海量数据是目标检测的基础,而针对于特定场景的数据往往需要自己获取和标注,往往需要耗费大量的人工成本和时间成本。而数据增强则能很好的解决这问题。与简单的数据增强方法不同,目标检测的数据增强不仅要考虑图片的相应转变,还要实现图片内所标注坐标的转换,即目标检测的数据增强既要生成原图片的衍生图片,同时还需生成相应的xml文件(pascal voc数据集为例)。因此目标检测的数据增强与图像分类的数据增强有很大的不同。往往目标检测的数据增强又分为在线数据增强和离线数据增强。大多的目标检测模型都默认带有在线数据增强,通过相关配置文件就能实现,优点是不占用本地内存方便实现,缺点是不够直观。而离线的数据增强则相反。而在刚起步学习阶段,可以通过离线数据增强的方式更直观的感受一下。2.目标检测离线数据增强步骤(一定要先看,便于理解过程)
第一步针对标注好的数据(pascal voc数据集为例),通过相关python脚本将标注的矩形框画出来,检查标注时的准确性(随机挑选部分图片,可以不用全部照片)。第二步使用几种数据增强方式对图片进行增强,这里主要使用了五种数据增强方法(图像旋转、高斯噪音、改变亮度、裁剪、平移),其中图像旋转有六种旋转角度(60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270)。并且,在这几种方法中,添加高斯噪音和改变亮度xml文件与原图是相同的。第三步在生成新的图片和xml文件后,与第一步相同验证新生成图像所生成xml文件的准确性。不正确就需要针对具体情况进行调整。在扩充了数据集之后就开始对模型进行训练了。3.数据增强代码
实现对标注好的数据集进行验证(验证标注情况的实际情况)import osimport cv2 as cvimport xml.etree.ElementTree as ETdef xml_jpg2labelled(imgs_path, xmls_path, labelled_path): # k=0 imgs_list = os.listdir(imgs_path) xmls_list = os.listdir(xmls_path) nums = len(imgs_list) for i in range(nums): # k+=1 img_path = os.path.join(imgs_path, imgs_list[i]) xml_path = os.path.join(xmls_path, xmls_list[i]) img = cv.imread(img_path) labelled = img root = ET.parse(xml_path).getroot() objects = root.findall('object') for obj in objects: bbox = obj.find('bndbox') xmin = int(float(bbox.find('xmin').text.strip())) ymin = int(float(bbox.find('ymin').text.strip())) xmax = int(float(bbox.find('xmax').text.strip())) ymax = int(float(bbox.find('ymax').text.strip())) labelled = cv.rectangle(labelled, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv.imwrite('%s%s_labelled.jpg' % (labelled_path, imgs_list[i]), labelled) # if k>=100: # break # cv.imshow('labelled', labelled) # cv.imshow('origin', origin) # cv.waitKey()if __name__ == '__main__': ## 原图 # imgs_path='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\img'#图片所在路径 # xmls_path ='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\\xml'#xml所在路径 # labelled_path='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\\anchor_imgs\yuan_img\\'#生成带有矩形框图片所在路径 # xml_jpg2labelled(imgs_path, xmls_path, labelled_path)
#相关依赖包import cv2import mathimport numpy as npimport osimport xml.etree.ElementTree as ETimport randomimport xml.dom.minidom as DOCfrom skimage import exposure#ImgAugemention类class ImgAugemention(): def __init__(self, crop_rate=0.5, shift_rate=0.5, change_light_rate=0.5, add_noise_rate=0.5, angle=90): self.crop_rate = crop_rate self.shift_rate = shift_rate self.change_light_rate = change_light_rate self.add_noise_rate = add_noise_rate self.angle = angle # rotate_img
def rotate_image(self, src, angle, scale=1.): w = src.shape[1] h = src.shape[0] # convet angle into rad rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians # calculate new image width and height nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale) # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined # with the rotation rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0])) # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation # part of the transform rot_mat[0, 2] += rot_move[0] rot_mat[1, 2] += rot_move[1] # map return cv2.warpAffine( src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) def rotate_xml(self, src, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle, scale=1.): w = src.shape[1] h = src.shape[0] rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians # now calculate new image width and height # get width and heigh of changed image nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale) # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined # with the rotation rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0])) # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation # part of the transform rot_mat[0, 2] += rot_move[0] rot_mat[1, 2] += rot_move[1] # rot_mat: the final rot matrix # get the four center of edges in the initial martix,and convert the coord point1 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymin, 1])) point2 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmax, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1])) point3 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymax, 1])) point4 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmin, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1])) # concat