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最近在使用ESP32搭建web服务器测试,发现esp32搭建这类开发环境还是比较方便的。具体的http协议这里就不再赘述,我们主要说一下如何使用ESP32提供的API来搭建我们的http web。




httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();httpd_handle_t server = NULL;// 设置服务器端口为80config.server_port = 80;// 创建HTTP服务器句柄if (httpd_start(&server, &config) != ESP_OK) {    printf("Error starting server!\n");    return;}

2、 注册 URI处理器

esp_err_t httpd_register_uri_handler(httpd_handle_t hd, const httpd_uri_t *uri)


static const httpd_uri_t echo = {    .uri       = "/",    .method    = HTTP_POST,    .handler   = echo_post_handler,    .user_ctx  = NULL};static esp_err_t echo_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req){    char buf[100];    // char ssid[10];    // char pswd[10];    int ret, remaining = req->content_len;    while (remaining > 0) {        /* Read the data for the request */        if ((ret = httpd_req_recv(req, buf,                        MIN(remaining, sizeof(buf)))) <= 0) {            if (ret == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT) {                /* Retry receiving if timeout occurred */                continue;            }            return ESP_FAIL;        }        /* Send back the same data */        httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, buf, ret);        remaining -= ret;        esp_err_t e = httpd_query_key_value(buf,"ssid",wifi_name,sizeof(wifi_name));        if(e == ESP_OK) {            printf("ssid = %s\r\n",wifi_name);        }        else {            printf("error = %d\r\n",e);        }        e = httpd_query_key_value(buf,"password",wifi_password,sizeof(wifi_password));        if(e == ESP_OK) {            printf("pswd = %s\r\n",wifi_password);        }        else {            printf("error = %d\r\n",e);        }        /* Log data received */        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "=========== RECEIVED DATA ==========");        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%.*s", ret, buf);        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "====================================");    }    // End response    httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, NULL, 0);    if(strcmp(wifi_name ,"\0")!=0 && strcmp(wifi_password,"\0")!=0)    {        xSemaphoreGive(ap_sem);        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set wifi name and password successfully! goto station mode");    }    return ESP_OK;}


整体html界面非常简单,没有基础的也很容易读懂,里面写了一个js函数,该函数是在点击按钮的时候触发,功能主要是读取文本框输入的数据,将数据封装为json格式,然后post发送数据,xhttp.open(“POST”, “/wifi_data”, true);中的url “/wifi_data”和esp32服务端中的定义要一致,否则是无法成功的。

