​ 1.可以减少重复的代码。

​ 2.在父类中体现共性,在子类中体现特性。

例4.6.1.1 普通实现

#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Java{public:    void header()    {        cout << "首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)" << endl;    }    void footer()    {        cout << "帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)" << '\n' << endl;    }    void left()    {        cout << "Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)" << endl;    }    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "Java学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};class CPP{public:    void header()    {        cout << "首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)" << endl;    }    void footer()    {        cout << "帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)" << '\n' << endl;    }    void left()    {        cout << "Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)" << endl;    }    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "C++学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};class Python{public:    void header()    {        cout << "首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)" << endl;    }    void footer()    {        cout << "帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)" << '\n' << endl;    }    void left()    {        cout << "Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)" << endl;    }    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "Python学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};void test01(){    Java ja;    ja.header();    ja.left();    ja.content();    ja.footer();}void test02(){    Python py;    py.header();    py.left();    py.content();    py.footer();}void test03(){    CPP cpp;    cpp.header();    cpp.left();    cpp.content();    cpp.footer();}int main(){    test01();    test02();    test03();    return 0;}

例4.6.1.2 继承实现

#include <iostream>using namespace std;class BasePage{public:    void header()    {        cout << "首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)" << endl;    }    void footer()    {        cout << "帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)" << '\n' << endl;    }    void left()    {        cout << "Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)" << endl;    }};class Java : public BasePage{public:    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "Java学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};class CPP : public BasePage{public:    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "C++学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};class Python : public BasePage{public:    void content()    {        cout << '\n' << "Python学习资料" << '\n' << endl;    }};void test01(){    Java ja;    ja.header();    ja.left();    ja.content();    ja.footer();}void test02(){    Python py;    py.header();    py.left();    py.content();    py.footer();}void test03(){    CPP cpp;    cpp.header();    cpp.left();    cpp.content();    cpp.footer();}int main(){    test01();    test02();    test03();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)Java学习资料帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)Python学习资料帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)首页,公开课,登录,注册...(公共头部)Java, Python, C++, ...(公共分类列表)C++学习资料帮助中心,交流合作,站内地图...(公共底部)Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.201 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.2 继承方式

​ 公共继承​ 保护继承​ 私有继承

其都不能访问父类中 private 的信息。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:    int m_A;protected:    int m_B;private:    int m_C;};//公共继承class Son1 :public Base{public:    void func()    {        m_A = 10; // 父类中的公共权限成员 到子类中仍然是公共权限        m_B = 10; // 父类中的保护权限成员 到子类中仍然是保护权限        //m_C = 10; // 父类中的私有权限成员 子类访问不到    }};void test01(){    Son1 s1;    s1.m_A = 100;    // s1.m_B = 100; // 到Son1中 m_B是保护权限 类外访问不到}//保护继承class Son2 :protected Base{public:    void func()    {        m_A = 10; // 父类中的公共权限成员 到子类中变为保护权限        m_B = 10; // 父类中的保护权限成员 到子类中仍然是保护权限        //m_C = 10; // 父类中的私有权限成员 子类访问不到    }};void test02(){    Son2 s2;    //s2.m_A = 100; // 在Son2中 m_A变为保护权限,因此访问不到。}//私有继承class Son3 :private Base{public:    void func()    {        m_A = 10; // 父类中的公共权限成员 到子类中变为私有权限        m_B = 10; // 父类中的保护权限成员 到子类中变为私有权限        //m_C = 10; // 父类中的私有权限成员 子类访问不到    }};void test03(){    Son3 s3;    //s3.m_A = 100; // 在Son3中 m_A变为私有权限,因此访问不到。}int main(){    test01();    test02();    test03();    return 0;}
4.6.3 继承中的对象模型

​ 父类中私有成员也是被子类继承下去了,只是由编译器给隐藏后访问不到。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:int m_A;protected:int m_B;private:int m_C; //私有成员只是被隐藏了,但是还是会继承下去};//公共继承class Son :public Base{public:int m_D;};void test01(){cout << "sizeof Son = " << sizeof(Son) << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

sizeof Son = 16Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.092 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.4 继承中构造和析构顺序

