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8 人参与  2024年11月16日 08:41  分类 : 《资源分享》  评论




<SquareColor ref="squareColor" :color="color" @change="changeColor1" />setColor1() {            // this.color = 'rgba(255, 82, 111, 0.5)'            this.$refs.squareColor.changeColor('rgba(255, 82, 111, 0.5)')        }




npm install color-convert



<template>    <div class="color-box">        <div class="color-panel" ref="colorPanel" @mousedown="colorPanelMD" :style="{ background: colorPanelColor }">            <div class="color-white-panel"></div>            <div class="color-black-panel"></div>            <div ref="colorPanelSliderThumb" class="color-panel-slider-thumb"></div>        </div>        <div class="hue-panel" ref="huePanel" @mousedown="huePanelMD">            <div ref="huePanelSliderThumb" class="hue-slider-thumb"></div>        </div>        <div class="alpha-panel" ref="alphaPanel" @mousedown="alphaPanelMD">            <div class="alpha-panel-cover"                :style="{ background: `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 0, ${colorPanelColor} 100%)` }">            </div>            <div ref="alphaPanelSliderThumb" class="alpha-slider-thumb"></div>        </div>    </div></template><script>import convert from 'color-convert'import { colorTypeConversion } from '@/utils'export default {    props: {        color: {            type: String,            required: true,            default: ''        }    },    data() {        return {            colorPanelColor: 'red',            h: 0,            s: 0,            v: 100,            alpha: 1,        };    },    mounted() {        this.changeColor(this.color)    },    methods: {        // 设置颜色 转换颜色为hsv类型        changeColor(val) {            let colorObj = colorTypeConversion(val)            if (colorObj?.alpha) {                this.alpha = colorObj.alpha            }            if (colorObj?.color?.length == 3) {                let [h, s, v] = colorObj.color                // 判断当前颜色是否和需要转换的颜色是否一致,一致则不进行转换                if (this.h !== h || this.s !== s || this.v !== v) {                    this.h = colorObj.color[0]                    this.s = colorObj.color[1]                    this.v = colorObj.color[2]                    this.$nextTick(() => {                        this.initPosi();                    })                }            }        },        // 初始化hsv初始位置        initPosi() {            // 设置色相条按钮位置            this.$refs.huePanelSliderThumb.style.left = this.h / 360 * this.$refs.huePanel.offsetWidth + 'px'            // 设置透明度条按钮位置            this.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = this.alpha * this.$refs.alphaPanel.offsetWidth + 'px'            // 设置色盘按钮位置            this.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = this.s / 100 * this.$refs.colorPanel.offsetWidth + 'px'            this.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = (100 - this.v) / 100 * this.$refs.colorPanel.offsetHeight + 'px'            // 设置色盘和透明度背景色            this.colorPanelColor = '#' + convert.hsv.hex(this.h, this.s, this.v)        },        // 色盘鼠标事件        colorPanelMD(e) {            let that = this            let colorPanel = that.$refs.colorPanel            let colorPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb            let { width, height } = colorPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.offsetX, 0, width) + 'px'            colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = that.judgeBoundary(e.offsetY, 0, height) + 'px'            that.getSV()            let initLeft = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let initTop = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetTop            let initX = e.pageX            let initY = e.pageY            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.pageX - initX + initLeft, 0, width) + 'px'                colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = that.judgeBoundary(e.pageY - initY + initTop, 0, height) + 'px'                that.getSV()            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp() {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        // 获取饱和度和明值        getSV() {            let that = this            let colorPanel = that.$refs.colorPanel            let colorPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb            let { width, height } = colorPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let left = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let top = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetTop            let s = left / width * 100            let v = 100 - top / height * 100            that.s = s            that.v = v            that.getRGBA();        },        // 色相鼠标事件        huePanelMD(e) {            let that = this            let huePanel = that.$refs.huePanel            let huePanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.huePanelSliderThumb            let { width } = huePanel.getBoundingClientRect()            huePanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.offsetX, 0, width) + 'px'            that.getHue();            let initLeft = huePanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let initX = e.pageX            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                huePanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.pageX - initX + initLeft, 0, width) + 'px'                that.getHue();            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp() {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        // 获取色相并转换成颜色        getHue() {            let that = this            let huePanel = that.