np.array concat = np.vstack((point1, point2, point3, point4)) # change type concat = concat.astype(np.int32) # print(concat) rx, ry, rw, rh = cv2.boundingRect(concat) return rx, ry, rw, rh def process_img(self, imgs_path, xmls_path, img_save_path, xml_save_path, angle_list): # assign the rot angles for angle in angle_list: for img_name in os.listdir(imgs_path): # split filename and suffix n, s = os.path.splitext(img_name) # for the sake of use yolo model, only process '.jpg' if s == ".jpg": img_path = os.path.join(imgs_path, img_name) img = cv2.imread(img_path) rotated_img = self.rotate_image(img, angle) save_name = n + "_" + str(angle) + ".jpg" # 写入图像 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + save_name, rotated_img) # print("log: [%sd] %s is processed." % (angle, img)) xml_url = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.xml' xml_path = os.path.join(xmls_path, xml_url) tree = ET.parse(xml_path) # file_name = tree.find('filename').text # it is origin name # path = tree.find('path').text # it is origin path # change name and path tree.find('filename').text = save_name # change file name to rot degree name # tree.find('path').text = save_name # change file path to rot degree name root = tree.getroot()# if angle in [90, 270], need to swap width and height if angle in [90, 270]: d = tree.find('size') width = int(d.find('width').text) height = int(d.find('height').text) # swap width and height d.find('width').text = str(height) d.find('height').text = str(width) for box in root.iter('bndbox'): xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text) ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text) xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text) ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text) x, y, w, h = self.rotate_xml(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle) # change the coord box.find('xmin').text = str(x) box.find('ymin').text = str(y) box.find('xmax').text = str(x+w) box.find('ymax').text = str(y+h) box.set('updated', 'yes') # write into new xml tree.write(xml_save_path + n + "_" + str(angle) + ".xml")
# 高斯模糊 def addGaussi(self,img_path,xml_path,save_img,save_xml): xml_save_path=save_xml+'GaussianBlur\\' img_save_path=save_img+'GaussianBlur\\' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): img = cv2.imread(img_path+imgs) size = random.choice((5, 9, 11)) Gau_img=cv2.GaussianBlur(img, ksize=(size, size), sigmaX=0, sigmaY=0) # 写入图像 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + "Gau_img"+imgs, Gau_img) xml=xml_path+imgs[:-4]+ ".xml" tree = ET.parse(xml) tree.write(xml_save_path + "Gau_img"+imgs[:-4]+ ".xml")
# 调整亮度 def changeLight(self, img_path,xml_path,save_img,save_xml): xml_save_path = save_xml +'changeLight' img_save_path = save_img +'changeLight' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): flag = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3) # flag>1为调暗,小于1为调亮 img = cv2.imread(img_path+imgs) light_img=exposure.adjust_gamma(img, flag) cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'\\'+ "light_img" + imgs, light_img) xml = xml_path + imgs[:-4] + ".xml" tree = ET.parse(xml) tree.write(xml_save_path + '\\'+"light_img" + imgs[:-4] + ".xml")
# 从xml文件中提取bounding box信息, 格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]]def parse_xml(xml_path): ''' 输入: xml_path: xml的文件路径 输出: 从xml文件中提取bounding box信息, 格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]] ''' tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() objs = root.findall('object') coords = list() for ix, obj in enumerate(objs): name = obj.find('name').text box = obj.find('bndbox') x_min = int(box[0].text) y_min = int(box[1].text) x_max = int(box[2].text) y_max = int(box[3].text) coords.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]) return coords# 将bounding box信息写入xml文件中, bouding box格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]]def generate_xml(img_name, coords, img_size, out_root_path): ''' 输入: img_name:图片名称,如a.jpg coords:坐标list,格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]],name为概况的标注 img_size:图像的大小,格式为[h,w,c] out_root_path: xml文件输出的根路径 ''' doc = DOC.Document() # 创建DOM文档对象 annotation = doc.createElement('annotation') doc.appendChild(annotation) title = doc.createElement('folder') title_text = doc.createTextNode('VOC2007') title.appendChild(title_text) annotation.