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【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】9. 一句话订阅专属信息 - 订阅智能体进阶,实现一个更通用的订阅智能体(2)

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0. 前置推荐阅读和本文内容0.1 前置推荐阅读0.2 本文内容 1. 修改一:直接用大模型获取网页信息,不用爬虫程序1.1 我们要给大模型什么内容1.2 提取网页文本信息1.3 组织Action1.4 完整代码及细节注释1.5 可能存在的问题及思考 2. 修改二:解耦RunSubscription和SubscriptionRunner2.1 思路2.2 首先将 SubscriptionRunner 移出去2.3 打通SubRole和SubAction2.4 触发时间的传递2.5 完整代码及运行结果

0. 前置推荐阅读和本文内容

0.1 前置推荐阅读


【AI的未来 - AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】3. 实现一个订阅智能体,订阅消息并打通微信和邮件【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】8. 一句话订阅专属信息 - 订阅智能体进阶,实现一个更通用的订阅智能体


【AI的未来 - AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】4. ActionNode从理论到实战

【AI的未来 - AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】4.1 细说我在ActionNode实战中踩的那些坑

0.2 本文内容

在上篇文章 【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】8. 一句话订阅专属信息 - 订阅智能体进阶,实现一个更通用的订阅智能体 中我们实现了一个更通用的订阅智能体,本文在此基础上作一些修改优化。

1. 修改一:直接用大模型获取网页信息,不用爬虫程序


1.1 我们要给大模型什么内容


url : 需要大模型自己去访问url(调用插件等)html内容网页中的文本内容


1.2 提取网页文本信息


class SubAction(Action): ...... 省略 ......async def run(self, *args, **kwargs):    pages = await WebBrowserEngine().run(*urls)

对 pages.inner_text 进行处理,去掉里面的一些特殊符号。可以用下面的代码。

def get_linktext(html_content):    flag = False    if len(html_content) > 0:        html_content = html2text.html2text(html_content)    html_content = html_content.strip()    if len(html_content) > 0:        flag = True    return flag, html_content

html2text 是一个 Python 库,用于将 HTML 格式的文本转换为纯文本格式。它特别适用于从网页抓取数据,并将这些数据从复杂的 HTML 格式转换为简单的纯文本格式。



1.3 组织Action


[Role] SubscriptionAssistant

[Action] ParseSubRequirement : 解析用户需求[Action] RunSubscription :创建并开启订阅智能体

[Role] SubRole : 订阅智能体

[Action] SubAction


class SubscriptionAssistant(Role):    """Analyze user subscription requirements."""    name: str = "同学小张的订阅助手"    profile: str = "Subscription Assistant"    goal: str = "analyze user subscription requirements to provide personalized subscription services."    constraints: str = "utilize the same language as the User Requirement"    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:        super().__init__(**kwargs)        self._init_actions([ParseSubRequirement, RunSubscription]) ## 2. 先解析用户需求,然后运行订阅        self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order") ## 按顺序执行

