// 方法1this.$router.push({path: '/feeManage/feeConfig/feeConfigDetail',query: {id: row.id,},})// 方法2<router-link :to="'/system/dict-data/index/' + scope.row.dictId" class="link-type"> <span>点击跳转</span></router-link>
1 在若依的菜单项添加(不推荐)
2 在router的constantRoutes里添加路由(推荐)
3 在router的dynamicRoutes里添加路由(推荐)
{ path: '/feeManage', component: Layout, // 一级这个component: Layout必填,除非是不需要在页面容器里打开的页面 hidden: true, // false:显示在侧边栏菜单 redirect: 'noRedirect', // noRedirect:面包屑不可点击,不写这个,父级标题样式就和首页一样,黑字可点击跳转 meta: { title: '费用管理'}, // 一级标题,写了才能显示在面包屑上 children: [ { path: '', component:{ render: (e) => e("router-view") }, // 如果你的'feeConfig'路径已经在系统菜单中设置过了,这里的path和component就写得和我一样就行,直接跳转三级路由 hidden: true, // false:显示在侧边栏菜单 redirect: 'noRedirect', // noRedirect:面包屑不可点击,不写这个,父级标题样式就和首页一样,黑字可点击跳转 meta: { title: '费用配置'}, // 二级标题,写了才能显示在面包屑上 // 如果你不需要二级的父级标题,那你就直接把第二个children的内容写在第一个children就行 children: [ { path: 'feeConfig/feeConfigDetail', component: () => import('@/views/feeManage/feeConfigDetail/index'), name: 'feeConfigDetail', meta: { title: '费用配置', activeMenu: '/feeManage/feeConfig' } // meta.title:三级标题,meta.activeMenu:侧边栏父级菜单高亮 } ] } ] }
{ path: '', component: Layout, hidden: true, redirect: 'noRedirect', meta: { title: '运营中心' }, children: [ { path: '/overseas-collocation', component:{ render: (e) => e("router-view") }, // 如果你的'merchant'路径已经在系统菜单中设置过了,这里的path和component就写得和我一样就行,直接跳转三级路由 hidden: true, // false:显示在侧边栏菜单 redirect: 'noRedirect', // noRedirect:面包屑不可点击,不写这个,父级标题样式就和首页一样,黑字可点击跳转 meta: { title: '海外拼柜'}, // 二级标题,写了才能显示在面包屑上 // 如果你不需要二级的父级标题,那你就直接把第二个children的内容写在第一个children就行 children: [ { path: 'detail/:id(\\d+)', component: () => import('@/views/operation-center/overseas-collocation/collocation-detail'), name: 'overseasCollocationDetail', meta: { title: '拼柜详情', activeMenu: '/operation-center/overseas-collocation/overseas-collocation' } } ] } ] }
<router-link :to="'/overseas-collocation/detail/' + scope.row.id"><el-button type="text">查看</el-button></router-link>
配置完路由后,就要讲,如何动态设置路由path不同参数 在页面容器里打开新页面,面包屑和标签页标题根据参数动态改变
this.$router.push({path: '/feeManage/feeConfigDetail',query: {id: row.id,metaTitle: row.chargeName + '的费用配置'},})
ps: 找到更好的写法就又补充了一下,所以截图上有些不统一,记得看字看描述哈!