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('filename') title_text = doc.createTextNode(img_name) title.appendChild(title_text) annotation.appendChild(title) source = doc.createElement('source') annotation.appendChild(source) title = doc.createElement('database') title_text = doc.createTextNode('The VOC2007 Database') title.appendChild(title_text) source.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('annotation') title_text = doc.createTextNode('PASCAL VOC2007') title.appendChild(title_text) source.appendChild(title) size = doc.createElement('size') annotation.appendChild(size) title = doc.createElement('width') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[1])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('height') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[0])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('depth') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[2])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) for coord in coords: object = doc.createElement('object') annotation.appendChild(object) title = doc.createElement('name') title_text = doc.createTextNode(coord[4]) title.appendChild(title_text) object.appendChild(title) pose = doc.createElement('pose') pose.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Unspecified')) object.appendChild(pose) truncated = doc.createElement('truncated') truncated.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('1')) object.appendChild(truncated) difficult = doc.createElement('difficult') difficult.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0')) object.appendChild(difficult) bndbox = doc.createElement('bndbox') object.appendChild(bndbox) title = doc.createElement('xmin') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[0])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('ymin') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[1])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('xmax') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[2])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('ymax') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[3])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) # 将DOM对象doc写入文件 f = open(os.path.join(out_root_path, "new_" + "_" + img_name[:-4] + '.xml'), 'w') f.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent='')) f.close()
# 平移 def shift_pic_bboxes(self,xml_path,img_path,img_save_path,save_path_xml): img_save_path=img_save_path+'shift' save_path_xml=save_path_xml+'shift' for xmls in os.listdir(xml_path): x=xml_path+xmls coords = parse_xml(x)#读xml文件 img = cv2.imread(img_path+xmls[:-4] + ".jpg") names = [coord[4] for coord in coords] bboxes = [coord[:4] for coord in coords] ''' 平移后的图片要包含所有的框 输入: img:图像array bboxes:该图像包含的所有boundingboxs,一个list,每个元素为[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max,label],要确保是数值 输出: shift_img:平移后的图像array shift_bboxes:平移后的bounding box的坐标list ''' # ---------------------- 平移图像 ---------------------- w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] x_min = w # 裁剪后的包含所有目标框的最小的框 x_max = 0 y_min = h y_max = 0 for bbox in bboxes: x_min = min(x_min, bbox[0]) y_min = min(y_min, bbox[1]) x_max = max(x_max, bbox[2]) y_max = max(y_max, bbox[3]) d_to_left = x_min # 包含所有目标框的最大左移动距离 d_to_right = w - x_max # 包含所有目标框的最大右移动距离 d_to_top = y_min # 包含所有目标框的最大上移动距离 d_to_bottom = h - y_max # 包含所有目标框的最大下移动距离 x = random.uniform(-(d_to_left - 1) / 3, (d_to_right - 1) / 3) y = random.uniform(-(d_to_top - 1) / 3, (d_to_bottom - 1) / 3) M = np.