<!DOCTYPE html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title>Web server system</title></head><table class="fixed" border="5">    <col width="1000px" /><col width="500px" />    <tr><td>        <h2 style=" text-align:center;"> **** Web Server ***</h2>        <h3>wifi 密码配置</h3>    <div>        <label for="name">wifi名称</label>        <input type="text" id="wifi" name="car_name" placeholder="ssid">        <br>        <label for="type">密码</label>        <input type="text" id="code" name="car_type" placeholder="password">        <br>        <button id ="send_WIFI" type="button" onclick="send_wifi()">提交</button>    </div>    </td><td>        <table border="10">            <tr>                <td>                    <label for="newfile">Upload a file</label>                </td>                <td colspan="2">                    <input id="newfile" type="file" onchange="setpath()" style="width:100%;">                </td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td>                    <label for="filepath">Set path on server</label>                </td>                <td>                    <input id="filepath" type="text" style="width:100%;">                </td>                <td>                    <button id="upload" type="button" onclick="upload()">Upload</button>                </td>            </tr>        </table>    </td></tr></table><script>function setpath() {    var default_path = document.getElementById("newfile").files[0].name;    document.getElementById("filepath").value = default_path;}function upload() {    var filePath = document.getElementById("filepath").value;    var upload_path = "/upload/" + filePath;    var fileInput = document.getElementById("newfile").files;    /* Max size of an individual file. Make sure this     * value is same as that set in file_server.c */    var MAX_FILE_SIZE = 200*1024;    var MAX_FILE_SIZE_STR = "200KB";    if (fileInput.length == 0) {        alert("No file selected!");    } else if (filePath.length == 0) {        alert("File path on server is not set!");    } else if (filePath.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {        alert("File path on server cannot have spaces!");    } else if (filePath[filePath.length-1] == '/') {        alert("File name not specified after path!");    } else if (fileInput[0].size > 200*1024) {        alert("File size must be less than 200KB!");    } else {        document.getElementById("newfile").disabled = true;        document.getElementById("filepath").disabled = true;        document.getElementById("upload").disabled = true;        var file = fileInput[0];        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {            if (xhttp.readyState == 4) {                if (xhttp.status == 200) {                    document.open();                    document.write(xhttp.responseText);                    document.close();                } else if (xhttp.status == 0) {                    alert("Server closed the connection abruptly!");                    location.reload()                } else {                    alert(xhttp.status + " Error!\n" + xhttp.responseText);                    location.reload()                }            }        };        xhttp.open("POST", upload_path, true);        xhttp.send(file);    }}function send_wifi() {    var input_ssid = document.getElementById("wifi").value;    var input_code = document.getElementById("code").value;    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();        xhttp.open("POST", "/wifi_data", true);        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {            if (xhttp.readyState == 4) {                if (xhttp.status == 200) {                    console.log(xhttp.responseText);                } else if (xhttp.status == 0) {                    alert("Server closed the connection abruptly!");                    location.reload()                } else {                    alert(xhttp.status + " Error!\n" + xhttp.responseText);                    location.reload()                }            }        };    var data = {        "wifi_name":input_ssid,        "wifi_code":input_code    }        xhttp.send(JSON.stringify(data));}</script>

static esp_err_t html_default_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req){    // /* Send HTML file header */    // httpd_resp_sendstr_chunk(req, "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>");    /* Get handle to embedded file upload script */    extern const unsigned char upload_script_start[] asm("_binary_upload_script_html_start");    extern const unsigned char upload_script_end[] asm("_binary_upload_script_html_end");    const size_t upload_script_size = (upload_script_end - upload_script_start);    /* Add file upload form and script which on execution sends a POST request to /upload */    httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)upload_script_start, upload_script_size);    /* Send remaining chunk of HTML file to complete it */    httpd_resp_sendstr_chunk(req, "</body></html>");    /* Send empty chunk to signal HTTP response completion */    httpd_resp_sendstr_chunk(req, NULL);    return ESP_OK;}    httpd_uri_t html_default = {        .uri = "/", // Match all URIs of type /path/to/file        .method = HTTP_GET,        .handler = html_default_get_handler,        .user_ctx = "html" // Pass server data as context    };    httpd_register_uri_handler(server, &html_default);


1)、.uri = "/",这个表示当你打开网页的IP地址后第一个要显示的页面,也就是要放到根目录下("/"也就是根目录)。

2)、ESP32可以直接将html的网页编译进来不需要转为数组,但在CMakeList.txt文件中需要EMBED_FILES upload_script.html这样的形式引入网页文件。这个html编译出出来的文本文件怎么使用呢。wifi.html编译出来一般名称是默认的_binary_名称_类型_start。这个指针代编译出来文件的起始地址。_binary_名称_类型_end,代表结束地址。wifi.html的引用方式如下。通过以下的方式就可以获得html这个大数组。

    extern const unsigned char upload_script_start[] asm("_binary_upload_script_html_start");    extern const unsigned char upload_script_end[] asm("_binary_upload_script_html_end");    const size_t upload_script_size = (upload_script_end - upload_script_start);    /* Add file upload form and script which on execution sends a POST request to /upload */    httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)upload_script_start, upload_script_size);



typedef esp_err_t (*httpd_uri_func_t)(httpd_req_t *req);


