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0. 写在前面


1. 音视频通话要用到的技术简介

websocket 介绍:1. 服务器可以向浏览器推送信息;2. 一次握手成功,可持续互相发送信息在音视频通话钟的作用:1. 作为音视频两个通话终端的桥梁,传递彼此上下线、网络环境等消息,因此他们都叫websocket为“信令服务器” coturn 介绍:1. 包含stun服务和turn服务,stun可实现两个终端点对点语音通话;turn服务在无法点对点通话时,用作中转音视频流。 webrtc 介绍:1. 开源项目;2. 用于音视频实时互动、游戏、即时通讯、文件传输。

2. webrtc音视频通话开发思路

2.1. webrtc调用时序图


2.2. 调用时序图介绍

上图名词介绍 client A:客户端AStun Server:穿透服务器,也就是coturn服务器中的StunSignal Server:信令服务器,也就是web socket搭建的服务器client B:客户端BPeerConnection(WebRtc的接口) 流程介绍 A客户端先发送信息到信令服务器,信令服务器存储A客户端信息,等待其他客户端加入。B客户端再发送信息到信令服务器,信令服务器存储B客户端信息,并告知A已有新客户端加入。A客户端创建 PeerConnection(WebRtc的接口),用于获取本地的网络信息、以及保存对方的网络信息、传递音视频流、监听通话过程状态。(B客户端后面也需要创建PeerConnection)AddStreams:A客户端添加本地音视频流到PeerConnectionCreateOffer:A客户端创建Offer并发送给信令服务器,由信令服务器转给B客户端。Offer中包含本地的网络信息(SDP)。CreateAnswer:B客户端收到Offer后,创建放到自己的PeerConnection中,并获取自己的网络信息(SDP),通过发送给信令服务器,由信令服务器转发给A客户端。上面步骤进行完毕后,开始通过信令服务器(coturn),双方客户端获取自己的地址作为候选人“candidate”,然后通过websocket发送给对方。彼此拿到候选地址后,互相进行访问测试,建立链接。OnAddStream:获取对方音视频流,PeerConnection有ontrack监听器能拿到对方视频流数据。