​ 继承中 先调用父类构造函数,再调用子类构造函数,析构顺序与构造相反。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:Base(){cout << "Base构造函数!" << endl;}~Base(){cout << "Base析构函数!" << endl;}};class Son : public Base{public:Son(){cout << "Son构造函数!" << endl;}~Son(){cout << "Son析构函数!" << endl;}};void test01(){//继承中 先调用父类构造函数,再调用子类构造函数,析构顺序与构造相反Son s;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Base构造函数!Son构造函数!Son析构函数!Base析构函数!Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.084 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.5 继承同名成员处理方式

​ 子类对象可以直接访问到子类中同名成员。​ 子类对象加作用域可以访问到父类同名成员。​ 当子类与父类拥有同名的成员函数,子类会隐藏父类中同名成员函数,加作用域可以访问到父类中同名函数。

例4.6.5.1 如果子类和父类成员同名,直接调用会调用到子类的数据。

#include <iostream>using namespace std;//继承中同名成员处理class Base{public:    Base()    {        m_A = 100;    }    int m_A;};class Son :public Base{public:    Son()    {        m_A = 200;    }    int m_A;};void test01(){    Son s;    cout << "m_A = " << s.m_A << endl;}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

m_A = 200Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.061 sPress any key to continue.

例4.6.5.2 如果子类和父类成员同名,前面加作用域( :: )调用会调用到父类的数据。

#include <iostream>using namespace std;//继承中同名成员处理class Base{public:    Base()    {        m_A = 100;    }    int m_A;};class Son :public Base{public:    Son()    {        m_A = 200;    }    int m_A;};void test01(){    Son s;    cout << "Son 下的 m_A = " << s.m_A << endl;    cout << "Base 下的 m_A = " << s.Base::m_A << endl;}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Son 下的 m_A = 200Base 下的 m_A = 100Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.081 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.6 继承同名静态成员处理方式

访问子类同名成员 直接访问即可。访问父类同名成员 需要加作用域。


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:static void func(){cout << "Base - static void func()" << endl;}static void func(int a){cout << "Base - static void func(int a)" << endl;}static int m_A;};int Base::m_A = 100;class Son : public Base{public:static void func(){cout << "Son - static void func()" << endl;}static int m_A;};int Son::m_A = 200;//同名成员属性void test01(){//通过对象访问cout << "通过对象访问: " << endl;Son s;cout << "Son  下 m_A = " << s.m_A << endl;cout << "Base 下 m_A = " << s.Base::m_A << endl;//通过类名访问cout << "通过类名访问: " << endl;cout << "Son  下 m_A = " << Son::m_A << endl;cout << "Base 下 m_A = " << Son::Base::m_A << endl;}//同名成员函数void test02(){//通过对象访问cout << "通过对象访问: " << endl;Son s;s.func();s.Base::func();cout << "通过类名访问: " << endl;Son::func();Son::Base::func();//出现同名,子类会隐藏掉父类中所有同名成员函数,需要加作作用域访问Son::Base::func(100);}int main(){//test01();test02();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

通过对象访问:Son - static void func()Base - static void func()通过类名访问:Son - static void func()Base - static void func()Base - static void func(int a)Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.109 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.7 多继承语法

​ C++允许一个类继承多个类。

​ 语法如下:

class 子类 : 继承方式 父类1, 继承方式 父类2, ...{    ...}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base1{public:    Base1()    {        m_A = 100;    }    int m_A;};class Base2{public:    Base2()    {        m_B = 200;    }    int m_B;};// 子类 继承Base1和Base2class Son :public Base1, public Base2{public:    Son()    {        m_C = 300;        m_D = 400;    }    int m_C;    int m_D;};//多继承容易产生成员同名的情况//通过使用类名作用域可以区分调用哪一个基类的成员void test01(){Son s;cout << "sizeof Son = " << sizeof(s) << endl;cout << s.Base1::m_A << endl;cout << s.Base2::m_B << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

sizeof Son = 16100200Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.039 sPress any key to continue.
4.6.8 菱形继承










#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Animal{public:int m_Age;};//继承前加virtual关键字后,变为虚继承//此时公共的父类Animal称为虚基类class Sheep : virtual public Animal {};class Tuo   : virtual public Animal {};class SheepTuo : public Sheep, public Tuo {};void test01(){SheepTuo st;st.Sheep::m_Age = 100;st.Tuo::m_Age = 200;cout << "st.Sheep::m_Age = " << st.Sheep::m_Age << endl;cout << "st.Tuo::m_Age = " <<  st.Tuo::m_Age << endl;cout << "st.m_Age = " << st.m_Age << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

st.Sheep::m_Age = 200st.Tuo::m_Age = 200st.m_Age = 200Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.129 sPress any key to continue.