static esp_err_t html_default_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req)



static esp_err_t echo_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req){    char buf[1024];    int ret, remaining = req->content_len;    // 从HTTP请求中接收数据    while (remaining > 0) {        ret = httpd_req_recv(req, buf, MIN(remaining, sizeof(buf)));        if (ret <= 0) {            if (ret == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT) {                // 处理超时                httpd_resp_send_408(req);            }            return ESP_FAIL;        }        // 处理接收到的数据        // ...        remaining -= ret;    }    // 发送HTTP响应    httpd_resp_set_type(req, HTTPD_TYPE_TEXT);    httpd_resp_send(req, "Received data: ", -1);    httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, buf, req->content_len);    httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, NULL, 0);    return ESP_OK;}

5、 发送响应

例如,在上面的hello_get_handler处理函数中,可以使用httpd_resp_send()函数将“Hello, World!”字符串作为响应发送回客户端:

static esp_err_t hello_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req){    const char* resp_str = "Hello, World!";    httpd_resp_send(req, resp_str, strlen(resp_str));    return ESP_OK;}

1. httpd_register_uri_handler

2. httpd_handle_t

3. httpd_query_key_value获取变量值
httpd_query_key_value 用于从查询字符串中获取指定键的值。查询字符串是指URL中?后面的部分,包含多个键值对,每个键值对之间使用&分隔。例如,对于以下URL:
esp_err_t httpd_query_key_value(const char *query, const char *key, char *buf, size_t buf_len);


char query_str[] = "key1=value1&key2=value2";char key[] = "key1";char value[16];if (httpd_query_key_value(query_str, key, value, sizeof(value)) == ESP_OK) {    printf("value=%s\n", value);} else {    printf("key not found\n");}

4. 获取get参数示例

下面定义的 handler 演示了如何从请求参数里解析 字符串param1和整型变量param2:

 esp_err_t index_handler(httpd_req_t *req){     char* query_str = NULL;     char param1_value[10] = {0};     int param2_value=0;     query_str = strstr(req->uri, "?");     if(query_str!=NULL){         query_str ++;         httpd_query_key_value(query_str, "param1", param1_value, sizeof(param1_value));         char param2_str[10] = {0};         httpd_query_key_value(query_str, "param2", param2_str, sizeof(param2_str));         param2_value = atoi(param2_str);     }     char resp_str[50] = {0};     snprintf(resp_str, sizeof(resp_str), "param1=%s, param2=%d", param1_value, param2_value);    httpd_resp_send(req, resp_str, strlen(resp_str));    return ESP_OK;}

5. 获取post参数示例


 esp_err_t post_demo_handler(httpd_req_t *req){    char post_string[64];    int post_int=0;    if (req->content_len > 0)    {        // 从请求体中读取POST参数        char *buf = malloc(req->content_len + 1);        int ret = httpd_req_recv(req, buf, req->content_len);        if (ret <= 0)        {            // 接收数据出错            free(buf);            return ESP_FAIL;        }        buf[req->content_len] = '\0';        // 解析POST参数        char *param_str;        param_str = strtok(buf, "&");        while (param_str != NULL)        {            char *value_str = strchr(param_str, '=');            if (value_str != NULL)            {                *value_str++ = '\0';                if (strcmp(param_str, "post_string") == 0)                {                    strncpy(post_string, value_str, sizeof(post_string));                }                else if (strcmp(param_str, "post_int") == 0)                {                    post_int = atoi(value_str);                }            }            param_str = strtok(NULL, "&");        }        free(buf);    }    // 将结果打印输出    printf("post_string=%s, post_int=%d\n", post_string, post_int);    // 返回成功    httpd_resp_send(req, NULL, 0);    return ESP_OK;} httpd_uri_t post_uri = {         .uri = "/post",         .method = HTTP_POST,         .handler = post_demo_handler,         .user_ctx = NULL };



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