2. 搭建WebSocket服务器


3. 搭建Coturn音视频穿透服务器


4. 遇到的问题


5. 例子


5.1 客户端代码

<html>    <head>        <title>Voice WebRTC demo</title>    </head>    <h1>WebRTC demo 1v1</h1>    <div id="buttons">        <input id="zero-roomId" type="text" placeholder="请输入房间ID" maxlength="40"/>        <button id="joinBtn" type="button">加入</button>        <button id="leaveBtn" type="button">离开</button>        </div>    <div id="videos">        <video id="localVideo" autoplay muted playsinline>本地窗口</video>        <video id="remoteVideo" autoplay playsinline>远端窗口</video>    </div>    <script src="js/main.js"></script>    <!-- 可直接引入在线js:https://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js  -->    <script src="js/adapter-latest.js"></script></html>
'use strict';// join 主动加入房间// leave 主动离开房间// new-peer 有人加入房间,通知已经在房间的人// peer-leave 有人离开房间,通知已经在房间的人// offer 发送offer给对端peer// answer发送offer给对端peer// candidate 发送candidate给对端peerconst SIGNAL_TYPE_JOIN = "join";const SIGNAL_TYPE_RESP_JOIN = "resp-join";  // 告知加入者对方是谁const SIGNAL_TYPE_LEAVE = "leave";const SIGNAL_TYPE_NEW_PEER = "new-peer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_PEER_LEAVE = "peer-leave";const SIGNAL_TYPE_OFFER = "offer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_ANSWER = "answer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_CANDIDATE = "candidate";var localUserId = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2); // 本地uidvar remoteUserId = -1;      // 对端var roomId = 0;var localVideo = document.querySelector('#localVideo');var remoteVideo = document.querySelector('#remoteVideo');var localStream = null;var remoteStream = null;var pc = null;var zeroRTCEngine;function handleIceCandidate(event) {    console.info("handleIceCandidate");    if (event.candidate) {        var candidateJson = {            'label': event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,            'id': event.candidate.sdpMid,            'candidate': event.candidate.candidate        };        var jsonMsg = {            'cmd': SIGNAL_TYPE_CANDIDATE,            'roomId': roomId,            'uid': localUserId,            'remoteUid':remoteUserId,            'msg': JSON.stringify(candidateJson)         };        var message = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);        zeroRTCEngine.sendMessage(message);        console.info("handleIceCandidate message: " + message);        console.info("send candidate message");    } else {        console.warn("End of candidates");    }}function handleRemoteStreamAdd(event) {    console.info("handleRemoteStreamAdd");    remoteStream = event.streams[0];    // 视频轨道    // let videoTracks = remoteStream.getVideoTracks()    // 音频轨道    // let audioTracks = remoteStream.getAudioTracks()    remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteStream;}function handleConnectionStateChange() {    if(pc != null) {        console.info("ConnectionState -> " + pc.connectionState);    }}function handleIceConnectionStateChange() {    if(pc != null) {        console.info("IceConnectionState -> " + pc.iceConnectionState);    }}function createPeerConnection() {    var defaultConfiguration = {          bundlePolicy: "max-bundle",        rtcpMuxPolicy: "require",        iceTransportPolicy:"all",//relay 或者 all        // 修改ice数组测试效果,需要进行封装        iceServers: [            {                "urls": [                    "turn:",                    "turn:"       // 可以插入多个进行备选                ],                "username": "lqf",                "credential": "123456"            },            {                "urls": [                    "stun:"                ]            }        ]    };    pc = new RTCPeerConnection(defaultConfiguration); // 音视频通话的核心类    pc.onicecandidate = handleIceCandidate;    pc.ontrack = handleRemoteStreamAdd;    pc.onconnectionstatechange = handleConnectionStateChange;    pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = handleIceConnectionStateChange    localStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => pc.addTrack(track, localStream)); // 把本地流设置给RTCPeerConnection}function createOfferAndSendMessage(session) {    pc.setLocalDescription(session)        .then(function () {            var jsonMsg = {                'cmd': 'offer',                'roomId': roomId,                'uid': localUserId,                'remoteUid': remoteUserId,                'msg': JSON.stringify(session)            };            var message = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);            zeroRTCEngine.sendMessage(message);            // console.info("send offer message: " + message);            console.info("send offer message");        })        .catch(function (error) {            console.error("offer setLocalDescription failed: " + error);        });}function handleCreateOfferError(error) {    console.error("handleCreateOfferError: " + error);}function createAnswerAndSendMessage(session) {    pc.setLocalDescription(session)        .then(function () {            var jsonMsg = {                'cmd': 'answer',                'roomId': roomId,                'uid': localUserId,                'remoteUid': remoteUserId,                'msg': JSON.stringify(session)            };            var message = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);            zeroRTCEngine.sendMessage(message);            // console.info("send answer message: " + message);            console.info("send answer message");        })        .catch(function (error) {            console.error("answer setLocalDescription failed: " + error);        });}function handleCreateAnswerError(error) {    console.error("handleCreateAnswerError: " + error);}var ZeroRTCEngine = function (wsUrl) {    this.init(wsUrl);    zeroRTCEngine = this;    return this;}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.init = function (wsUrl) {    // 