4.7 多态

4.7.1 多态的基本介绍


C++ 重写:virtual 函数值返回类型 函数名 参数列表







例4.7.1 class animal

#include <iostream>using namespace std;// 多态// 动物类class Animal{public:    // 虚函数    virtual void speak()    {        cout << "动物在说话" << endl;    }};// 猫类class Cat :public Animal{public:    // 重写 函数返回值类型 函数名 参数列表 完全相同    virtual void speak()    {        cout << "小猫在说话" << endl;    }};// 狗类class Dog :public Animal{public:    // 重写 函数返回值类型 函数名 参数列表 完全相同    virtual void speak()    {        cout << "小狗在说话" << endl;    }};// 执行说话的函数// 地址早已绑定 在编译阶段确定函数地址// 如果想执行让猫说话,那么这个函数不能提前绑定,要在运行阶段进行绑定,地址晚绑定void doSpeak(Animal &animal) // Animal & animal == cat;{    animal.speak();}void test01(){    Cat cat;    doSpeak(cat);    Dog dog;    doSpeak(dog);}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

小猫在说话小狗在说话Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.085 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.2 纯虚函数和抽象类

​ 在多态中,通常父类中的虚函数的实现是没有意义的,主要是调用子类重写的内容,因此可以将虚函数改为纯虚函数。

​ 纯虚函数的语法:

virtual 返回值类型 函数名 (形参列表) = 0;

​ 当类中有了纯虚函数,这个类也称为抽象类。

​ 抽象类的特点



#include <iostream>using namespace std;// 纯虚函数和抽象类class Base{public:    // 纯虚函数    // 只要有一个纯虚函数,这个类称为抽象类    // 抽象类的特点:    // 1.无法实例化对象    // 2.抽象类的子类 必须重写父类中的纯虚函数,否则也属于抽象类    virtual void func() = 0;};class Son :public Base{public:    virtual void func()    {        cout << "output the son result" << endl;    }};void test01(){    // Base b; // 抽象类无法实例化对象    // new Base; // 抽象类无法实例化对象    Son s; // 子类必须重写父类中的纯虚函数,否则无法实现实例化对象。    Base * base = new Son;    base->func();}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

output the son resultProcess returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.083 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.3 虚析构和纯虚析构

​ 多态使用时,如果子类中有属性开辟到堆区,那么父类指针在释放的时候无法调用到子类的析构代码。

​ 解决方式:将父类中的析构函数改为虚析构或者纯虚析构

​ 虚析构和纯虚析构的共性:


​ 纯虚析构和虚析构的区别:


​ 虚析构语法:

c++ virtual ~类名() { ... }

​ 纯虚析构的语法:

C++ virtual ~类名() = 0;
类名::类名() { ... }

例4.7.3.1 调用虚析构函数

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;// 虚析构和纯虚析构class Animal{public:    Animal()    {        cout << "Animal的构造函数调用" << endl;    }    // 利用虚析构函数可以解决父类指针释放子类对象时不干净的问题    virtual ~Animal()    {        cout << "Animal的虚析构函数调用" << endl;    }    // 纯虚析构 需要声明 需要实现    //virtual ~Animal() = 0;    // 纯虚函数    virtual void speak() = 0;};/*Animal::~Animal(){    cout << "Animal的纯虚析构函数调用" << endl;}*/class Cat :public Animal{public:    Cat(string name)    {        cout << "Cat的构造函数调用" << endl;        m_Name = new string (name);    }    virtual void speak()    {        cout << *m_Name << "小猫在说话" << endl;    }    ~Cat()    {        if (m_Name != NULL)        {            cout << "Cat的虚析构函数调用" << endl;            delete m_Name;            m_Name = NULL;        }    }    string *m_Name;};void test01(){    Animal * animal = new Cat("Tom");    animal->speak();    // 父类指针在析构的时候 不会调用子类中的析构函数,导致子类如果有堆区属性,出现内存泄露    delete animal;}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Animal的构造函数调用Cat的构造函数调用Tom小猫在说话Cat的虚析构函数调用Animal的虚析构函数调用Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.113 sPress any key to continue.