$refs.huePanel            let huePanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.huePanelSliderThumb            let { width } = huePanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let hue = huePanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft / width * 360            that.h = hue            let color = convert.hsv.hex(hue, 100, 100)            that.colorPanelColor = '#' + color            that.getRGBA();        },        // 透明度鼠标事件        alphaPanelMD(e) {            let that = this            let alphaPanel = that.$refs.alphaPanel            let alphaPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb            let { width } = alphaPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.offsetX, 0, width) + 'px'            that.getAlpha();            let initLeft = alphaPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let initX = e.pageX            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.pageX - initX + initLeft, 0, width) + 'px'                that.getAlpha();            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp() {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        getAlpha() {            let that = this            let alphaPanel = that.$refs.alphaPanel            let alphaPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb            let { width } = alphaPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let alpha = (alphaPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft / width).toFixed(2)            that.alpha = alpha            this.getRGBA();        },        // 获取RGBA色值        getRGBA() {            let color = convert.hsv.rgb(this.h, this.s, this.v)            let rgba = `rgba(${color[0]}, ${color[1]}, ${color[2]}, ${this.alpha})`            this.$emit('change', rgba)        },        // 边界判断        judgeBoundary(value, min, max) {            if (value < min) {                return min            }            if (value > max) {                return max            }            return value        },    },};</script><style lang="scss" scoped>.color-box {    width: 300px;    .color-panel {        position: relative;        height: 200px;        // background-color: red;        .color-white-panel {            position: absolute;            inset: 0;            background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff 0%, transparent 100%);        }        .color-black-panel {            position: absolute;            inset: 0;            background: linear-gradient(to top, #000 0%, transparent 100%);        }        .color-panel-slider-thumb {            position: absolute;            top: 0;            left: 0;            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);            width: 5px;            height: 5px;            box-shadow: 0 0 2px #5a5a5a;            border: 3px solid #fff;            border-radius: 50%;            pointer-events: none;        }    }    .hue-panel {        position: relative;        height: 12px;        margin: 20px 0;        background: linear-gradient(to right, red 0, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, red);    }    .alpha-panel {        position: relative;        height: 12px;        background: url('../../assets/images/alpha.png');        .alpha-panel-cover {            position: absolute;            inset: 0;        }        .alpha-slider-thumb {            left: 100%;        }    }}.hue-slider-thumb,.alpha-slider-thumb {    position: absolute;    left: 0;    top: 50%;    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);    width: 5px;    height: 140%;    border-radius: 4px;    background-color: #fff;    box-shadow: 0 0 2px #5a5a5a;    cursor: pointer;    pointer-events: none;}</style>


<template>    <div class="color-box">        <div class="top-part">            <div :style="{ width: width + 'px', height: width + 'px' }" class="color-panel" ref="colorPanel"                @mousedown="colorPanelMD">                <div class="value-bg" ref="valueBg"></div>                <div ref="colorPanelSliderThumb" class="color-panel-slider-thumb"></div>            </div>            <div class="value-panel" @mousedown="valuePanelMD" ref="valuePanel" :style="{ height: width + 'px' }">                <div ref="valuePanelSliderThumb" class="value-slider-thumb"></div>            </div>        </div>        <div :style="{ width: width + 'px' }" class="alpha-panel" ref="alphaPanel" @mousedown="alphaPanelMD">            <div class="alpha-panel-cover"                :style="{ background: `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 0, ${colorPanelColor} 100%)` }">            </div>            <div ref="alphaPanelSliderThumb" class="alpha-slider-thumb"></div>        </div>    </div></template><script>import convert from 'color-convert'import { colorTypeConversion } from '@/utils'export default {    props: {        width: {            type: Number,            default: 200,            required: false,        },        color: {            type: String,            required: true,            default: ''        }    },    data() {        return {            h: 0,            s: 0,            v: 100,            alpha: 1,            colorPanelColor: '#fff',        };    },    mounted() {        this.changeColor(this.color)    },    methods: {        // 设置颜色 转换颜色为hsv类型        changeColor(val) {            let colorObj = colorTypeConversion(val)            if (colorObj?.alpha) {                this.alpha = colorObj.alpha            }            if (colorObj?.color?.length == 3) {                let [h, s, v] = colorObj.color                // 判断当前颜色是否和需要转换的颜色是否一致,一致则不进行转换                if (this.h !