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LeetCode 每日一题 2022/11/7-2022/11/13

21 人参与  2022年11月13日 18:25  分类 : 《随便一记》  评论


记录了初步解题思路 以及本地实现代码;并不一定为最优 也希望大家能一起探讨 一起进步


11/7 816. 模糊坐标11/8 1684. 统计一致字符串的数目11/9 764. 最大加号标志11/10 864. 获取所有钥匙的最短路径11/11 1704. 判断字符串的两半是否相似11/12 790. 多米诺和托米诺平铺11/13 791. 自定义字符串排序

11/7 816. 模糊坐标

check用来解析s可以添加小数点后 形成多少种情况
遍历位置i 寻找i左侧部分left 右侧right 可以构成的情况

def ambiguousCoordinates(s):    """    :type s: str    :rtype: List[str]    """    def check(s):        res = []        if s[0]!='0' or s=='0':            res.append(s)        for loc in range(1,len(s)):            if loc!=1 and s[0]=='0' or s[-1]=='0':                continue            res.append(s[:loc]+'.'+s[loc:])        return res            l = s[1:-1]    ans = []    for i in range(1,len(l)):        left = check(l[:i])        if len(left)==0:            continue        right = check(l[i:])        if len(right)==0:            continue        for x in left:            for y in right:                ans.append('('+x+', '+y+')')    return ans

11/8 1684. 统计一致字符串的数目


def countConsistentStrings(allowed, words):    """    :type allowed: str    :type words: List[str]    :rtype: int    """    s = set(list(allowed))    def check(w):        for c in w:            if c not in s:                return False        return True    ans = 0    for w in words:        if check(w):            ans +=1    return ans

11/9 764. 最大加号标志

对于位置[i,j] 它可以得到最大的加号长度 为他到四边的距离最小值 min(i+1,j+1,n-i,n-j)
遍历所有的为0的位置 更新其位置上下左右距离dis

def orderOfLargestPlusSign(n, mines):    """    :type n: int    :type mines: List[List[int]]    :rtype: int    """    grid = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]    for i in range(n):        for j in range(n):            grid[i][j] = min(i+1,n-i,j+1,n-j)    for x,y in mines:        grid[x][y] = 0        dis = 1        while x-dis>=0 or x+dis<n or y-dis>=0 or y+dis<n:            if x-dis>=0:                grid[x-dis][y] = min(grid[x-dis][y],dis)            if x+dis<n:                grid[x+dis][y] = min(grid[x+dis][y],dis)            if y-dis>=0:                grid[x][y-dis] = min(grid[x][y-dis],dis)            if y+dis<n:                grid[x][y+dis] = min(grid[x][y+dis],dis)            dis+=1    return max([max(l) for l in grid])

11/10 864. 获取所有钥匙的最短路径

(i,j,mask)代表当前状态 i,j为当前位置
mask为当前已经有的钥匙状态 mask为k长度的二进制 如果某一个钥匙拿到 则该位置设置为1
寻找mask = 2*k-1时最短路径
遇到钥匙 更新mask状态
遇到锁 判断是否有对应的钥匙

def shortestPathAllKeys(grid):    """    :type grid: List[str]    :rtype: int    """    steps = [(-1,0),(0,-1),(1,0),(0,1)]    m,n = len(grid),len(grid[0])    keyid = {}    sx,sy = 0,0    for i in range(m):        for j in range(n):            if grid[i][j]=="@":                sx,sy=i,j            elif grid[i][j].islower():                if grid[i][j] not in keyid:                    idx = len(keyid)                    keyid[grid[i][j]]=idx    l = [(sx,sy,0)]    dis = {}    dis[(sx,sy,0)] = 0    while l:        tmp = []        for x,y,mask in l:            for dx,dy in steps:                nx,ny = x+dx,y+dy                if 0<=nx<m and 0<=ny<n and grid[nx][ny]!="#":                    if grid[nx][ny]=="." or grid[nx][ny]=="@":                        if (nx,ny,mask) not in dis:                            dis[(nx,ny,mask)] = dis[(x,y,mask)]+1                            tmp.append((nx,ny,mask))                    elif grid[nx,ny].islower():                        idx = keyid[grid[nx][ny]]                        if (nx,ny,mask|(1<<idx)) not in dis:                            dis[(nx,ny,mask|(1<<idx))]= dis[(x,y,mask)]+1                            if mask|(1<<idx) ==2**len(keyid)-1:                                return dis[(nx,ny,mask|(1<<idx))]                            tmp.append((nx,ny,mask|(1<<idx)))                    else:                        idx = keyid[grid[nx][ny].lower()]                        if mask&(1<<idx) and (nx,ny,mask) not in dis:                            dis[(nx,ny,mask)] = dis[(x,y,mask)]+1                            tmp.append((nx,ny,mask))        l = tmp    return -1

11/11 1704. 判断字符串的两半是否相似


def halvesAreAlike(s):    """    :type s: str    :rtype: bool    """    n = len(s)    dic = set(['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U'])    diff = 0    loc = 0    while loc<n//2:        if s[loc] in dic:            diff +=1        if s[loc+n//2] in dic:            diff -=1        loc+=1    return diff==0

11/12 790. 多米诺和托米诺平铺

假设dp[i][x]为第i列状态 0一个没有铺 1上方格子被铺 2下方格子被铺 3两个格子都被铺
dp[i][0] = dp[i-1][3]
dp[i][1] = dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][2]
dp[i][2] = dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][1]
dp[i][3] = dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][1]+dp[i-1][2]+dp[i-1][3]

def numTilings(n):    """    :type n: int    :rtype: int    """    MOD=10**9+7    dp = [[0]*4 for _ in range(n+1)]    dp[0][3]=1    for i in range(1,n+1):        dp[i][0] = dp[i-1][3]        dp[i][1] = (dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][2])%MOD        dp[i][2] = (dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][1])%MOD        dp[i][3] = (dp[i-1][0]+dp[i-1][1]+dp[i-1][2]+dp[i-1][3])%MOD    return dp[n][3]

11/13 791. 自定义字符串排序

依次遍历order每个字母c 如果c在s中出现 则将出现次数个c加入答案中

def customSortString(order, s):    """    :type order: str    :type s: str    :rtype: str    """    dic = {}    for c in s:        dic[c] = dic.get(c,0)+1    ans = []    for c in order:        if c in dic:           ans.extend([c]*dic[c])            dic[c]=0               for c in dic.keys():        if dic[c]>0:            ans.extend([c]*dic[c])    return "".join(ans)



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