例4.7.3.2 调用纯虚析构函数

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;// 虚析构和纯虚析构class Animal{public:    Animal()    {        cout << "Animal的构造函数调用" << endl;    }    // 利用虚析构函数可以解决父类指针释放子类对象时不干净的问题    /*virtual ~Animal()    {        cout << "Animal的虚析构函数调用" << endl;    }*/    // 纯虚析构 需要声明 需要实现    virtual ~Animal() = 0;    // 纯虚函数    virtual void speak() = 0;};Animal::~Animal(){    cout << "Animal的纯虚析构函数调用" << endl;}class Cat :public Animal{public:    Cat(string name)    {        cout << "Cat的构造函数调用" << endl;        m_Name = new string (name);    }    virtual void speak()    {        cout << *m_Name << "小猫在说话" << endl;    }    ~Cat()    {        if (m_Name != NULL)        {            cout << "Cat的虚析构函数调用" << endl;            delete m_Name;            m_Name = NULL;        }    }    string *m_Name;};void test01(){    Animal * animal = new Cat("Tom");    animal->speak();    // 父类指针在析构的时候 不会调用子类中的析构函数,导致子类如果有堆区属性,出现内存泄露    delete animal;}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

Animal的构造函数调用Cat的构造函数调用Tom小猫在说话Cat的虚析构函数调用Animal的纯虚析构函数调用Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.029 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.4 多态案例一-计算器类

例4.7.4 class calculator

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;// 分别利用基本写法和多态技术实现计算器// 普通写法class Calculator{public:    int getResult(string oper)    {        if(oper == "+")        {            return m_Num1 + m_Num2;        }        else if(oper == "-")        {            return m_Num1 - m_Num2;        }        else if(oper == "*")        {            return m_Num1 * m_Num2;        }        else if(oper == "/")        {            return m_Num1 / m_Num2;        }    }    int m_Num1;    int m_Num2;    // 如果想拓展新的功能,需要修改源码    // 在真实开发中提倡开闭原则    // 开闭原则:对扩展进行开发,对修改进行关闭};void test01(){    // 创建计算器对象    Calculator c;    c.m_Num1 = 10;    c.m_Num2 = 10;    cout << c.m_Num1 << " + " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("+") << endl;    cout << c.m_Num1 << " - " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("-") << endl;    cout << c.m_Num1 << " * " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("*") << endl;    cout << c.m_Num1 << " / " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("/") << endl;}// 利用多态实现计算器// 实现计算器抽象类class AbstractCalculator{public:    virtual int getResult()    {        return 0;    }    int m_Num1;    int m_Num2;};// 加法计算器类class Add :public AbstractCalculator{    virtual int getResult()    {        return m_Num1 + m_Num2;    }};// 减法计算器类class Sub :public AbstractCalculator{    virtual int getResult()    {        return m_Num1 - m_Num2;    }};// 乘法计算器类class Mul :public AbstractCalculator{    virtual int getResult()    {        return m_Num1 * m_Num2;    }};// 除法计算器类class Div :public AbstractCalculator{    virtual int getResult()    {        return m_Num1 / m_Num2;    }};void test02(){    // 多态使用条件    // 父类指针或者引用指向子类对象    // 加法运算    AbstractCalculator * abc = new Add;    abc->m_Num1 = 20;    abc->m_Num2 = 20;    cout << abc->m_Num1 << " + " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;    delete abc;    // 减法运算    abc = new Sub;    abc->m_Num1 = 20;    abc->m_Num2 = 20;    cout << abc->m_Num1 << " - " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;    delete abc;    // 乘法运算    abc = new Mul;    abc->m_Num1 = 20;    abc->m_Num2 = 20;    cout << abc->m_Num1 << " * " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;    delete abc;    // 除法运算    abc = new Div;    abc->m_Num1 = 20;    abc->m_Num2 = 20;    cout << abc->m_Num1 << " / " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;    delete abc;}int main(){    cout << "test01" << endl;    test01();    cout << endl;    cout << "test02" << endl;    test02();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

test0110 + 10 = 2010 - 10 = 010 * 10 = 10010 / 10 = 1test0220 + 20 = 4020 - 20 = 020 * 20 = 40020 / 20 = 1Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.028 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.5 多态案例二-制作饮品