== h || this.s !== s || this.v !== v) {                    this.h = colorObj.color[0]                    this.s = colorObj.color[1]                    this.v = colorObj.color[2]                    this.$nextTick(() => {                        this.initPosi();                    })                }            }        },        // 初始化hsv初始位置        initPosi() {            // 设置明值位置即右侧柱子按钮位置            let height = this.$refs.valuePanel.getBoundingClientRect().height            this.$refs.valuePanelSliderThumb.style.top = height - height * this.v / 100 + 'px'            this.$refs.valueBg.style.background = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${Number(1 - (this.v / 100).toFixed(2))})`            // 获取饱和度(长度) 和 色相(夹角)            const vector = [0, 1]; // 假设圆心为坐标原点,并使用夹角度数配合旋转矩阵以及按钮距离圆心的长度求取按钮在色盘中的位置            let r = this.width / 2            let length = this.s / 100 * r            let angle = -Number((this.h - Math.PI / 180).toFixed(2))            // 将角度转为弧度            const angleInRadians = angle * Math.PI / 180;            // 计算另一个向量            const x = vector[0] * Math.cos(angleInRadians) - vector[1] * Math.sin(angleInRadians);            const y = vector[0] * Math.sin(angleInRadians) + vector[1] * Math.cos(angleInRadians);            // 根据长度进行缩放            const scaleFactor = length / Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);            const newX = x * scaleFactor;            const newY = y * scaleFactor;            this.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = newX + r + 'px'            this.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = r - newY + 'px'            // 给底部透明度设置背景            this.colorPanelColor = '#' + convert.hsv.hex(this.h, this.s, this.v)            // 设置透明度按钮位置            let { width } = this.$refs.alphaPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            this.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = width * this.alpha + 'px'        },        colorPanelMD(e) {            let that = this            const colorPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb            colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = e.offsetX + 'px'            colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = e.offsetY + 'px'            that.calculateAngle() // 计算夹角 获取色相            let initLeft = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let initTop = colorPanelSliderThumb.offsetTop            let initX = e.pageX            let initY = e.pageY            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                let x = e.pageX - initX + initLeft                let y = e.pageY - initY + initTop                colorPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.circleJudgeBoundary(x, y).targetX + 'px'                colorPanelSliderThumb.style.top = that.circleJudgeBoundary(x, y).targetY + 'px'                that.calculateAngle() // 计算夹角 获取色相            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp(e) {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        // 获取当前滑块的向量坐标归一化 并获取其饱和度值        calcSliderThumbVector() {            let r = this.width / 2            const colorPanel = this.$refs.colorPanel            const colorPanelSliderThumb = this.$refs.colorPanelSliderThumb            let { width, height, left, top } = colorPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let originX = left + width / 2 - colorPanel.offsetLeft            let originY = top + height / 2 - colorPanel.offsetTop            let x = (colorPanelSliderThumb.getBoundingClientRect().left - left + colorPanelSliderThumb.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2) - originX            let y = originY - (colorPanelSliderThumb.getBoundingClientRect().top - top + colorPanelSliderThumb.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2)            // 获取饱和度            let s = Number((Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / r * 100).toFixed(2))            this.s = s <= 100 ? s : 100            return this.normalizeVector([x, y])        },        // 归一化二维向量        normalizeVector(vector) {            // 计算向量的模长            const magnitude = Math.sqrt(vector[0] ** 2 + vector[1] ** 2);            // 将向量的每个分量除以模长            const normalizedVector = [vector[0] / magnitude, vector[1] / magnitude];            return normalizedVector;        },        // 计算两个二维向量的夹角 夹角度数即色相        calculateAngle(vectorA = [0, 1], vectorB = this.calcSliderThumbVector(), isGetRGBA = true) {            // 计算向量的点积            const dotProduct = vectorA[0] * vectorB[0] + vectorA[1] * vectorB[1];            // 计算向量的模长            const magnitudeA = Math.sqrt(vectorA[0] ** 2 + vectorA[1] ** 2);            const magnitudeB = Math.sqrt(vectorB[0] ** 2 + vectorB[1] ** 2);            // 计算夹角的余弦值            let cosTheta;            if (magnitudeA * magnitudeB === 0) {                cosTheta = 0            } else {                cosTheta = dotProduct / (magnitudeA * magnitudeB);            }            // 计算夹角的弧度值            const angleRad = Math.acos(cosTheta);            let h;            if (vectorB[0] < 0 && isGetRGBA) {                h = Number((((2 * Math.PI - angleRad) * 180) / Math.PI).toFixed(2));            } else {                h = Number(((angleRad * 180) / Math.PI).toFixed(2));            }            this.h = h            if (isGetRGBA) this.getRGBA();            return h;        },        // 圆盘边界判断        circleJudgeBoundary(targetX, targetY) {            const colorPanel = this.