设置websocket  url    this.wsUrl = wsUrl;    /** websocket对象 */    this.signaling = null;}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.createWebsocket = function () {    zeroRTCEngine = this;    zeroRTCEngine.signaling = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl);    zeroRTCEngine.signaling.onopen = function () {        zeroRTCEngine.onOpen();    }    zeroRTCEngine.signaling.onmessage = function (ev) {        zeroRTCEngine.onMessage(ev);    }    zeroRTCEngine.signaling.onerror = function (ev) {        zeroRTCEngine.onError(ev);    }    zeroRTCEngine.signaling.onclose = function (ev) {        zeroRTCEngine.onClose(ev);    }}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.onOpen = function () {    console.log("websocket打开");}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.onMessage = function (event) {    console.log("websocket收到信息: " + event.data);    var jsonMsg = null;    try {         jsonMsg = JSON.parse(event.data);    } catch(e) {        console.warn("onMessage parse Json failed:" + e);        return;    }    switch (jsonMsg.cmd) {        case SIGNAL_TYPE_NEW_PEER:            handleRemoteNewPeer(jsonMsg);            break;        case SIGNAL_TYPE_RESP_JOIN:            handleResponseJoin(jsonMsg);            break;        case SIGNAL_TYPE_PEER_LEAVE:            handleRemotePeerLeave(jsonMsg);            break;        case SIGNAL_TYPE_OFFER:            handleRemoteOffer(jsonMsg);            break;        case SIGNAL_TYPE_ANSWER:            handleRemoteAnswer(jsonMsg);            break;        case SIGNAL_TYPE_CANDIDATE:            handleRemoteCandidate(jsonMsg);            break;    }}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.onError = function (event) {    console.log("onError: " + event.data);}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.onClose = function (event) {    console.log("onClose -> code: " + event.code + ", reason:" + EventTarget.reason);}ZeroRTCEngine.prototype.sendMessage = function (message) {    this.signaling.send(message);}function handleResponseJoin(message) {    console.info("handleResponseJoin, remoteUid: " + message.remoteUid);    remoteUserId = message.remoteUid;    // doOffer();}function handleRemotePeerLeave(message) {    console.info("handleRemotePeerLeave, remoteUid: " + message.remoteUid);    remoteVideo.srcObject = null;    if(pc != null) {        pc.close();        pc = null;    }}function handleRemoteNewPeer(message) {    console.info("处理远端新加入链接,并发送offer, remoteUid: " + message.remoteUid);    remoteUserId = message.remoteUid;    doOffer();}function handleRemoteOffer(message) {    console.info("handleRemoteOffer");    if(pc == null) {        createPeerConnection();    }    var desc = JSON.parse(message.msg);    pc.setRemoteDescription(desc);    doAnswer();}function handleRemoteAnswer(message) {    console.info("handleRemoteAnswer");    var desc = JSON.parse(message.msg);    pc.setRemoteDescription(desc);}function handleRemoteCandidate(message) {    console.info("handleRemoteCandidate");    var jsonMsg = message.msg;    if(typeof message.msg === "string"){        jsonMsg = JSON.parse(message.msg);    }    var candidateMsg = {        'sdpMLineIndex': jsonMsg.label,        'sdpMid': jsonMsg.id,        'candidate': jsonMsg.candidate    };    var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(candidateMsg);    pc.addIceCandidate(candidate).catch(e => {        console.error("addIceCandidate failed:" + e.name);    });}function doOffer() {    // 创建RTCPeerConnection    if (pc == null) {        createPeerConnection();    }    // let options = {offerToReceiveVideo:true}    // pc.createOffer(options).then(createOfferAndSendMessage).catch(handleCreateOfferError);    pc.createOffer().then(createOfferAndSendMessage).catch(handleCreateOfferError);}function doAnswer() {    pc.createAnswer().then(createAnswerAndSendMessage).catch(handleCreateAnswerError);}function doJoin(roomId) {    var jsonMsg = {        'cmd': 'join',        'roomId': roomId,        'uid': localUserId,    };    var message = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);    zeroRTCEngine.sendMessage(message);    console.info("doJoin message: " + message);}function doLeave() {    var jsonMsg = {        'cmd': 'leave',        'roomId': roomId,        'uid': localUserId,    };    var message = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);    zeroRTCEngine.sendMessage(message);    console.info("doLeave message: " + message);    hangup();}function hangup() {    localVideo.srcObject = null; // 0.关闭自己的本地显示    remoteVideo.srcObject = null; // 1.不显示对方    closeLocalStream(); // 2. 关闭本地流    if(pc != null) {        pc.close(); // 3.关闭RTCPeerConnection        pc = null;    }}function closeLocalStream() {    if(localStream != null) {        localStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {                track.stop();        });    }}function openLocalStream(stream) {    console.log('Open local stream');    doJoin(roomId);    localVideo.srcObject = stream;      // 显示画面    localStream = stream;   // 保存本地流的句柄}function initLocalStream() {    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({        audio: true,        video: true    })        .then(openLocalStream)        .catch(function (e) {            alert("getUserMedia() error: " + e.name);        });}// zeroRTCEngine = new ZeroRTCEngine("wss://");zeroRTCEngine = new ZeroRTCEngine("ws://");zeroRTCEngine.createWebsocket();document.getElementById('joinBtn').onclick = function () {    roomId = document.getElementById('zero-roomId').value;    if (roomId == "" || roomId == "请输入房间ID") {        alert("请输入房间ID");        return;    }    console.log("第一步:加入按钮被点击, roomId: " + roomId);    // 初始化本地码流    initLocalStream();}document.getElementById('leaveBtn').onclick = function () {    console.log("离开按钮被点击");    doLeave();}