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]]) # x为向左或右移动的像素值,正为向右负为向左; y为向上或者向下移动的像素值,正为向下负为向上 shift_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) # ---------------------- 平移boundingbox ---------------------- shift_bboxes = list() for bbox in bboxes: i=0 shift_bboxes.append([bbox[0] + x, bbox[1] + y, bbox[2] + x, bbox[3] + y,names[i]]) i+=1 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + '\\' + "shift_img" +xmls[:-4] + ".jpg", shift_img) file=xmls[:-4] + ".jpg" auged_img=shift_img auged_bboxes = shift_bboxes generate_xml(file, auged_bboxes, list(auged_img.shape), save_path_xml) # 裁剪 def crop_img_bboxes(self,xml_path,img_path,img_save_path,save_path_xml): ''' 裁剪后的图片要包含所有的框 输入: img:图像array bboxes:该图像包含的所有boundingboxs,一个list,每个元素为[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max,label],要确保是数值 输出: crop_img:裁剪后的图像array crop_bboxes:裁剪后的bounding box的坐标list ''' # ---------------------- 裁剪图像 ---------------------- img_save_path=img_save_path+'crop' save_path_xml=save_path_xml+'crop' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): imgPath=img_path+imgs img=cv2.imread(img_path+imgs) w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] x_min = w # 裁剪后的包含所有目标框的最小的框 x_max = 0 y_min = h y_max = 0 xmlPath=xml_path+imgs[:-4] + ".xml" coords = parse_xml(xmlPath) # 读xml文件 names = [coord[4] for coord in coords] bboxes = [coord[:4] for coord in coords] for bbox in bboxes: x_min = min(x_min, bbox[0]) y_min = min(y_min, bbox[1]) x_max = max(x_max, bbox[2]) y_max = max(y_max, bbox[3]) d_to_left = x_min # 包含所有目标框的最小框到左边的距离 d_to_right = w - x_max # 包含所有目标框的最小框到右边的距离 d_to_top = y_min # 包含所有目标框的最小框到顶端的距离 d_to_bottom = h - y_max # 包含所有目标框的最小框到底部的距离 # 随机扩展这个最小框 crop_x_min = int(x_min - random.uniform(0, d_to_left)) crop_y_min = int(y_min - random.uniform(0, d_to_top)) crop_x_max = int(x_max + random.uniform(0, d_to_right)) crop_y_max = int(y_max + random.uniform(0, d_to_bottom)) # 确保不要越界 crop_x_min = max(0, crop_x_min) crop_y_min = max(0, crop_y_min) crop_x_max = min(w, crop_x_max) crop_y_max = min(h, crop_y_max) crop_img = img[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max] # ---------------------- 裁剪boundingbox ---------------------- # 裁剪后的boundingbox坐标计算 crop_bboxes = list() for bbox in bboxes: i=0 crop_bboxes.append([bbox[0] - crop_x_min, bbox[1] - crop_y_min, bbox[2] - crop_x_min, bbox[3] - crop_y_min,names[i]]) i+=1 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + '\\' + "crop_img" + imgs, crop_img) auged_img = crop_img auged_bboxes = crop_bboxes generate_xml(imgs, auged_bboxes, list(auged_img.shape), save_path_xml)
if __name__ == '__main__': img_aug = ImgAugemention() #原图像路径 imgs_path='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\img\\' ##原xml文件路径 xmls_path='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\\xml\\' #新生成图像存储路径 save_xml='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\\new_xml\\' ##新生成xml文件存储路径 save_img='D:\MyselfStudy\yolov5-6.0\data\\test\\new_img\\' #要实现相应图像增强方式,去掉注释即可 #旋转 # angle_list = [60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270] # img_aug.process_img(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml, angle_list) #高斯噪音 # img_aug.addGaussi(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml) #改变亮度 # img_aug.changeLight(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml) #平移 # img_aug.shift_pic_bboxes(xmls_path, imgs_path, save_img, save_xml) #裁剪 img_aug.crop_img_bboxes(xmls_path, imgs_path, save_img, save_xml)
import cv2import mathimport numpy as npimport osimport xml.etree.ElementTree as ETimport randomimport xml.dom.minidom as DOCfrom skimage import exposure# 从xml文件中提取bounding box信息, 格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]]def parse_xml(xml_path): ''' 输入: xml_path: xml的文件路径 输出: 从xml文件中提取bounding box信息, 格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]] ''' tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() objs = root.findall('object') coords = list() for ix, obj in enumerate(objs): name = obj.find('name').text box = obj.find('bndbox') x_min = int(box[0].text) y_min = int(box[1].text) x_max = int(box[2].text) y_max = int(box[3].text) coords.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]) return coords# 将bounding box信息写入xml文件中, bouding box格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]]def generate_xml(img_name, coords, img_size, out_root_path): ''' 输入: img_name:图片名称,如a.jpg coords:坐标list,格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, name]],name为概况的标注 img_size:图像的大小,格式为[h,w,c] out_root_path: xml文件输出的根路径 ''' doc = DOC.Document() # 创建DOM文档对象 annotation = doc.createElement('annotation') doc.appendChild(annotation) title = doc.createElement('folder') title_text = doc.createTextNode('VOC2007') title.appendChild(title_text) annotation.