$refs.colorPanel            let { width, height, left, top } = colorPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let originX = left + width / 2 - colorPanel.offsetLeft            let originY = top + height / 2 - colorPanel.offsetTop            let x = targetX - originX            let y = originY - targetY            // 判断鼠标是否已经超出的圆盘 如果超出了圆盘 则将鼠标位置限制在圆盘内            if (Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) <= this.width / 2) {                return { targetX, targetY }            } else {                // 计算目标坐标的夹角                let angle = this.calculateAngle([x, 0], [x, y], false)                // 计算标记点在圆盘边缘的坐标位置 以圆盘中心为原点                let r = this.width / 2 // 半径                let realX = (r * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)) * (x / Math.abs(x)) + r                let realY = r - (r * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180)) * (y / Math.abs(y))                return { targetX: Number(realX.toFixed(2)), targetY: Number(realY.toFixed(2)) }            }        },        valuePanelMD(e) {            let that = this            let valuePanel = that.$refs.valuePanel            let { top, height } = valuePanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let valuePanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.valuePanelSliderThumb            let initY = e.pageY            valuePanelSliderThumb.style.top = initY - top - valuePanelSliderThumb.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2 + 'px'            that.getValue()            let initTop = valuePanelSliderThumb.offsetTop            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                valuePanelSliderThumb.style.top = that.judgeBoundary(initTop + e.pageY - initY, 0, height) + 'px'                that.getValue()            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp() {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        // 获取明值        getValue() {            let valuePanel = this.$refs.valuePanel            let { height } = valuePanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let offsetTop = this.$refs.valuePanelSliderThumb.offsetTop            this.v = 100 - Number((offsetTop / height * 100).toFixed(2))            this.$refs.valueBg.style.background = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${Number(1 - (this.v / 100).toFixed(2))})`            this.getRGBA()        },        // 透明度鼠标事件        alphaPanelMD(e) {            let that = this            let alphaPanel = that.$refs.alphaPanel            let alphaPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb            let { width } = alphaPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.offsetX, 0, width) + 'px'            that.getAlpha();            let initLeft = alphaPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft            let initX = e.pageX            document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)            function mouseMove(e) {                alphaPanelSliderThumb.style.left = that.judgeBoundary(e.pageX - initX + initLeft, 0, width) + 'px'                that.getAlpha();            }            document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            function mouseUp() {                document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove)                document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp)            }        },        getAlpha() {            let that = this            let alphaPanel = that.$refs.alphaPanel            let alphaPanelSliderThumb = that.$refs.alphaPanelSliderThumb            let { width } = alphaPanel.getBoundingClientRect()            let alpha = (alphaPanelSliderThumb.offsetLeft / width).toFixed(2)            that.alpha = alpha            this.getRGBA();        },        // 获取RGBA色值        getRGBA() {            let color = convert.hsv.rgb(this.h, this.s, this.v)            let rgba = `rgba(${color[0]}, ${color[1]}, ${color[2]}, ${this.alpha})`            this.colorPanelColor = `rgb(${color[0]}, ${color[1]}, ${color[2]})`            this.