5.2. 编写websocket服务

var ws = require("nodejs-websocket")var prort = 9001;// join 主动加入房间// leave 主动离开房间// new-peer 有人加入房间,通知已经在房间的人// peer-leave 有人离开房间,通知已经在房间的人// offer 发送offer给对端peer// answer发送offer给对端peer// candidate 发送candidate给对端peerconst SIGNAL_TYPE_JOIN = "join";const SIGNAL_TYPE_RESP_JOIN = "resp-join";  // 告知加入者对方是谁const SIGNAL_TYPE_LEAVE = "leave";const SIGNAL_TYPE_NEW_PEER = "new-peer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_PEER_LEAVE = "peer-leave";const SIGNAL_TYPE_OFFER = "offer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_ANSWER = "answer";const SIGNAL_TYPE_CANDIDATE = "candidate";/** ----- ZeroRTCMap ----- */var ZeroRTCMap = function () {    this._entrys = new Array();    this.put = function (key, value) {        if (key == null || key == undefined) {            return;        }        var index = this._getIndex(key);        if (index == -1) {            var entry = new Object();            entry.key = key;            entry.value = value;            this._entrys[this._entrys.length] = entry;        } else {            this._entrys[index].value = value;        }    };    this.get = function (key) {        var index = this._getIndex(key);        return (index != -1) ? this._entrys[index].value : null;    };    this.remove = function (key) {        var index = this._getIndex(key);        if (index != -1) {            this._entrys.splice(index, 1);        }    };    this.clear = function () {        this._entrys.length = 0;    };    this.contains = function (key) {        var index = this._getIndex(key);        return (index != -1) ? true : false;    };    this.size = function () {        return this._entrys.length;    };    this.getEntrys = function () {        return this._entrys;    };    this._getIndex = function (key) {        if (key == null || key == undefined) {            return -1;        }        var _length = this._entrys.length;        for (var i = 0; i < _length; i++) {            var entry = this._entrys[i];            if (entry == null || entry == undefined) {                continue;            }            if (entry.key === key) {// equal                return i;            }        }        return -1;    };}var roomTableMap = new ZeroRTCMap();function Client(uid, conn, roomId) {    this.uid = uid;     // 用户所属的id    this.conn = conn;   // uid对应的websocket连接    this.roomId = roomId;}function handleJoin(message, conn) {    var roomId = message.roomId;    var uid = message.uid;    console.info("uid: " + uid + "try to join room " + roomId);    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        roomMap = new  ZeroRTCMap();        // 如果房间没有创建,则新创建一个房间        roomTableMap.put(roomId, roomMap);    }    if(roomMap.size() >= 2) {        console.error("roomId:" + roomId + " 已经有两人存在,请使用其他房间");        // 加信令通知客户端,房间已满        return null;    }    var client = new Client(uid, conn, roomId);    roomMap.put(uid, client);    if(roomMap.size() > 1) {        // 房间里面已经有人了,加上新进来的人,那就是>=2了,所以要通知对方        var clients = roomMap.getEntrys();        for(var i in clients) {            var remoteUid = clients[i].key;            if (remoteUid != uid) {                var jsonMsg = {                    'cmd': SIGNAL_TYPE_NEW_PEER,                    'remoteUid': uid                };                var msg = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);                var remoteClient =roomMap.get(remoteUid);                console.info("new-peer: " + msg);                remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);                jsonMsg = {                    'cmd':SIGNAL_TYPE_RESP_JOIN,                    'remoteUid': remoteUid                };                msg = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);                console.info("resp-join: " + msg);                conn.sendText(msg);            }        }    }    return client;}function handleLeave(message) {    var roomId = message.roomId;    var uid = message.uid;    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        console.error("handleLeave can't find then roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    if (!roomMap.contains(uid)) {        console.info("uid: " + uid +" have leave roomId " + roomId);        return;    }        console.info("uid: " + uid + " leave room " + roomId);    roomMap.remove(uid);        // 删除发送者    if(roomMap.size() >= 1) {        var clients = roomMap.getEntrys();        for(var i in clients) {            var jsonMsg = {                'cmd': 'peer-leave',                'remoteUid': uid // 谁离开就填写谁            };            var msg = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);            var remoteUid = clients[i].key;            var remoteClient = roomMap.get(remoteUid);            if(remoteClient) {                console.info("notify peer:" + remoteClient.uid + ", uid:" + uid + " leave");                remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);            }        }    }}function handleForceLeave(client) {    var roomId = client.roomId;    var uid = client.uid;    // 1. 