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('filename') title_text = doc.createTextNode(img_name) title.appendChild(title_text) annotation.appendChild(title) source = doc.createElement('source') annotation.appendChild(source) title = doc.createElement('database') title_text = doc.createTextNode('The VOC2007 Database') title.appendChild(title_text) source.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('annotation') title_text = doc.createTextNode('PASCAL VOC2007') title.appendChild(title_text) source.appendChild(title) size = doc.createElement('size') annotation.appendChild(size) title = doc.createElement('width') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[1])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('height') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[0])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('depth') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(img_size[2])) title.appendChild(title_text) size.appendChild(title) for coord in coords: object = doc.createElement('object') annotation.appendChild(object) title = doc.createElement('name') title_text = doc.createTextNode(coord[4]) title.appendChild(title_text) object.appendChild(title) pose = doc.createElement('pose') pose.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Unspecified')) object.appendChild(pose) truncated = doc.createElement('truncated') truncated.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('1')) object.appendChild(truncated) difficult = doc.createElement('difficult') difficult.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0')) object.appendChild(difficult) bndbox = doc.createElement('bndbox') object.appendChild(bndbox) title = doc.createElement('xmin') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[0])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('ymin') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[1])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('xmax') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[2])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) title = doc.createElement('ymax') title_text = doc.createTextNode(str(int(float(coord[3])))) title.appendChild(title_text) bndbox.appendChild(title) # 将DOM对象doc写入文件 f = open(os.path.join(out_root_path, "new_" + "_" + img_name[:-4] + '.xml'), 'w') f.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent='')) f.close()class ImgAugemention(): def __init__(self, crop_rate=0.5, shift_rate=0.5, change_light_rate=0.5, add_noise_rate=0.5, cutout_rate=0.5, cut_out_length=50, cut_out_holes=1, cut_out_threshold=0.5, angle=90): self.crop_rate = crop_rate self.shift_rate = shift_rate self.change_light_rate = change_light_rate # self.cutout_rate = cutout_rate self.add_noise_rate = add_noise_rate # self.cut_out_length = cut_out_length # self.cut_out_holes = cut_out_holes # self.cut_out_threshold = cut_out_threshold self.angle = angle # rotate_img # rotate_img def rotate_image(self, src, angle, scale=1.): w = src.shape[1] h = src.shape[0] # convet angle into rad rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians # calculate new image width and height nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale) # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined # with the rotation rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0])) # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation # part of the transform rot_mat[0, 2] += rot_move[0] rot_mat[1, 2] += rot_move[1] # map return cv2.warpAffine( src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) def rotate_xml(self, src, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle, scale=1.): w = src.shape[1] h = src.shape[0] rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians # now calculate new image width and height # get width and heigh of changed image nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale) # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined # with the rotation rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0])) # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation # part of the transform rot_mat[0, 2] += rot_move[0] rot_mat[1, 2] += rot_move[1] # rot_mat: the final rot matrix # get the