ruoyi 3.8.3
<template> <el-breadcrumb class="app-breadcrumb" separator="/"> <transition-group name="breadcrumb"> <el-breadcrumb-item v-for="(item,index) in levelList" :key="item.path"> <span v-if="item.redirect === 'noRedirect' || index == levelList.length - 1" class="no-redirect"> <!-- {{ item.meta.title }} --> {{item.metaTitle ? item.metaTitle : item.meta.title }} </span> <a v-else @click.prevent="handleLink(item)">{{ item.meta.title }}</a> </el-breadcrumb-item> </transition-group> </el-breadcrumb></template><script>export default { data() { return { levelList: null } }, watch: { $route(route) { // if you go to the redirect page, do not update the breadcrumbs if (route.path.startsWith('/redirect/')) { return } this.getBreadcrumb() } }, created() { this.getBreadcrumb() }, methods: { getBreadcrumb() { // only show routes with meta.title let matched = this.$route.matched.filter(item => item.meta && item.meta.title) matched.forEach(element => { if(element.path == this.$route.path ) { if(this.$route.query.metaTitle) { element.metaTitle = this.$route.query.metaTitle } } }); const first = matched[0] if (!this.isDashboard(first)) { matched = [{ path: '/index', meta: { title: '首页' }}].concat(matched) } this.levelList = matched.filter(item => item.meta && item.meta.title && item.meta.breadcrumb !== false) }, isDashboard(route) { const name = route && route.name if (!name) { return false } return name.trim() === 'Index' }, handleLink(item) { const { redirect, path } = item if (redirect) { this.$router.push(redirect) return } this.$router.push(path) } }}</script><style lang="scss" scoped>.app-breadcrumb.el-breadcrumb { display: inline-block; font-size: 14px; line-height: 50px; margin-left: 8px; .no-redirect { color: #97a8be; cursor: text; }}</style>
<template> <div id="tags-view-container" class="tags-view-container"> <scroll-pane ref="scrollPane" class="tags-view-wrapper" @scroll="handleScroll"> <router-link v-for="tag in visitedViews" ref="tag" :key="tag.fullPath" :class="isActive(tag)?'active':''" :to="{ path: tag.path, query: tag.query, fullPath: tag.fullPath }" tag="span" class="tags-view-item" :style="activeStyle(tag)" @click.middle.native="!isAffix(tag)?closeSelectedTag(tag):''" @contextmenu.prevent.native="openMenu(tag,$event)" > {{ tag.title }} <span v-if="!isAffix(tag)" class="el-icon-close" @click.prevent.stop="closeSelectedTag(tag)" /> </router-link> </scroll-pane> <ul v-show="visible" :style="{left:left+'px',top:top+'px'}" class="contextmenu"> <li @click="refreshSelectedTag(selectedTag)"><i class="el-icon-refresh-right"></i> 刷新页面</li> <li v-if="!isAffix(selectedTag)" @click="closeSelectedTag(selectedTag)"><i class="el-icon-close"></i> 关闭当前</li> <li @click="closeOthersTags"><i class="el-icon-circle-close"></i> 关闭其他</li> <li v-if="!isFirstView()" @click="closeLeftTags"><i class="el-icon-back"></i> 关闭左侧</li> <li v-if="!isLastView()" @click="closeRightTags"><i class="el-icon-right"></i> 关闭右侧</li> <li @click="closeAllTags(selectedTag)"><i class="el-icon-circle-close"></i> 全部关闭</li> </ul> </div></template><script>import ScrollPane from './ScrollPane'import path from 'path'export default { components: { ScrollPane }, data() { return { visible: false, top: 0, left: 0, selectedTag: {}, affixTags: [] } }, computed: { visitedViews() { return this.$store.state.tagsView.visitedViews }, routes() { return this.$store.state.permission.routes }, theme() { return this.$store.state.settings.theme; } }, watch: { $route() { this.addTags() this.moveToCurrentTag() }, visible(value) { if (value) { document.body.addEventListener('click', this.closeMenu) } else { document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.closeMenu) } } }, mounted() { this.initTags() this.addTags() }, methods: { isActive(route) { // return route.path === this.$route.path return route.fullPath === this.$route.fullPath }, activeStyle(tag) { if (!this.isActive(tag)) return {}; return { "background-color": this.theme, "border-color": this.theme }; }, isAffix(tag) { return tag.meta && tag.meta.affix }, isFirstView() { try { return this.selectedTag.fullPath === this.visitedViews[1].fullPath || this.selectedTag.fullPath === '/index' } catch (err) { return false } }, isLastView() { try { return this.selectedTag.fullPath === this.visitedViews[this.visitedViews.length - 1].fullPath } catch (err) { return false } }, filterAffixTags(routes, basePath = '/') { let tags = [] routes.forEach(route => { if (route.meta && route.meta.affix) { const tagPath = path.resolve(basePath, route.path) tags.push({ fullPath: tagPath, path: tagPath, name: route.name, meta: { ...route.meta } }) } if (route.children) { const tempTags = this.filterAffixTags(route.children, route.path) if (tempTags.length >= 1) { tags = [...tags, ...tempTags] } } }) return tags }, initTags() { const affixTags = this.affixTags = this.filterAffixTags(this.routes) for (const tag of affixTags) { // Must have tag name if (tag.name) { // this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/addVisitedView', tag) } } }, addTags() { const { name } = this.