例4.7.5 make drinking

#include <iostream>using namespace std;// make drinkingclass BaseDrinking{public:    virtual ~BaseDrinking()    {        // 基类析构函数实现    }    // 煮水    virtual void Boil() = 0;    // 冲泡    virtual void Brew() = 0;    // 倒入杯中    virtual void PourInCup() = 0;    // 加入辅料    virtual void AddSomethings() = 0;    // 制作饮品    void MakeDrink()    {        Boil();        Brew();        PourInCup();        AddSomethings();    }};// 制作咖啡class Coffee :public BaseDrinking{public:    // 煮水    virtual void Boil()    {        cout << "煮农夫山泉" << endl;    }    // 冲泡    virtual void Brew()    {        cout << "冲泡咖啡" << endl;    }    // 倒入杯中    virtual void PourInCup()    {        cout << "倒入咖啡杯中" << endl;    }    // 加入辅料    virtual void AddSomethings()    {        cout << "加入糖和牛奶" << endl;    }};// 制作茶class Tea :public BaseDrinking{public:    // 煮水    virtual void Boil()    {        cout << "煮娃哈哈" << endl;    }    // 冲泡    virtual void Brew()    {        cout << "冲泡茶" << endl;    }    // 倒入杯中    virtual void PourInCup()    {        cout << "倒入茶杯中" << endl;    }    // 加入辅料    virtual void AddSomethings()    {        cout << "加入柠檬" << endl;    }};// 制作函数void doWork(BaseDrinking * base){    base->MakeDrink();    delete base; // 释放}void test01(){    // 制作咖啡    doWork(new Coffee);    cout << "---------------------" << endl;    // 制作茶    doWork(new Tea);}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

煮农夫山泉冲泡咖啡倒入咖啡杯中加入糖和牛奶---------------------煮娃哈哈冲泡茶倒入茶杯中加入柠檬Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.078 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.6 多态案例三-电脑组装

例4.7.6 assembly computer

#include <iostream>using namespace std;// 组装电脑// 抽象不同的零件类// 抽象CPU类class CPU{public:    virtual ~CPU()    {    }    // 抽象的计算函数    virtual void calculate() = 0;};// 抽象显卡类class VideoCard{public:    virtual ~VideoCard()    {    }    // 抽象的显示函数    virtual void display() = 0;};// 抽象内存条类class Memory{public:    virtual ~Memory()    {    }    // 抽象的存储函数    virtual void storage() = 0;};class Computer{public:    Computer(CPU * cpu, VideoCard * vc, Memory *mem)    {        m_cpu = cpu;        m_vc = vc;        m_mem = mem;    }    // 提供工作的函数    void work()    {        // 让零件工作起来,调用接口        m_cpu->calculate();        m_vc->display();        m_mem->storage();    }    // 提供析构函数 释放3个电脑零件    virtual ~Computer()    {        // 释放CPU零件        if (m_cpu != NULL)        {            delete m_cpu;            m_cpu = NULL;        }        // 释放显卡零件        if (m_vc != NULL)        {            delete m_vc;            m_vc = NULL;        }        // 释放内存条零件        if (m_mem != NULL)        {            delete m_mem;            m_mem = NULL;        }    }private:    CPU * m_cpu; // CPU的零件指针    VideoCard * m_vc; // 显卡零件指针    Memory * m_mem; // 内存条零件指针};// 具体厂商// intel厂商class IntelCPU :public CPU{public:    virtual void calculate()    {        cout << "Intel的CPU开始计算了" << endl;    }};class IntelVideoCard :public VideoCard{public:    virtual void display()    {        cout << "Intel的显卡开始显示了" << endl;    }};class IntelMemory :public Memory{public:    virtual void storage()    {        cout << "Intel的内存条开始存储了" << endl;    }};// AMD厂商class AMDCPU :public CPU{public:    virtual void calculate()    {        cout << "AMD的CPU开始计算了" << endl;    }};class AMDVideoCard :public VideoCard{public:    virtual void display()    {        cout << "AMD的显卡开始显示了" << endl;    }};class AMDMemory :public Memory{public:    virtual void storage()    {        cout << "AMD的内存条开始存储了" << endl;    }};void test01(){    // 第一台电脑零件    CPU * intelcpu = new IntelCPU;    VideoCard * intelCard = new IntelVideoCard;    Memory * intelMem = new IntelMemory;    cout << "第一台电脑开始工作:" << endl;    // 创建第一台电脑    Computer * Computer1 = new Computer(intelcpu, intelCard, intelMem);    Computer1->work();    delete Computer1;    cout << "----------------------" << endl;    cout << "第二台电脑开始工作:" << endl;    // 第二台电脑组装    Computer * Computer2 = new Computer(new AMDCPU, new AMDVideoCard, new AMDMemory);    Computer2->work();    delete Computer2;}int main(){    test01();    return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