four center of edges in the initial martix,and convert the coord point1 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymin, 1])) point2 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmax, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1])) point3 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymax, 1])) point4 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmin, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1])) # concat np.array concat = np.vstack((point1, point2, point3, point4)) # change type concat = concat.astype(np.int32) # print(concat) rx, ry, rw, rh = cv2.boundingRect(concat) return rx, ry, rw, rh def process_img(self, imgs_path, xmls_path, img_save_path, xml_save_path, angle_list): # xml_save_path = xml_save_path + 'rotate\\' # img_save_path = img_save_path + 'rotate\\' # assign the rot angles for angle in angle_list: for img_name in os.listdir(imgs_path): # split filename and suffix n, s = os.path.splitext(img_name) # for the sake of use yolo model, only process '.jpg' if s == ".jpg": img_path = os.path.join(imgs_path, img_name) img = cv2.imread(img_path) rotated_img = self.rotate_image(img, angle) save_name = n + "_" + str(angle) + ".jpg" # 写入图像 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'/'+ save_name, rotated_img) # print("log: [%sd] %s is processed." % (angle, img)) xml_url = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.xml' xml_path = os.path.join(xmls_path, xml_url) tree = ET.parse(xml_path) # file_name = tree.find('filename').text # it is origin name # path = tree.find('path').text # it is origin path # change name and path tree.find('filename').text = save_name # change file name to rot degree name # tree.find('path').text = save_name # change file path to rot degree name root = tree.getroot()# if angle in [90, 270], need to swap width and height if angle in [90, 270]: d = tree.find('size') width = int(d.find('width').text) height = int(d.find('height').text) # swap width and height d.find('width').text = str(height) d.find('height').text = str(width) for box in root.iter('bndbox'): xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text) ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text) xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text) ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text) x, y, w, h = self.rotate_xml(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle) # change the coord box.find('xmin').text = str(x) box.find('ymin').text = str(y) box.find('xmax').text = str(x+w) box.find('ymax').text = str(y+h) box.set('updated', 'yes') # write into new xml tree.write(xml_save_path +'/'+ n + "_" + str(angle) + ".xml") # print("[%s] %s is processed." % (angle, img_name)) # 高斯模糊 def addGaussi(self,img_path,xml_path,img_save_path,xml_save_path): # xml_save_path=xml_save_path+'GaussianBlur\\' # img_save_path=img_save_path+'GaussianBlur\\' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): img = cv2.imread(img_path+'/'+ imgs) size = random.choice((5, 9, 11)) Gau_img=cv2.GaussianBlur(img, ksize=(size, size), sigmaX=0, sigmaY=0) # 写入图像 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'/'+ "Gau_img"+imgs, Gau_img) xml=xml_path+'/'+imgs[:-4]+ ".xml" tree = ET.parse(xml) tree.write(xml_save_path + "Gau_img"+imgs[:-4]+ ".xml") # 调整亮度 def changeLight(self, img_path,xml_path,img_save_path,xml_save_path): # xml_save_path = xml_save_path +'changeLight' # img_save_path = img_save_path +'changeLight' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): flag = random.uniform(0.6, 1.3) # flag>1为调暗,小于1为调亮 img = cv2.imread(img_path+'/'+imgs) light_img=exposure.adjust_gamma(img, flag) cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'/'+"light_img" + imgs, light_img) xml = xml_path+'/' + imgs[:-4] + ".xml" tree = ET.parse(xml) tree.write(xml_save_path +'/'+"light_img" + imgs[:-4] + ".xml") # 平移 def shift_pic_bboxes(self,xml_path,img_path,img_save_path,save_path_xml): # img_save_path=img_save_path+'shift' # save_path_xml=save_path_xml+'shift' for xmls in os.listdir(xml_path): x=xml_path+'/'+xmls coords = parse_xml(x)#读xml文件 img = cv2.imread(img_path+'/'+xmls[:-4] + ".jpg") names = [coord[4] for coord in coords] bboxes = [coord[:4] for coord in