$route if (name) { this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/addView', this.$route) } return false }, moveToCurrentTag() { const tags = this.$refs.tag this.$nextTick(() => { for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.to.path === this.$route.path) { if(tag.to.query.metaTitle) { if(tag.to.query.metaTitle === this.$route.query.metaTitle) { this.$refs.scrollPane.moveToTarget(tag) // when query is different then update if (tag.to.fullPath !== this.$route.fullPath) { this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/updateVisitedView', this.$route) } } } else { this.$refs.scrollPane.moveToTarget(tag) // when query is different then update if (tag.to.fullPath !== this.$route.fullPath) { this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/updateVisitedView', this.$route) } } break } } }) }, refreshSelectedTag(view) { this.$tab.refreshPage(view); }, closeSelectedTag(view) { this.$tab.closePage(view).then(({ visitedViews }) => { if (this.isActive(view)) { this.toLastView(visitedViews, view) } }) }, closeRightTags() { this.$tab.closeRightPage(this.selectedTag).then(visitedViews => { if (!visitedViews.find(i => i.fullPath === this.$route.fullPath)) { this.toLastView(visitedViews) } }) }, closeLeftTags() { this.$tab.closeLeftPage(this.selectedTag).then(visitedViews => { if (!visitedViews.find(i => i.fullPath === this.$route.fullPath)) { this.toLastView(visitedViews) } }) }, closeOthersTags() { this.$router.push(this.selectedTag).catch(()=>{}); this.$tab.closeOtherPage(this.selectedTag).then(() => { this.moveToCurrentTag() }) }, closeAllTags(view) { this.$tab.closeAllPage().then(({ visitedViews }) => { if (this.affixTags.some(tag => tag.path === this.$route.path)) { return } this.toLastView(visitedViews, view) }) }, toLastView(visitedViews, view) { const latestView = visitedViews.slice(-1)[0] if (latestView) { this.$router.push(latestView.fullPath) } else { // now the default is to redirect to the home page if there is no tags-view, // you can adjust it according to your needs. if (view.name === 'Dashboard') { // to reload home page this.$router.replace({ path: '/redirect' + view.fullPath }) } else { this.$router.push('/') } } }, openMenu(tag, e) { const menuMinWidth = 105 const offsetLeft = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().left // container margin left const offsetWidth = this.$el.offsetWidth // container width const maxLeft = offsetWidth - menuMinWidth // left boundary const left = e.clientX - offsetLeft + 15 // 15: margin right if (left > maxLeft) { this.left = maxLeft } else { this.left = left } this.top = e.clientY this.visible = true this.selectedTag = tag }, closeMenu() { this.visible = false }, handleScroll() { this.closeMenu() } }}</script><style lang="scss" scoped>.tags-view-container { height: 34px; width: 100%; background: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #d8dce5; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .12), 0 0 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .04); .tags-view-wrapper { .tags-view-item { display: inline-block; position: relative; cursor: pointer; height: 26px; line-height: 26px; border: 1px solid #d8dce5; color: #495060; background: #fff; padding: 0 8px; font-size: 12px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 4px; &:first-of-type { margin-left: 15px; } &:last-of-type { margin-right: 15px; } &.active { background-color: #42b983; color: #fff; border-color: #42b983; &::before { content: ''; background: #fff; display: inline-block; width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; margin-right: 2px; } } } } .contextmenu { margin: 0; background: #fff; z-index: 3000; position: absolute; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; color: #333; box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); li { margin: 0; padding: 7px 16px; cursor: pointer; &:hover { background: #eee; } } }}</style><style lang="scss">//reset element css of el-icon-close.tags-view-wrapper { .tags-view-item { .el-icon-close { width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: 2px; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.645, .045, .355, 1); transform-origin: 100% 50%; &:before { transform: scale(.6); display: inline-block; vertical-align: -3px; } &:hover { background-color: #b4bccc; color: #fff; } } }}</style>