1.4 完整代码及细节注释

from metagpt.actions.action_node import ActionNodefrom metagpt.actions.action import Actionimport asynciofrom uuid import uuid4import sysimport aiohttp## 分析用户的要求语言LANGUAGE = ActionNode(    key="language",    expected_type=str,    instruction="Provide the language used in the project, typically matching the user's requirement language.",    example="en_us",)## 分析用户的订阅推送时间CRON_EXPRESSION = ActionNode(    key="Cron Expression",    expected_type=str,    instruction="If the user requires scheduled triggering, please provide the corresponding 5-field cron expression. "    "Otherwise, leave it blank.",    example="",)## 分析用户订阅的网址URL,可以是列表CRAWLER_URL_LIST = ActionNode(    key="Crawler URL List",    expected_type=list[str],    instruction="List the URLs user want to crawl. Leave it blank if not provided in the User Requirement.",    example=["https://example1.com", "https://example2.com"],)## 分析用户所需要的网站数据PAGE_CONTENT_EXTRACTION = ActionNode(    key="Page Content Extraction",    expected_type=str,    instruction="Specify the requirements and tips to extract from the crawled web pages based on User Requirement.",    example="Retrieve the titles and content of articles published today.",)## 分析用户所需要的汇总数据的方式CRAWL_POST_PROCESSING = ActionNode(    key="Crawl Post Processing",    expected_type=str,    instruction="Specify the processing to be applied to the crawled content, such as summarizing today's news.",    example="Generate a summary of today's news articles.",)## 补充说明,如果url或定时器解析为空,则提示用户补充INFORMATION_SUPPLEMENT = ActionNode(    key="Information Supplement",    expected_type=str,    instruction="If unable to obtain the Cron Expression, prompt the user to provide the time to receive subscription "    "messages. If unable to obtain the URL List Crawler, prompt the user to provide the URLs they want to crawl. Keep it "    "blank if everything is clear",    example="",)NODES = [    LANGUAGE,    CRON_EXPRESSION,    CRAWLER_URL_LIST,    PAGE_CONTENT_EXTRACTION,    CRAWL_POST_PROCESSING,    INFORMATION_SUPPLEMENT,]PARSE_SUB_REQUIREMENTS_NODE = ActionNode.from_children("ParseSubscriptionReq", NODES)## 解析用户的需求的ActionPARSE_SUB_REQUIREMENT_TEMPLATE = """### User Requirement{requirements}"""SUB_ACTION_TEMPLATE = """## RequirementsAnswer the question based on the provided context {process}. If the question cannot be answered, please summarize the context.## context{data}""""class ParseSubRequirement(Action):    async def run(self, requirements):        requirements = "\n".join(i.content for i in requirements)        context = PARSE_SUB_REQUIREMENT_TEMPLATE.format(requirements=requirements)        node = await PARSE_SUB_REQUIREMENTS_NODE.fill(context=context, llm=self.llm)        return node ## 3. 返回解析后的用户需求    # if __name__ == "__main__":#     from metagpt.schema import Message#     asyncio.run(ParseSubRequirement().run([Message(#         "从36kr创投平台https://pitchhub.36kr.com/financing-flash 爬取所有初创企业融资的信息,获取标题,链接, 时间,总结今天的融资新闻,然后在晚上七点半送给我"#     )]))from metagpt.schema import Messagefrom metagpt.tools.web_browser_engine import WebBrowserEngineimport html2textfrom pytz import BaseTzInfofrom typing import Optionalfrom aiocron import crontabimport osclass CronTrigger:    def __init__(self, spec: str, tz: Optional[BaseTzInfo] = None) -> None:        self.crontab = crontab(spec, tz=tz)    def __aiter__(self):        return self    async def __anext__(self):        await self.crontab.next()        return Message()class WxPusherClient:    def __init__(self, token: Optional[str] = None, base_url: str = "http://wxpusher.zjiecode.com"):        self.base_url = base_url        self.token = token or os.environ["WXPUSHER_TOKEN"] # 5.1 从环境变量中获取token,所以你需要在环境变量中配置WXPUSHER_TOKEN或在配置文件中设置WXPUSHER_TOKEN    async def send_message(        self,        content,        summary: Optional[str] = None,        content_type: int = 1,        topic_ids: Optional[list[int]] = None,        uids: Optional[list[int]] = None,        verify: bool = False,        url: Optional[str] = None,    ):        payload = {            "appToken": self.token,            "content": content,            "summary": summary,            "contentType": content_type,            "topicIds": topic_ids or [],            # 5.2 从环境变量中获取uids,所以你需要在环境变量中配置WXPUSHER_UIDS            # uids是你想推送给哪个微信,必须是关注了你这个订阅号的微信才可以知道uid            "uids": uids or os.environ["WXPUSHER_UIDS"].split(","),             "verifyPay": verify,            "url": url,        }        url = f"{self.base_url}/api/send/message"        return await self._request("POST", url, json=payload)    async def _request(self, method, url, **kwargs):        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:            async with session.request(method, url, **kwargs) as response:                response.raise_for_status()                return await response.json()# 5.3 微信callback wrapper,使用WxPusherClient给指定微信推送消息async def wxpusher_callback(msg: Message):    client = WxPusherClient()    await client.send_message(msg.content, content_type=3)# 运行订阅智能体的Actionclass RunSubscription(Action):    async def run(self, msgs):        from metagpt.roles.role import Role        from metagpt.subscription import SubscriptionRunner        req = msgs[-1].instruct_content.dict() ## 获取用户需求,注意这里msgs[-1],不是[-2]了,没有code了        urls = req["Crawler URL List"]        process = req["Crawl Post Processing"]        spec = req["Cron Expression"]        SubAction = self.create_sub_action_cls(urls, process) ## 创建一个Action,urls网页链接、process用户需求的数据        SubRole = type("SubRole", (Role,), {}) ## 定时触发的Role        role = SubRole()        role.init_actions([SubAction])        runner = SubscriptionRunner()        callbacks = []        callbacks.append(wxpusher_callback)        async def callback(msg):            print(msg)            await asyncio.gather(*(call(msg) for call in callbacks)) # 遍历所有回调函数,触发回调,分发消息        await runner.subscribe(role, CronTrigger(spec), callback)        await runner.run()    @staticmethod    def create_sub_action_cls(urls: list[str], process: str):        class SubAction(Action):                        @staticmethod            def get_linktext(html_content): ## 提取出网页中的纯文本信息                flag = False                if len(html_content) > 0:                    html_content = html2text.html2text(html_content)                html_content = html_content.strip()                if len(html_content) > 0:                    flag = True                return flag, html_content                        async def run(self, *args, **kwargs):                pages = await WebBrowserEngine().run(*urls)                flag, page_content = self.get_linktext(pages.inner_text) ## 这块可能有点bug,没有考虑多个url的情况                return await self.llm.aask(SUB_ACTION_TEMPLATE.format(process=process, data=page_content))        return SubAction# 定义订阅助手角色from metagpt.roles import Rolefrom metagpt.actions import UserRequirementfrom metagpt.utils.common import any_to_strclass SubscriptionAssistant(Role):    """Analyze user subscription requirements."""    name: str = "同学小张的订阅助手"    profile: str = "Subscription Assistant"    goal: str = "analyze user subscription requirements to provide personalized subscription services."    constraints: str = "utilize the same language as the User Requirement"    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:        super().__init__(**kwargs)        self._init_actions([ParseSubRequirement, RunSubscription]) ## 2. 先解析用户需求,然后运行订阅        self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order") ## 按顺序执行        if __name__ == "__main__":    import asyncio    from metagpt.team import Team    team = Team()    team.hire([SubscriptionAssistant()]) ## 从SubscriptionAssistant开始run,这里只有一个角色,其实都不用再使用Team了    team.run_project("从36kr创投平台https://pitchhub.36kr.com/financing-flash爬取所有初创企业融资的信息,获取标题,链接, 时间,总结今天的融资新闻,然后在10:49送给我")    asyncio.run(team.run())