coords] ''' 平移后的图片要包含所有的框 输入: img:图像array bboxes:该图像包含的所有boundingboxs,一个list,每个元素为[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max,label],要确保是数值 输出: shift_img:平移后的图像array shift_bboxes:平移后的bounding box的坐标list ''' # ---------------------- 平移图像 ---------------------- w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] x_min = w # 裁剪后的包含所有目标框的最小的框 x_max = 0 y_min = h y_max = 0 for bbox in bboxes: x_min = min(x_min, bbox[0]) y_min = min(y_min, bbox[1]) x_max = max(x_max, bbox[2]) y_max = max(y_max, bbox[3]) d_to_left = x_min # 包含所有目标框的最大左移动距离 d_to_right = w - x_max # 包含所有目标框的最大右移动距离 d_to_top = y_min # 包含所有目标框的最大上移动距离 d_to_bottom = h - y_max # 包含所有目标框的最大下移动距离 x = random.uniform(-(d_to_left - 1) / 3, (d_to_right - 1) / 3) y = random.uniform(-(d_to_top - 1) / 3, (d_to_bottom - 1) / 3) M = np.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]]) # x为向左或右移动的像素值,正为向右负为向左; y为向上或者向下移动的像素值,正为向下负为向上 shift_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) # ---------------------- 平移boundingbox ---------------------- shift_bboxes = list() for bbox in bboxes: i=0 shift_bboxes.append([bbox[0] + x, bbox[1] + y, bbox[2] + x, bbox[3] + y,names[i]]) i+=1 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'/'+ "shift_img" +xmls[:-4] + ".jpg", shift_img) file=xmls[:-4] + ".jpg" auged_img=shift_img auged_bboxes = shift_bboxes generate_xml(file, auged_bboxes, list(auged_img.shape), save_path_xml) # 裁剪 def crop_img_bboxes(self,xml_path,img_path,img_save_path,save_path_xml): ''' 裁剪后的图片要包含所有的框 输入: img:图像array bboxes:该图像包含的所有boundingboxs,一个list,每个元素为[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max,label],要确保是数值 输出: crop_img:裁剪后的图像array crop_bboxes:裁剪后的bounding box的坐标list ''' # ---------------------- 裁剪图像 ---------------------- # img_save_path=img_save_path+'crop' # save_path_xml=save_path_xml+'crop' for imgs in os.listdir(img_path): imgPath=img_path+imgs img=cv2.imread(img_path+'/'+imgs) w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] x_min = w # 裁剪后的包含所有目标框的最小的框 x_max = 0 y_min = h y_max = 0 xmlPath=xml_path+'/'+imgs[:-4] + ".xml" coords = parse_xml(xmlPath) # 读xml文件 names = [coord[4] for coord in coords] bboxes = [coord[:4] for coord in coords] for bbox in bboxes: x_min = min(x_min, bbox[0]) y_min = min(y_min, bbox[1]) x_max = max(x_max, bbox[2]) y_max = max(y_max, bbox[3]) d_to_left = x_min # 包含所有目标框的最小框到左边的距离 d_to_right = w - x_max # 包含所有目标框的最小框到右边的距离 d_to_top = y_min # 包含所有目标框的最小框到顶端的距离 d_to_bottom = h - y_max # 包含所有目标框的最小框到底部的距离 # 随机扩展这个最小框 crop_x_min = int(x_min - random.uniform(0, d_to_left)) crop_y_min = int(y_min - random.uniform(0, d_to_top)) crop_x_max = int(x_max + random.uniform(0, d_to_right)) crop_y_max = int(y_max + random.uniform(0, d_to_bottom)) # 确保不要越界 crop_x_min = max(0, crop_x_min) crop_y_min = max(0, crop_y_min) crop_x_max = min(w, crop_x_max) crop_y_max = min(h, crop_y_max) crop_img = img[crop_y_min:crop_y_max, crop_x_min:crop_x_max] # ---------------------- 裁剪boundingbox ---------------------- # 裁剪后的boundingbox坐标计算 crop_bboxes = list() for bbox in bboxes: i=0 crop_bboxes.append([bbox[0] - crop_x_min, bbox[1] - crop_y_min, bbox[2] - crop_x_min, bbox[3] - crop_y_min,names[i]]) i+=1 cv2.imwrite(img_save_path +'/'+ "crop_img" + imgs, crop_img) auged_img = crop_img auged_bboxes = crop_bboxes generate_xml(imgs, auged_bboxes, list(auged_img.shape), save_path_xml)if __name__ == '__main__': img_aug = ImgAugemention() #路径修改为自己的 imgs_path='./weed_cron_data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages' xmls_path='./weed_cron_data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations' save_xml='./new/new_xmls' save_img='./new/new_imgs' print("start rorate!!!") angle_list = [60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270] img_aug.process_img(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml, angle_list) print("start addGaussi!!!") img_aug.addGaussi(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml) print("start changeLight!!!") img_aug.changeLight(imgs_path, xmls_path, save_img, save_xml) print("start shift_pic_bboxes!!!") img_aug.shift_pic_bboxes(xmls_path, imgs_path, save_img, save_xml) print("start crop_img_bboxes!!!") img_aug.crop_img_bboxes(xmls_path, imgs_path, save_img, save_xml)