第一台电脑开始工作:Intel的CPU开始计算了Intel的显卡开始显示了Intel的内存条开始存储了----------------------第二台电脑开始工作:AMD的CPU开始计算了AMD的显卡开始显示了AMD的内存条开始存储了Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.072 sPress any key to continue.
4.7.7 继承与多态案例

​ 题目如下:

​ 上机实验五 继承與多态,请沿用实验三的实验结果, 以公开(public)继承 Person 类产生一个 Student 类(class)。
以及 Teacher 类。注意: Person 类的 print()成员已经设为虚函数(virtual function)。
​ 将类定义(class definition)写在 Person.h, Date.h, Student.h 及 Teacher.h 中。 将成员函数的定义(member function definition)写在person.cpp, Date.cpp, Student.cpp 及Teacher.cpp 中。在主程序中实例化二个 Person对象,二个 Student 对象,一个 Teacher 对象。并在主程序中定义一个 Person 的指针数组,将数组中的指针分别指向上述五个对象。 利用 for 及指针数组调用数组指针指向的每个对象的 print 成员函数顺序打印对象的内容。

-Name : string-ID : int-Address : string-Birthday: Date<<constructor>> +Person(name : string = “”, id : int = 0,address : string = “”, Date = Date())<<desctructor>> +~Person()+setName(name : string)+getName() : string+setID(id : int)+getID() : int+setAddress(address : string)+getAddress() : string+setBirthday(d : Date)+getBirthday() : Date+virtual print() : void


<<constructor>>+Date(y : int = 0,m : int = 0, d : int = 0)<<destructor>>+~Date()+setYear(y : int) : void+setMonth(m : int) : void+setDay(d : int) : void+getYear() : int+getMonth() : int+getDay() : int+print() : void-Year : int-Month : int-Day : intStudent-Department:string-studentID:int<<constructor>> +Student (name:string=””,id:int=0, address:string=””, Date=Date(),Dep:string=””, sID:int=0)<<destructor>> +~Student()+setDepartment(Dep:string):void+setStudentID(sID:int):void+getDepartment():string+getStudentID():int+print():void


-Department:string-Salary:double<<constructor>> +Teacher(name:string,id:int=0, address:string=””, Date=Date(),Dep:string=””,sal:double=0.0)<<destructor>> +~Teacher()+setDepartment(Dep:string):void+setSalary(sal:duble):void+getDepartment():string+getSalary():double+print():void

​ 解答如下:

​ main.cpp

#include <iostream>#include "Person.h"#include "Student.h"#include "Teacher.h"using namespace std;int main(){    Person p1("Alice", 1, "123 Street");    Person p2("Bob", 2, "456 Avenue");    Student s1("Charlie", 3, "789 Boulevard", Date(2000, 3, 1), "Math", 1001);    Student s2("David", 4, "101 Lane", Date(2001, 7, 22), "Physics", 1002);    Teacher t1("Eve", 5, "202 Road", Date(1975, 1, 1), "Biology", 50000);    Person* people[] = {&p1, &p2, &s1, &s2, &t1}; // 容器    for (const auto& person : people) // output    {        person->print();    }    return 0;}