1.5 可能存在的问题及思考




2. 修改二:解耦RunSubscription和SubscriptionRunner


2.1 思路


create_sub_action_cls 创建了SubAction创建了 SubRole,并添加了 SubAction 作为自身的Action创建了 SubscriptionRunner ,依赖SubRole,并运行run添加了 callback

要将 RunSubscriptionSubscriptionRunner分离,需要将 SubscriptionRunner 移出去,而它依赖 SubRoleSubRole又依赖SubAction

一种思路:我们可以让 RunSubscription 只创建SubAction,只要想办法将SubAction传给SubRole,就打通了流程。简单画了个图:


2.2 首先将 SubscriptionRunner 移出去


if __name__ == "__main__":    ...... 省略 ......    role = SubRole()    runner = SubscriptionRunner()        callbacks = []    callbacks.append(wxpusher_callback)    async def callback(msg):        print(msg)        await asyncio.gather(*(call(msg) for call in callbacks)) # 遍历所有回调函数,触发回调,分发消息    async def mainloop():        await runner.subscribe(role, CronTrigger(role.triggle_time), callback)        await runner.run()    asyncio.run(mainloop())

2.3 打通SubRole和SubAction



class SubRole(Role):    triggle_time : str = None ## 触发时间        def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:        super().__init__(**kwargs)        def set_actions(self, actions:list): ## 开放一个set接口,接收设置action        self._init_actions(actions) ## 在这里给role设置actionsclass RunSubscription(Action):    subrole : SubRole = None ## 这里接收外部的SubRole实例,用来后面添加actions        def __init__(self, subrole: SubRole) -> None:        super().__init__()        self.subrole = subrole            async def run(self, msgs) -> Action:        ...... 省略 ......        subAction = self.create_sub_action_cls(urls, code, process) ## 创建一个Action,urls网页链接、code爬虫代码、process用户需求的数据        self.subrole.set_actions([subAction]) ## 给SubRole设置一个Action,打通SubRole和SubAction        self.subrole.triggle_time = spec ## 给SubRole设置一个触发时间        print("Subscription started end.")        return spec ## 这里需要返回一个字符串,任意的都行,但不能没有返回class SubscriptionAssistant(Role):    ...... 省略 ......    def __init__(self, subrole:SubRole, **kwargs) -> None: ## 这里接收外部的SubRole实例        super().__init__(**kwargs)        self._init_actions([ParseSubRequirement, RunSubscription(subrole)]) ## 将接收的外部SubRole实例传给 RunSubscriptionif __name__ == "__main__":role = SubRole()## team.hire([SubscriptionAssistant, CrawlerEngineer()]) ## 1. 从SubscriptionAssistant开始runteam.hire([SubscriptionAssistant(role), CrawlerEngineer()]) ## 将SubRole实例传递进取

这样在 RunSubscription 创建了SubAction之后,我们的订阅智能体SubRole就有这个SubAction可以执行了。

2.4 触发时间的传递

可能你也发现了,将SubscriptionRunner移出来后,await runner.subscribe(role, CronTrigger(spec), callback)代码中的定时器的spec参数就无法获取到了。所以我也像SubAction传递一样,在SubRole中加了个参数:triggle_time : str = None ## 触发时间,用来记录触发时间。在使用时,直接用role.triggle_time即可。

await runner.subscribe(role, CronTrigger(role.triggle_time), callback)

2.5 完整代码及运行结果

代码修改就以上这么点,比较简单,就不再贴完整代码了。有需要的可以+v jasper_8017要源码,一起交流。





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