先查找房间号    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        console.warn("handleForceLeave can't find then roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    // 2. 判别uid是否在房间    if (!roomMap.contains(uid)) {        console.info("uid: " + uid +" have leave roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    // 3.走到这一步,说明客户端没有正常离开,所以我们要执行离开程序    console.info("uid: " + uid + " force leave room " + roomId);    roomMap.remove(uid);        // 删除发送者    if(roomMap.size() >= 1) {        var clients = roomMap.getEntrys();        for(var i in clients) {            var jsonMsg = {                'cmd': 'peer-leave',                'remoteUid': uid // 谁离开就填写谁            };            var msg = JSON.stringify(jsonMsg);            var remoteUid = clients[i].key;            var remoteClient = roomMap.get(remoteUid);            if(remoteClient) {                console.info("notify peer:" + remoteClient.uid + ", uid:" + uid + " leave");                remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);            }        }    }}function handleOffer(message) {    var roomId = message.roomId;    var uid = message.uid;    var remoteUid = message.remoteUid;    console.info("handleOffer uid: " + uid + "transfer  offer  to remoteUid" + remoteUid);    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        console.error("handleOffer can't find then roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    if(roomMap.get(uid) == null) {        console.error("handleOffer can't find then uid " + uid);        return;    }    var remoteClient = roomMap.get(remoteUid);    if(remoteClient) {        var msg = JSON.stringify(message);        remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);    //把数据发送给对方    } else {        console.error("can't find remoteUid: " + remoteUid);    }}function handleAnswer(message) {    var roomId = message.roomId;    var uid = message.uid;    var remoteUid = message.remoteUid;    console.info("handleAnswer uid: " + uid + "transfer answer  to remoteUid" + remoteUid);    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        console.error("handleAnswer can't find then roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    if(roomMap.get(uid) == null) {        console.error("handleAnswer can't find then uid " + uid);        return;    }    var remoteClient = roomMap.get(remoteUid);    if(remoteClient) {        var msg = JSON.stringify(message);        remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);    } else {        console.error("can't find remoteUid: " + remoteUid);    }}function handleCandidate(message) {    var roomId = message.roomId;    var uid = message.uid;    var remoteUid = message.remoteUid;    console.info("处理Candidate uid: " + uid + "transfer candidate  to remoteUid" + remoteUid);    var roomMap = roomTableMap.get(roomId);    if (roomMap == null) {        console.error("handleCandidate can't find then roomId " + roomId);        return;    }    if(roomMap.get(uid) == null) {        console.error("handleCandidate can't find then uid " + uid);        return;    }    var remoteClient = roomMap.get(remoteUid);    if(remoteClient) {        var msg = JSON.stringify(message);        remoteClient.conn.sendText(msg);    } else {        console.error("can't find remoteUid: " + remoteUid);    }}// 创建监听9001端口webSocket服务var server = ws.createServer(function(conn){    console.log("创建一个新的连接--------")    conn.client = null; // 对应的客户端信息    // conn.sendText("我收到你的连接了....");    conn.on("text", function(str) {        // console.info("recv msg:" + str);        var jsonMsg = JSON.parse(str);        switch (jsonMsg.cmd) {            case SIGNAL_TYPE_JOIN:                conn.client = handleJoin(jsonMsg, conn);                break;            case SIGNAL_TYPE_LEAVE:                handleLeave(jsonMsg);                break;            case SIGNAL_TYPE_OFFER:                handleOffer(jsonMsg);                break;               case SIGNAL_TYPE_ANSWER:                handleAnswer(jsonMsg);                break;             case SIGNAL_TYPE_CANDIDATE:                handleCandidate(jsonMsg);                break;              }    });    conn.on("close", function(code, reason) {        console.info("连接关闭 code: " + code + ", reason: " + reason);        if(conn.client != null) {            // 强制让客户端从房间退出            handleForceLeave(conn.client);        }    });    conn.on("error", function(err) {        console.info("监听到错误:" + err);    });}).listen(prort);

6. 参考文档

WebRtc接口参考WebRTC 传输协议详解WebRTC的学习(java版本信令服务)Android webrtc实战(一)录制本地视频并播放,附带详细的基础知识讲解webSocket(wss)出现连接失败的问题解决方法最重要的是这个,完整听了课程:2023最新Webrtc基础教程合集,涵盖所有核心内容(Nodejs+vscode+coturn



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