​ Person.h

#ifndef PERSON_H#define PERSON_H#include <iostream>#include "Date.h"using namespace std;class Person{public:    Person();    Person(string name, int id, string address);    ~Person();    void setPerson(string name, int id, string address);    void setName(string name);    void setID(int id);    void setAddress(string address);    void setBirthday(Date d);    string getName();    int getID();    string getAddress();    Date getBirthday();    virtual void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Name;    int ID;    string Address;    Date Birthday;};#endif // PERSON_H

​ Student.h

#ifndef STUDENT_H#define STUDENT_H#include <iostream>#include "Person.h"#include "Date.h"using namespace std;class Student :public Person{public:    Student();    Student(string name, int id, string address, Date date, string department, int studentID);    ~Student();    void setDepartment(string department);    void setStudentID(int studentID);    string getDepartment();    int getStudentID();    virtual void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Department;    int StudentID;};#endif // STUDENT_H

​ Teacher.h

#ifndef TEACHER_H#define TEACHER_H#include "Person.h"#include "Date.h"using namespace std;class Teacher :public Person{public:    Teacher();    Teacher(string name, int id, string address, Date date, string department, double salary);    ~Teacher();    void setDepartment(string department);    void setSalary(double salary);    string getDepartment();    double getSalary();    virtual void print(); // outPutResultprivate:    string Department;    double Salary;};#endif // TEACHER_H

​ Person.cpp

#include "Person.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Person::Person(){    Name = "S.M.Wang";    ID = 070145;    Address = "莲花路200号";}Person::Person(string name, int id, string address){    setPerson(name, id, address);}Person::~Person(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Person::setPerson(string name, int id, string address){    Name = name;    ID = id;    Address = address;}void Person::setName(string name){    Name = name;}void Person::setID(int id){    ID = id;}void Person::setAddress(string address){    Address = address;}string Person::getName(){    return Name;}int Person::getID(){    return ID;}string Person::getAddress(){    return Address;}void Person::setBirthday(Date d) // 调用的形参是类{    Birthday = d;}Date Person::getBirthday() // 返回的是类{    return Birthday;}void Person::print(){    cout << "Name:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "Address:" << getAddress() << endl;    cout << "Birthday:" << getBirthday().getYear(); // getBirthday()返回的是类,再调用类中的子函数满足cout的返回值。    cout << " " << getBirthday().getMonth();    cout << " " << getBirthday().getDay() << endl;    cout << endl;}

​ Student.cpp

#include "Student.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Student::Student(){}Student::Student(string name, int id, string address, Date date, string department, int studentID){    setPerson(name, id, address);    setBirthday(date);    setDepartment(department);    setStudentID(studentID);}Student::~Student(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Student::setDepartment(string department){    Department = department;}string Student::getDepartment(){    return Department;}void Student::setStudentID(int studentID){    StudentID = studentID;}int Student::getStudentID(){    return StudentID;}void Student::print(){    cout << "Name:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "Address:" << getAddress() << endl;    cout << "Birthday:" << getBirthday().getYear(); // getBirthday()返回的是类,再调用类中的子函数满足cout的返回值。    cout << " " << getBirthday().getMonth();    cout << " " << getBirthday().getDay() << endl;    cout << "Department:" << getDepartment() << endl;    cout << "StudentID:" << getStudentID() << endl;    cout << endl;}

​ Teacher.cpp

#include "Teacher.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Teacher::Teacher(){}Teacher::Teacher(string name, int id, string address, Date date, string department, double salary){    setPerson(name, id, address);    setBirthday(date);    setDepartment(department);    setSalary(salary);}Teacher::~Teacher(){    //cout << "object Destructor is called" << endl;}void Teacher::setDepartment(string department){    Department = department;}string Teacher::getDepartment(){    return Department;}void Teacher::setSalary(double salary){    Salary = salary;}double Teacher::getSalary(){    return Salary;}void Teacher::print(){    cout << "Name:" << getName() << endl;    cout << "ID:" << getID() << endl;    cout << "Address:" << getAddress() << endl;    cout << "Birthday:" << getBirthday().getYear(); // getBirthday()返回的是类,再调用类中的子函数满足cout的返回值。    cout << " " << getBirthday().getMonth();    cout << " " << getBirthday().getDay() << endl;    cout << "Department:" << getDepartment() << endl;    cout << "Salary:" << getSalary() << endl;    cout << endl;}