$emit('change', rgba)        },        // 明值和透明度边界判断        judgeBoundary(value, min, max) {            if (value < min) {                return min            }            if (value > max) {                return max            }            return value        },    },};</script><style lang="scss" scoped>.color-box {    .top-part {        display: flex;        .color-panel {            position: relative;            border-radius: 50%;            background: conic-gradient(red 0, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, red);            &::before {                content: '';                position: absolute;                inset: 0;                border-radius: 50%;                z-index: 10000;                background: radial-gradient(#fff 0, transparent 80%);            }            .value-bg {                position: absolute;                inset: 0;                z-index: 10010;                border-radius: 50%;            }            .color-panel-slider-thumb {                position: absolute;                top: 50%;                left: 50%;                z-index: 10999;                transform: translate(-50%, -50%);                width: 6px;                height: 6px;                background: #fff;                border: 1px solid #000;                border-radius: 50%;                pointer-events: none;                box-sizing: border-box;            }        }        .value-panel {            position: relative;            width: 12px;            background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 0, #000 100%);            margin-left: 20px;            .value-slider-thumb {                position: absolute;                top: 0;                left: 50%;                transform: translate(-50%, 0);                width: 120%;                height: 5px;                border-radius: 4px;                background-color: #fff;                box-shadow: 0 0 2px #5a5a5a;                pointer-events: none;            }        }    }    .alpha-panel {        position: relative;        height: 12px;        background: url('../../assets/images/alpha.png');        margin-top: 20px;        .alpha-panel-cover {            position: absolute;            inset: 0;        }        .alpha-slider-thumb {            position: absolute;            left: 100%;            top: 50%;            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);            width: 5px;            height: 140%;            border-radius: 4px;            background-color: #fff;            box-shadow: 0 0 2px #5a5a5a;            cursor: pointer;            pointer-events: none;        }    }}</style>


import convert from 'color-convert'// color: 颜色,type: 需要转换的类型export function colorTypeConversion(color, type = 'hsv') {    let reg = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)/g    // 判断颜色类型 并转换    if (color.startsWith('#')) {        return {            color: convert.hex[type](color),            alpha: 1        }    } else if (color.startsWith('rgba')) {        let arr = color.match(reg).map(item => Number(item))        return {            color: convert.rgb[type](arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]),            alpha: arr[3]        }    } else if (color.startsWith('rgb')) {        let arr = color.match(reg).map(item => Number(item))        return {            color: convert.rgb[type](arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]),            alpha: 1        }    } else if (color.startsWith('hsl')) {        let arr = color.match(reg)        return {            color: convert.hsl[type]([arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]]),            alpha: 1        }    } else {        return {            color: convert.hex[type](color),            alpha: 1        }    }}


<template>    <div class="page1">        <div class="box">            <div style="margin-bottom: 25px;">                <span>{{ color }}</span>                <div class="show-color" :style="{ background: color }"></div>            </div>            <SquareColor ref="squareColor" :color="color" @change="changeColor1" />            <button @click="setColor1">修改为 rgba(255, 82, 111, 0.5)</button>        </div>        <div class="box">            <div style="margin-bottom: 25px;">                <span>{{ color2 }}</span>                <div class="show-color" :style="{ background: color2 }"></div>            </div>            <CircleColor ref="circleColor" :color="color2" @change="changeColor2" />            <button @click="setColor2">修改为 #5fff45</button>        </div>    </div></template><script>import SquareColor from '@/components/color/square.vue'import CircleColor from '@/components/color/circle.vue'export default {    name: 'ComponentPage1',    components: {        SquareColor,        CircleColor,    },    data() {        return {            color: 'hsl(107.74deg 88.62% 47.73%)',            color2: 'rgba(255, 66, 237, 1)',        };    },    mounted() { },    methods: {        setColor1() {            this.color = 'rgba(255, 82, 111, 0.5)'            this.$refs.squareColor.changeColor('rgba(255, 82, 111, 0.5)')        },        setColor2() {            this.color2 = '#5fff45'            this.$refs.circleColor.changeColor('#5fff45')        },        changeColor1(color) {            this.color = color        },        changeColor2(color) {            this.color2 = color        }    },};</script><style lang="scss" scoped>.page1 {    display: flex;    flex-wrap: wrap;    gap: 50px;    padding: 100px;    .box {        padding: 20px;        box-shadow: 0 0 8px #b8b7b7;        border-radius: 10px;        .show-color {            display: inline-block;            width: 100px;            height: 25px;            margin-left: 25px;            vertical-align: middle;            box-shadow: 0 0 8px #b8b7b7;            border-radius: 4px;        }    }}button {    background-color: #409eff;    color: #fff;    border: none;    padding: 8px 15px;    border-radius: 4px;    margin: 20px 0;    cursor: pointer;}</style>




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