const state = { visitedViews: [], cachedViews: []}const mutations = {// ADD_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => {// if (state.visitedViews.some(v => v.path === view.path)) return// state.visitedViews.push(// Object.assign({}, view, {// title: view.meta.title || 'no-name'// })// )// }, ADD_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { if (state.visitedViews.some(v => v.path === view.path)) { // 路径一样,因为参数不同,打开新的页面 if(view.query && view.query.metaTitle) { let list = state.visitedViews.filter(v => v.query && v.query.metaTitle && v.query.metaTitle == view.query.metaTitle) if(list.length > 0) { return } } else { return } } state.visitedViews.push( Object.assign({}, view, { title: view.query && view.query.metaTitle ? view.query.metaTitle:(view.meta.title || 'no-name') }) ) }, ADD_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => { if (state.cachedViews.includes(view.name)) return if (view.meta && !view.meta.noCache) { state.cachedViews.push(view.name) } }, DEL_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { for (const [i, v] of state.visitedViews.entries()) { if (v.path === view.path) { state.visitedViews.splice(i, 1) break } } }, DEL_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => { const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf(view.name) index > -1 && state.cachedViews.splice(index, 1) }, DEL_OTHERS_VISITED_VIEWS: (state, view) => { state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter(v => { return v.meta.affix || v.path === view.path }) }, DEL_OTHERS_CACHED_VIEWS: (state, view) => { const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf(view.name) if (index > -1) { state.cachedViews = state.cachedViews.slice(index, index + 1) } else { state.cachedViews = [] } }, DEL_ALL_VISITED_VIEWS: state => { // keep affix tags const affixTags = state.visitedViews.filter(tag => tag.meta.affix) state.visitedViews = affixTags }, DEL_ALL_CACHED_VIEWS: state => { state.cachedViews = [] }, UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { for (let v of state.visitedViews) { if (v.path === view.path) { v = Object.assign(v, view) break } } }, DEL_RIGHT_VIEWS: (state, view) => { const index = state.visitedViews.findIndex(v => v.path === view.path) if (index === -1) { return } state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter((item, idx) => { if (idx <= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { return true } const i = state.cachedViews.indexOf(item.name) if (i > -1) { state.cachedViews.splice(i, 1) } return false }) }, DEL_LEFT_VIEWS: (state, view) => { const index = state.visitedViews.findIndex(v => v.path === view.path) if (index === -1) { return } state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter((item, idx) => { if (idx >= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { return true } const i = state.cachedViews.indexOf(item.name) if (i > -1) { state.cachedViews.splice(i, 1) } return false }) }}const actions = { addView({ dispatch }, view) { dispatch('addVisitedView', view) dispatch('addCachedView', view) }, addVisitedView({ commit }, view) { commit('ADD_VISITED_VIEW', view) }, addCachedView({ commit }, view) { commit('ADD_CACHED_VIEW', view) }, delView({ dispatch, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { dispatch('delVisitedView', view) dispatch('delCachedView', view) resolve({ visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] }) }) }, delVisitedView({ commit, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_VISITED_VIEW', view) resolve([...state.visitedViews]) }) }, delCachedView({ commit, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_CACHED_VIEW', view) resolve([...state.cachedViews]) }) }, delOthersViews({ dispatch, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { dispatch('delOthersVisitedViews', view) dispatch('delOthersCachedViews', view) resolve({ visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] }) }) }, delOthersVisitedViews({ commit, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_OTHERS_VISITED_VIEWS', view) resolve([...state.visitedViews]) }) }, delOthersCachedViews({ commit, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_OTHERS_CACHED_VIEWS', view) resolve([...state.cachedViews]) }) }, delAllViews({ dispatch, state }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { dispatch('delAllVisitedViews', view) dispatch('delAllCachedViews', view) resolve({ visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] }) }) }, delAllVisitedViews({ commit, state }) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_ALL_VISITED_VIEWS') resolve([...state.visitedViews]) }) }, delAllCachedViews({ commit, state }) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_ALL_CACHED_VIEWS') resolve([...state.cachedViews]) }) }, updateVisitedView({ commit }, view) { commit('UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW', view) }, delRightTags({ commit }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_RIGHT_VIEWS', view) resolve([...state.visitedViews]) }) }, delLeftTags({ commit }, view) { return new Promise(resolve => { commit('DEL_LEFT_VIEWS', view) resolve([...state.visitedViews]) }) },}export default { namespaced: true, state, mutations, actions}