​ 结果如下:

Name:BobID:2Address:456 AvenueBirthday:0 0 0Name:CharlieID:3Address:789 BoulevardBirthday:2000 3 1Department:MathStudentID:1001Name:DavidID:4Address:101 LaneBirthday:2001 7 22Department:PhysicsStudentID:1002Name:EveID:5Address:202 RoadBirthday:1975 1 1Department:BiologySalary:50000Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.

5 文件操作

​ 程序运行时产生的数据都属于临时数据,程序一旦运行结束都会被释放。


C++中对文件操作需要包含头文件 < fstream >

​ 文件类型分为两种:

文本文件 - 文件以文本的ASCII码形式存储在计算机中。二进制文件 - 文件以文本的二进制形式存储在计算机中,用户一般不能直接读懂它们。

​ 操作文件的三大类:

ofstream:写操作ifstream: 读操作fstream : 读写操作





#include <fstream>


ofstream ofs;




ofs << "写入的数据";






#include <iostream>#include <fstream>using namespace std;void test01(){ofstream ofs;ofs.open("test.txt", ios::out);ofs << "姓名:张三" << endl;ofs << "性别:男" << endl;ofs << "年龄:18" << endl;ofs.close();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ test.txt 内容如下:




#include <fstream>


ifstream ifs;








#include <iostream>#include <fstream>using namespace std;void test01(){ifstream ifs;ifs.open("C://Users//TeaInCoffee//Desktop//test.txt", ios::in);if (!ifs.is_open()){cout << "文件打开失败" << endl;return;}//第一种方式//char buf[1024] = { 0 };//while (ifs >> buf)//{//cout << buf << endl;//}//第二种//char buf[1024] = { 0 };//while (ifs.getline(buf,sizeof(buf)))//{//cout << buf << endl;//}//第三种//string buf;//while (getline(ifs, buf))//{//cout << buf << endl;//}char c;while ((c = ifs.get()) != EOF){cout << c;}ifs.close();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

姓名:张三性别:男年龄:18Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.014 sPress any key to continue.

5.2 二进制文件

​ 以二进制的方式对文件进行读写操作。

​ 打开方式要指定为 ios::binary

5.2.1 写文件

​ 二进制方式写文件主要利用流对象调用成员函数write

​ 函数原型 :

ostream& write(const char * buffer,int len);

​ 参数解释:字符指针buffer指向内存中一段存储空间,len是读写的字节数。


#include <iostream>#include <fstream>using namespace std;class Person{public:char m_Name[64];int m_Age;};//二进制文件  写文件void test01(){//1、包含头文件//2、创建输出流对象ofstream ofs("C://Users//TeaInCoffee//Desktop//person.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);//3、打开文件//ofs.open("C://Users//TeaInCoffee//Desktop//person.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);Person p = {"张三"  , 18};//4、写文件ofs.write((const char *)&p, sizeof(p));//5、关闭文件ofs.close();}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ person.txt 内容如下:

5.2.2 读文件

​ 二进制方式读文件主要利用流对象调用成员函数read

​ 函数原型:

istream& read(char *buffer,int len);

​ 参数解释:字符指针buffer指向内存中一段存储空间。len是读写的字节数。


#include <iostream>#include <fstream>using namespace std;class Person{public:char m_Name[64];int m_Age;};void test01(){ifstream ifs("C://Users//TeaInCoffee//Desktop//person.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);if (!ifs.is_open()){cout << "文件打开失败" << endl;}Person p;ifs.read((char *)&p, sizeof(p));cout << "姓名: " << p.m_Name << " 年龄: " << p.m_Age << endl;}int main(){test01();return 0;}

​ 结果如下:

姓名: 张三 年龄: 18Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.011 sPress any key to continue.



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